program getgeo *** compute geodetic lat, lon, eht from xyz from my programs implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical frmxyz character*80 card character*1 adir1,adir2 common/const/pi,pi2,rad common/opt/a,e2 pi2=2.d0*datan(1.d0) pi=pi2+pi2 rad=180.d0/pi *** grs-80 ellipsoid (geod.hand. 66(2), 1992, pg. 191) a =6378137.d0 e2= 0.0066943800229d0 *** scan .lst file for string -- translate next two records 100 read(*,'(a)',end=777) card if(index(card,'adjusted point').gt.0) then write(*,'(a)') card read(*,*) x,y,z if(.not.frmxyz(x,y,z,glat,glon,eht)) then write(*,*) 'error in frmxyz()' stop 666 endif gla=rad*glat glo=rad*glon if( glo=glo+360.d0 call todmsp(glat,id1,im1,s1,isign) if( then adir1='N' else adir1='S' endif call todmsp(glon,id2,im2,s2,isign) if( then adir2='E' else adir2='W' endif is1=idnint(s1*1.d5) is2=idnint(s2*1.d5) ieht=idnint(eht*1.d3) write(*,1) id1,im1,is1,adir1,id2,im2,is2,adir2,ieht 1 format(34x,i2.2,i2.2,i7.7,a1,i3.3,i2.2,i7.7,a1,i7.3) *** do it again read(*,*) x,y,z if(.not.frmxyz(x,y,z,glat,glon,eht)) then write(*,*) 'error in frmxyz()' stop 666 endif gla=rad*glat glo=rad*glon if( glo=glo+360.d0 call todmsp(glat,id1,im1,s1,isign) if( then adir1='N' else adir1='S' endif call todmsp(glon,id2,im2,s2,isign) if( then adir2='E' else adir2='W' endif is1=idnint(s1*1.d5) is2=idnint(s2*1.d5) ieht=idnint(eht*1.d3) write(*,1) id1,im1,is1,adir1,id2,im2,is2,adir2,ieht endif go to 100 777 continue end logical function frmxyz(x,y,z,glat,glon,eht) *** convert x,y,z into geodetic lat, lon, and ellip. ht *** ref: eq a.4b, p. 132, appendix a, osu #370 *** ref: geom geod notes gs 658, rapp implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(maxint=10,tol=1.d-14) common/opt/a,e2 ae2=a*e2 *** compute initial estimate of reduced latitude (eht=0) p=dsqrt(x*x+y*y) icount=0 tgla=z/p/(1.d0-e2) *** iterate to convergence, or to max # iterations 1 if(icount.le.maxint) then tglax=tgla tgla=z/(p-(ae2/dsqrt(1.d0+(1.d0-e2)*tgla*tgla))) icount=icount+1 if(dabs(tgla-tglax).gt.tol) go to 1 *** convergence achieved frmxyz=.true. glat=datan(tgla) slat=dsin(glat) clat=dcos(glat) glon=datan2(y,x) w=dsqrt(1.d0-e2*slat*slat) en=a/w if(dabs(glat).le.0.7854d0) then eht=p/clat-en else eht=z/slat-en+e2*en endif glon=datan2(y,x) *** too many iterations else frmxyz=.false. glat=0.d0 glon=0.d0 eht=0.d0 endif return end subroutine todmsp(val,id,im,s,isign) *** convert position radians to deg,min,sec *** range is [-pi to +pi] implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) common/const/pi,pi2,rad 1 if( then val=val-pi-pi go to 1 endif 2 if( then val=val+pi+pi go to 2 endif if( then isign=-1 else isign=+1 endif s=dabs(val*rad) id=idint(s) s=(s-id)*60.d0 im=idint(s) s=(s-im)*60.d0 *** account for rounding error is=idnint(s*1.d5) if( then s=0.d0 im=im+1 endif if( then im=0 id=id+1 endif return end