program solid *** driver to test solid earth tide *** UTC version implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension rsun(3),rmoon(3),etide(3),xsta(3) logical lflag !*** leap second table limit flag common/stuff/rad,pi,pi2 common/comgrs/a,e2 write(*,*) 'program solid -- UTC version -- 2018jun01' *** constants pi=4.d0*datan(1.d0) pi2=pi+pi rad=180.d0/pi *** grs80 a=6378137.d0 e2=6.69438002290341574957d-03 lout=1 open(lout,file='solid.txt',form='formatted',status='unknown') *** query section 1 write(*,'(a$)') 'Enter year [1901-2099]: ' read(*,*) iyr if( go to 1 2 write(*,'(a$)') 'Enter month number [1-12]: ' read(*,*) imo if( go to 2 3 write(*,'(a$)') 'Enter day [1-31]: ' read(*,*) idy if( go to 3 4 write(*,'(a$)') 'Lat. (pos N.) [- 90, +90]: ' read(*,*) glad if( go to 4 5 write(*,'(a$)') 'Lon. (pos E.) [-360,+360]: ' read(*,*) glod if( go to 5 *** position of observing point (positive East) if( 0.d0) glod=glod+360.d0 if( glod=glod-360.d0 gla0=glad/rad glo0=glod/rad eht0=0.d0 call geoxyz(gla0,glo0,eht0,x0,y0,z0) xsta(1)=x0 xsta(2)=y0 xsta(3)=z0 *** header write(lout,'(a,i5,2i3)') 'year,month,day= ',iyr,imo,idy write(lout,'(a,2f15.9)') 'lat, East lon.= ',glad,glod *** here comes the sun (and the moon) (go, tide!) ihr= 0 imn= 0 sec=0.d0 !*** UTC time system call civmjd(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,mjd,fmjd) call mjdciv(mjd,fmjd,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) !*** normalize civil time call setjd0(iyr,imo,idy) tdel2=1.d0/60.d0/24.d0 !*** 1 minute steps do iloop=0,60*24 lflag=.false. !*** false means flag not raised call sunxyz (mjd,fmjd,rsun,lflag) !*** mjd/fmjd in UTC call moonxyz(mjd,fmjd,rmoon,lflag) !*** mjd/fmjd in UTC call detide (xsta,mjd,fmjd,rsun,rmoon,etide,lflag) !*** mjd/fmjd in UTC xt = etide(1) yt = etide(2) zt = etide(3) *** determine local geodetic horizon components (topocentric) call rge(gla0,glo0,ut,vt,wt,xt, yt, zt) !*** tide vector call mjdciv(mjd,fmjd +0.001d0/86400.d0, * iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec-0.001d0) tsec=ihr*3600.d0+imn*60.d0+sec write(lout,'(f8.1,3f10.6)') tsec,ut,vt,wt fmjd=fmjd+tdel2 fmjd=(idnint(fmjd*86400.d0))/86400.d0 !*** force 1 sec. granularity enddo *** test flag and end of processing if(lflag) then write(*,'(a)') 'Mild Warning -- time crossed leap second table' write(*,'(a)') ' boundaries. Boundary edge value used instead' endif write(*,'(a)') 'End Of Processing -------------------------------' end *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ subroutine detide(xsta,mjd,fmjd,xsun,xmon,dxtide,lflag) *** computation of tidal corrections of station displacements caused *** by lunar and solar gravitational attraction *** UTC version *** step 1 (here general degree 2 and 3 corrections + *** call st1idiu + call st1isem + call st1l1) *** + step 2 (call step2diu + call step2lon + call step2idiu) *** it has been decided that the step 3 un-correction for permanent tide *** would *not* be applied in order to avoid jump in the reference frame *** (this step 3 must added in order to get the mean tide station position *** and to be conformed with the iag resolution.) *** inputs *** xsta(i),i=1,2,3 -- geocentric position of the station (ITRF/ECEF) *** xsun(i),i=1,2,3 -- geoc. position of the sun (ECEF) *** xmon(i),i=1,2,3 -- geoc. position of the moon (ECEF) *** mjd,fmjd -- modified julian day (and fraction) (in UTC time) ****old calling sequence***************************************************** *** dmjd -- time in mean julian date (including day fraction) *** fhr=hr+zmin/60.