Dennis Milbert

Updated:  2-may-02

The program, getgeo, scans some of my older ".lst" files and converts the static solution XYZ into ellipsoidal coordinates.



Program runs in a DOS window, and does not use file names. It reads data from standard input and sends it to standard output. Use the redirection ("<" and ">") symbols to indicate the files. Example:

   getgeo < ddpr1.lst > ddprpos.txt

The program will then scan the input file, and convert the solution XYZ to ellipsoidal. The GRS80 ellipsoid is used. (Which can be considered equivalent to the WGS84 ellipsoid at the sub-millimeter level.)

One file is generated as output. It's name is whatever you selected after the ">" redirection symbol. If you omit the ">", output will be sent to your screen. If you omit the "<", the program will wait forever for input. You can cancel the program by pressing "ctrl" and "c" at the same time.

Input File:

The program scans the file for the string, "adjusted point". If it finds it, it treats the next two lines as XYZ, and converts them to ellipsoidal coordinates.

This program is built to process ".lst" files from ddpr1, tdxl, and other similar programs.

Output File:

Plain ASCII, geodetic lat/lon (DMS) and ellipsoidal height.


This program was just a quick hack. I built it so that I could feed experimental solutions back into my "pos" files.

Output File Format

The first line is an echo of the line containing "adjusted point".

The format of the ellipsoidal coordinates are:

01-33  blank
34-35  geodetic latitude, degrees
36-37     "        "    , minutes
38-44   "        "    , units of 0.00001 arc-seconds
45-45  (N/S) -- "N" positive north, "S" positive south
46-48  geodetic longitude, degrees
49-50     "         "    , minutes
51-57     "         "    , units of 0.00001 arc-seconds
58-58  (W/E) -- "W" positive west, "E" positive east
59-65  ellipsoidal height, units of millimeters


This is "no frills" software. There are no warranties of any sort. No Windows GUI. Just the core function.

Source Code and Binary Executable

The Fortran source code is getgeo.for.

The compiled executable (zipped) is getgeo.exe.

To Contact Me

My e-mail user name is the first initial of my first name followed by all the letters of my last name (see above). My ISP is "comcast", and it is a "dot-net", not a "dot-com". Sorry for not spelling out my e-mail address, but I try to keep the spam-bots from fingering me. But, just so the spam-bots don't feel left out, they can always go to abuse@comcast.net

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