program garbin *** capture binary stuff from a garmin 12xl *** this version retains the garmin protocol wrappers and stuffing USE DFLIB USE DFPORT implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) integer*2 lenbuf character*7 abuf CHARACTER*1024 sbuf,rbuf lout=1 open(lout,file='garbin.bin',form='formatted') *** argument for log time narg=NARGS()-1 if(narg.eq.1) then call GETARG(1,abuf,lenbuf) if( stop 20002 read(abuf,'(i7)') logsec else write(*,*) 'not single argument' logsec=5 endif seclog=dble(logsec) *** set up the port parameters after connecting to the port and *** leave them unchanged until after the port has been released *** port is com1, 9600 baud, 8-N-1 (no parity = 0, 1 stop = 0) iport=1 ibaud=9600 ipar=0 idat=8 istop=0 if(SPORT_CONNECT(iport,0) .ne.0) stop 10001 if(SPORT_CANCEL_IO(iport) .ne.0) stop 10002 if(SPORT_SET_STATE(iport,ibaud,ipar,idat,istop).ne.0) stop 10003 if(SPORT_SET_TIMEOUTS(iport,100,0,1000).ne.0) stop 10005 *********************************************************************** *** the following is the message to begin asynchronous comms *** *********************************************************************** call asynk2(z'20',z'00',sbuf,lbuf) *********************************************************************** if(SPORT_WRITE_DATA(iport,sbuf,lbuf).ne.0) stop 10006 *** start the timer -- log data until time elapses elapsed=TIMEF( ) elapsed=0.d0 100 if( then if(SPORT_READ_DATA(iport,rbuf,lbuf).ne.0) stop 10007 do 90 i=1,lbuf 90 write(lout,'(a$)') rbuf(i:i) elapsed=TIMEF( ) write(*,'(a,f9.1,a$)') 't=',elapsed,char(13) go to 100 endif if(SPORT_RELEASE(iport).ne.0) stop 10008 close(lout) end subroutine asynk2(b1,b2,sbuf,lbuf) *** build 2 byte message (b1,b2) in type x1C packet *** note: does not implement DLE stuffing (c.f. checksum) integer*1 b1,b2,cksum character*(*) sbuf integer*1 EOD,DLE,ETX,ACK,NAK parameter(DLE = z'10') parameter(ETX = z'03') parameter(ACK = z'06') parameter(NAK = z'15') parameter(EOD = z'0C') !*** End of Data (in request commands) lbuf=8 !*** data length = 2 bytes sbuf(1:1)=char(DLE) sbuf(2:2)=char(z'1C') !*** message id -- asynchronous comms sbuf(3:3)=char(z'02') !*** data length = 2 bytes sbuf(4:4)=char(b1) sbuf(5:5)=char(b2) sbuf(6:6)=char(cksum(sbuf,lbuf)) sbuf(7:7)=char(DLE) sbuf(8:8)=char(ETX) return end integer*1 function cksum(sbuf,lbuf) *** checksum on Garmin protocol buffer character*(*) sbuf integer*1 chksum chksum = 0 do 100 i=2,lbuf-3 100 chksum=chksum+ichar(sbuf(i:i)) cksum=not(chksum)+1 return end