+sec/3600. -- hr in the day *** outputs *** dxtide(i),i=1,2,3 -- displacement vector (ITRF) *** lflag -- leap second table limit flag, false:flag not raised *** author iers 1996 : v. dehant, s. mathews and j. gipson *** (test between two subroutines) *** author iers 2000 : v. dehant, c. bruyninx and s. mathews *** (test in the bernese program by c. bruyninx) *** created: 96/03/23 (see above) *** modified from dehanttideinelMJD.f by Dennis Milbert 2006sep10 *** bug fix regarding fhr (changed calling sequence, too) *** modified to reflect table 7.5a and b IERS Conventions 2003 *** modified to use TT time system to call step 2 functions *** sign correction by V.Dehant to match eq.16b, p.81, Conventions *** applied by Dennis Milbert 2007may05 *** UTC version by Dennis Milbert 2018june01 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) double precision xsta(3),xsun(3),xmon(3),dxtide(3),xcorsta(3) double precision h20,l20,h3,l3,h2,l2 double precision mass_ratio_sun,mass_ratio_moon logical lflag,leapflag save /limitflag/ !*** leap second table limit flag common/limitflag/leapflag !*** leap second table limit flag *** nominal second degree and third degree love numbers and shida numbers data h20/0.6078d0/,l20/0.0847d0/,h3/0.292d0/,l3/0.015d0/ *** internal support for new calling sequence *** first, convert UTC time into TT time (and, bring leapflag into variable) leapflag=lflag tsecutc =fmjd*86400.d0 !*** UTC time (sec of day) tsectt =utc2ttt(tsecutc) !*** TT time (sec of day) fmjdtt =tsectt/86400.d0 !*** TT time (fract. day) lflag = leapflag dmjdtt=mjd+fmjdtt !*** float MJD in TT *** commented line was live code in dehanttideinelMJD.f *** changed on the suggestion of Dr. Don Kim, UNB -- 09mar21 *** Julian date for 2000 January 1 00:00:00.0 UT is JD 2451544.5 *** MJD for 2000 January 1 00:00:00.0 UT is MJD 51544.0 ***** t=(dmjdtt-51545.d0)/36525.d0 !*** days to centuries, TT t=(dmjdtt-51544.d0)/36525.d0 !*** days to centuries, TT fhr=(dmjdtt-int(dmjdtt))*24.d0 !*** hours in the day, TT *** scalar product of station vector with sun/moon vector call sprod(xsta,xsun,scs,rsta,rsun) call sprod(xsta,xmon,scm,rsta,rmon) scsun=scs/rsta/rsun scmon=scm/rsta/rmon *** computation of new h2 and l2 cosphi=dsqrt(xsta(1)*xsta(1) + xsta(2)*xsta(2))/rsta h2=h20-0.0006d0*(1.d0-3.d0/2.d0*cosphi*cosphi) l2=l20+0.0002d0*(1.d0-3.d0/2.d0*cosphi*cosphi) *** p2-term p2sun=3.d0*(h2/2.d0-l2)*scsun*scsun-h2/2.d0 p2mon=3.d0*(h2/2.d0-l2)*scmon*scmon-h2/2.d0 *** p3-term p3sun=5.d0/2.d0*(h3-3.d0*l3)*scsun**3+3.d0/2.d0*(l3-h3)*scsun p3mon=5.d0/2.d0*(h3-3.d0*l3)*scmon**3+3.d0/2.d0*(l3-h3)*scmon *** term in direction of sun/moon vector x2sun=3.d0*l2*scsun x2mon=3.d0*l2*scmon x3sun=3.d0*l3/2.d0*(5.d0*scsun*scsun-1.d0) x3mon=3.d0*l3/2.d0*(5.d0*scmon*scmon-1.d0) *** factors for sun/moon mass_ratio_sun=332945.943062d0 mass_ratio_moon=0.012300034d0 re =6378136.55d0 fac2sun=mass_ratio_sun*re*(re/rsun)**3 fac2mon=mass_ratio_moon*re*(re/rmon)**3 fac3sun=fac2sun*(re/rsun) fac3mon=fac2mon*(re/rmon) *** total displacement do i=1,3 dxtide(i)=fac2sun*( x2sun*xsun(i)/rsun + p2sun*xsta(i)/rsta ) + * fac2mon*( x2mon*xmon(i)/rmon + p2mon*xsta(i)/rsta ) + * fac3sun*( x3sun*xsun(i)/rsun + p3sun*xsta(i)/rsta ) + * fac3mon*( x3mon*xmon(i)/rmon + p3mon*xsta(i)/rsta ) enddo call zero_vec8(xcorsta) *** corrections for the out-of-phase part of love numbers *** (part h_2^(0)i and l_2^(0)i ) *** first, for the diurnal band call st1idiu(xsta,xsun,xmon,fac2sun,fac2mon,xcorsta) dxtide(1)=dxtide(1)+xcorsta(1) dxtide(2)=dxtide(2)+xcorsta(2) dxtide(3)=dxtide(3)+xcorsta(3) *** second, for the semi-diurnal band call st1isem(xsta,xsun,xmon,fac2sun,fac2mon,xcorsta) dxtide(1)=dxtide(1)+xcorsta(1) dxtide(2)=dxtide(2)+xcorsta(2) dxtide(3)=dxtide(3)+xcorsta(3) *** corrections for the latitude dependence of love numbers (part l^(1) ) call st1l1(xsta,xsun,xmon,fac2sun,fac2mon,xcorsta) dxtide(1)=dxtide(1)+xcorsta(1) dxtide(2)=dxtide(2)+xcorsta(2) dxtide(3)=dxtide(3)+xcorsta(3) *** consider corrections for step 2 *** corrections for the diurnal band: *** first, we need to know the date converted in julian centuries *** this is now handled at top of code (also convert to TT time system) ***** t=(dmjd-51545.)/36525. ***** fhr=dmjd-int(dmjd) !*** this is/was a buggy line (day vs. hr) *** second, the diurnal band corrections, *** (in-phase and out-of-phase frequency dependence): call step2diu(xsta,fhr,t,xcorsta) dxtide(1)=dxtide(1)+xcorsta(1) dxtide(2)=dxtide(2)+xcorsta(2) dxtide(3)=dxtide(3)+xcorsta(3) *** corrections for the long-period band, *** (in-phase and out-of-phase frequency dependence): call step2lon(xsta,fhr,t,xcorsta) dxtide(1)=dxtide(1)+xcorsta(1) dxtide(2)=dxtide(2)+xcorsta(2) dxtide(3)=dxtide(3)+xcorsta(3) *** consider corrections for step 3 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * The code below is commented to prevent restoring deformation * due to permanent tide. All the code above removes * total tidal deformation with conventional Love numbers. * The code above realizes a conventional tide free crust (i.e. ITRF). * This does NOT conform to Resolution 16 of the 18th General Assembly * of the IAG (1983). This resolution has not been implemented by * the space geodesy community in general (c.f. IERS Conventions 2003). *----------------------------------------------------------------------- *** uncorrect for the permanent tide (only if you want mean tide system) *** pi=3.141592654 *** sinphi=xsta(3)/rsta *** cosphi=dsqrt(xsta(1)**2+xsta(2)**2)/rsta *** cosla=xsta(1)/cosphi/rsta *** sinla=xsta(2)/cosphi/rsta *** dr=-dsqrt(5./4./pi)*h2*0.31460*(3./2.*sinphi**2-0.5) *** dn=-dsqrt(5./4./pi)*l2*0.31460*3.*cosphi*sinphi *** dxtide(1)=dxtide(1)-dr*cosla*cosphi+dn*cosla*sinphi *** dxtide(2)=dxtide(2)-dr*sinla*cosphi+dn*sinla*sinphi *** dxtide(3)=dxtide(3)-dr*sinphi -dn*cosphi return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine st1l1(xsta,xsun,xmon,fac2sun,fac2mon,xcorsta) *** this subroutine gives the corrections induced by the latitude dependence *** given by l^(1) in mahtews et al (1991) *** input: xsta,xsun,xmon,fac3sun,fac3mon *** output: xcorsta implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension xsta(3),xsun(3),xmon(3),xcorsta(3) double precision l1,l1d,l1sd data l1d/0.0012d0/,l1sd/0.0024d0/ rsta=enorm8(xsta) sinphi=xsta(3)/rsta cosphi=dsqrt(xsta(1)**2+xsta(2)**2)/rsta sinla=xsta(2)/cosphi/rsta cosla=xsta(1)/cosphi/rsta rmon=enorm8(xmon) rsun=enorm8(xsun) *** for the diurnal band l1=l1d dnsun=-l1*sinphi**2*fac2sun*xsun(3)*(xsun(1)*cosla+xsun(2)*sinla) * /rsun**2 dnmon=-l1*sinphi**2*fac2mon*xmon(3)*(xmon(1)*cosla+xmon(2)*sinla) * /rmon**2 desun=l1*sinphi*(cosphi**2-sinphi**2)*fac2sun*xsun(3)* * (xsun(1)*sinla-xsun(2)*cosla)/rsun**2 demon=l1*sinphi*(cosphi**2-sinphi**2)*fac2mon*xmon(3)* * (xmon(1)*sinla-xmon(2)*cosla)/rmon**2 de=3.d0*(desun+demon) dn=3.d0*(dnsun+dnmon) xcorsta(1)=-de*sinla-dn*sinphi*cosla xcorsta(2)= de*cosla-dn*sinphi*sinla xcorsta(3)= dn*cosphi *** for the semi-diurnal band l1=l1sd costwola=cosla**2-sinla**2 sintwola=2.d0*cosla*sinla dnsun=-l1/2.d0*sinphi*cosphi*fac2sun*((xsun(1)**2-xsun(2)**2)* * costwola+2.d0*xsun(1)*xsun(2)*sintwola)/rsun**2 dnmon=-l1/2.d0*sinphi*cosphi*fac2mon*((xmon(1)**2-xmon(2)**2)* * costwola+2.d0*xmon(1)*xmon(2)*sintwola)/rmon**2 desun=-l1/2.d0*sinphi**2*cosphi*fac2sun*((xsun(1)**2-xsun(2)**2)* * sintwola-2.d0*xsun(1)*xsun(2)*costwola)/rsun**2 demon=-l1/2.d0*sinphi**2*cosphi*fac2mon*((xmon(1)**2-xmon(2)**2)* * sintwola-2.d0*xmon(1)*xmon(2)*costwola)/rmon**2 de=3.d0*(desun+demon) dn=3.d0*(dnsun+dnmon) xcorsta(1)=xcorsta(1)-de*sinla-dn*sinphi*cosla xcorsta(2)=xcorsta(2)+de*cosla-dn*sinphi*sinla xcorsta(3)=xcorsta(3) +dn*cosphi return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine step2diu(xsta,fhr,t,xcorsta) *** last change: vd 17 may 00 1:20 pm *** these are the subroutines for the step2 of the tidal corrections. *** they are called to account for the frequency dependence *** of the love numbers. implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision xsta(3),xcorsta(3),datdi(9,31) double precision deg2rad data deg2rad/0.017453292519943295769d0/ *** note, following table is derived from dehanttideinelMJD.f (2000oct30 16:10) *** has minor differences from that of dehanttideinel.f (2000apr17 14:10) *** D.M. edited to strictly follow published table 7.5a (2006aug08 13:46) *** cf. table 7.5a of IERS conventions 2003 (TN.32, pg.82) *** columns are s,h,p,N',ps, dR(ip),dR(op),dT(ip),dT(op) *** units of mm data ((datdi(i,j),i=1,9),j=1,31)/ * -3., 0., 2., 0., 0.,-0.01,-0.01, 0.0 , 0.0, * -3., 2., 0., 0., 0.,-0.01,-0.01, 0.0 , 0.0, * -2., 0., 1.,-1., 0.,-0.02,-0.01, 0.0 , 0.0, *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** -2., 0., 1., 0., 0.,-0.08,-0.05, 0.01,-0.02, !*** original entry * -2., 0., 1., 0., 0.,-0.08, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- * -2., 2.,-1., 0., 0.,-0.02,-0.01, 0.0 , 0.0, *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** -1., 0., 0.,-1., 0.,-0.10,-0.05, 0.0 ,-0.02, !*** original entry * -1., 0., 0.,-1., 0.,-0.10, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** -1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,-0.51,-0.26,-0.02,-0.12, !*** original entry * -1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,-0.51, 0.00,-0.02, 0.03, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- * -1., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, * 0.,-2., 1., 0., 0., 0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, * 0., 0.,-1., 0., 0., 0.02, 0.01, 0.0 , 0.0, *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.06, 0.02, 0.0 , 0.01, !*** original entry * 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.06, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- * 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, * 0., 2.,-1., 0., 0., 0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, * 1.,-3., 0., 0., 1.,-0.06, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, !*** table 7.5a * 1.,-2., 0., 1., 0., 0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** 1.,-2., 0., 0., 0.,-1.23,-0.05, 0.06,-0.06, !*** original entry * 1.,-2., 0., 0., 0.,-1.23,-0.07, 0.06, 0.01, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.,-1., 0., 0.,-1., 0.02, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, * 1.,-1., 0., 0., 1., 0.04, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, * 1., 0., 0.,-1., 0.,-0.22, 0.01, 0.01, 0.00, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,12.02,-0.45,-0.66, 0.17, !*** original entry * 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,12.00,-0.78,-0.67,-0.03, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** 1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1.73,-0.07,-0.10, 0.02, !*** original entry * 1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1.73,-0.12,-0.10, 0.00, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1., 0., 0., 2., 0.,-0.04, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** 1., 1., 0., 0.,-1.,-0.50, 0.0 , 0.03, 0.0, !*** original entry * 1., 1., 0., 0.,-1.,-0.50,-0.01, 0.03, 0.00, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** 0., 1., 0., 1.,-1.,-0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, !*** original entry * 1., 1., 0., 1.,-1.,-0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, !*** v.dehant 2007 *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1., 2.,-2., 0., 0.,-0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** 1., 2., 0., 0., 0.,-0.12, 0.01, 0.01, 0.0, !*** original entry * 1., 2., 0., 0., 0.,-0.11, 0.01, 0.01, 0.00, !*** table 7.5a *****----------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2.,-2., 1., 0., 0.,-0.01, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, * 2., 0.,-1., 0., 0.,-0.02, 0.02, 0.0 , 0.01, * 3., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 , 0.01, 0.0 , 0.01, * 3., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.0 , 0.01, 0.0 , 0.0/ s=218.31664563d0+481267.88194d0*t-0.0014663889d0*t*t * +0.00000185139d0*t**3 tau=fhr*15.d0+280.4606184d0+36000.7700536d0*t+0.00038793d0*t*t * -0.0000000258d0*t**3-s pr=1.396971278*t+0.000308889*t*t+0.000000021*t**3 * +0.000000007*t**4 s=s+pr h=280.46645d0+36000.7697489d0*t+0.00030322222d0*t*t * +0.000000020*t**3-0.00000000654*t**4 p=83.35324312d0+4069.01363525d0*t-0.01032172222d0*t*t * -0.0000124991d0*t**3+0.00000005263d0*t**4 zns=234.95544499d0 +1934.13626197d0*t-0.00207561111d0*t*t * -0.00000213944d0*t**3+0.00000001650d0*t**4 ps=282.93734098d0+1.71945766667d0*t+0.00045688889d0*t*t * -0.00000001778d0*t**3-0.00000000334d0*t**4 *** reduce angles to between 0 and 360 s= dmod( s,360.d0) tau=dmod(tau,360.d0) h= dmod( h,360.d0) p= dmod( p,360.d0) zns=dmod(zns,360.d0) ps= dmod( ps,360.d0) rsta=dsqrt(xsta(1)**2+xsta(2)**2+xsta(3)**2) sinphi=xsta(3)/rsta cosphi=dsqrt(xsta(1)**2+xsta(2)**2)/rsta cosla=xsta(1)/cosphi/rsta sinla=xsta(2)/cosphi/rsta zla = datan2(xsta(2),xsta(1)) do i=1,3 xcorsta(i)=0.d0 enddo do j=1,31 thetaf=(tau+datdi(1,j)*s+datdi(2,j)*h+datdi(3,j)*p+ * datdi(4,j)*zns+datdi(5,j)*ps)*deg2rad dr=datdi(6,j)*2.d0*sinphi*cosphi*sin(thetaf+zla)+ * datdi(7,j)*2.d0*sinphi*cosphi*cos(thetaf+zla) dn=datdi(8,j)*(cosphi**2-sinphi**2)*sin(thetaf+zla)+ * datdi(9,j)*(cosphi**2-sinphi**2)*cos(thetaf+zla) ***** following correction by V.Dehant to match eq.16b, p.81, 2003 Conventions ***** de=datdi(8,j)*sinphi*cos(thetaf+zla)+ de=datdi(8,j)*sinphi*cos(thetaf+zla)- * datdi(9,j)*sinphi*sin(thetaf+zla) xcorsta(1)=xcorsta(1)+dr*cosla*cosphi-de*sinla * -dn*sinphi*cosla xcorsta(2)=xcorsta(2)+dr*sinla*cosphi+de*cosla * -dn*sinphi*sinla xcorsta(3)=xcorsta(3)+dr*sinphi+dn*cosphi enddo do i=1,3 xcorsta(i)=xcorsta(i)/1000.d0 enddo return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine step2lon(xsta,fhr,t,xcorsta) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision deg2rad double precision xsta(3),xcorsta(3),datdi(9,5) data deg2rad/0.017453292519943295769d0/ *** cf. table 7.5b of IERS conventions 2003 (TN.32, pg.82) *** columns are s,h,p,N',ps, dR(ip),dT(ip),dR(op),dT(op) *** IERS cols.= s,h,p,N',ps, dR(ip),dR(op),dT(ip),dT(op) *** units of mm data ((datdi(i,j),i=1,9),j=1,5)/ * 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.47, 0.23, 0.16, 0.07, * 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -0.20,-0.12,-0.11,-0.05, * 1, 0,-1, 0, 0, -0.11,-0.08,-0.09,-0.04, * 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.13,-0.11,-0.15,-0.07, * 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, -0.05,-0.05,-0.06,-0.03/ s=218.31664563d0+481267.88194d0*t-0.0014663889d0*t*t * +0.00000185139d0*t**3 pr=1.396971278*t+0.000308889*t*t+0.000000021*t**3 * +0.000000007*t**4 s=s+pr h=280.46645d0+36000.7697489d0*t+0.00030322222d0*t*t * +0.000000020*t**3-0.00000000654*t**4 p=83.35324312d0+4069.01363525d0*t-0.01032172222d0*t*t * -0.0000124991d0*t**3+0.00000005263d0*t**4 zns=234.95544499d0 +1934.13626197d0*t-0.00207561111d0*t*t * -0.00000213944d0*t**3+0.00000001650d0*t**4 ps=282.93734098d0+1.71945766667d0*t+0.00045688889d0*t*t * -0.00000001778d0*t**3-0.00000000334d0*t**4 rsta=dsqrt(xsta(1)**2+xsta(2)**2+xsta(3)**2) sinphi=xsta(3)/rsta cosphi=dsqrt(xsta(1)**2+xsta(2)**2)/rsta cosla=xsta(1)/cosphi/rsta sinla=xsta(2)/cosphi/rsta *** reduce angles to between 0 and 360 s= dmod( s,360.d0) ***** tau=dmod(tau,360.d0) !*** tau not used here--09jul28 h= dmod( h,360.d0) p= dmod( p,360.d0) zns=dmod(zns,360.d0) ps= dmod( ps,360.d0) dr_tot=0.d0 dn_tot=0.d0 do i=1,3 xcorsta(i)=0.d0 enddo *** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *** columns are s,h,p,N',ps, dR(ip),dT(ip),dR(op),dT(op) do j=1,5 thetaf=(datdi(1,j)*s+datdi(2,j)*h+datdi(3,j)*p+ * datdi(4,j)*zns+datdi(5,j)*ps)*deg2rad dr=datdi(6,j)*(3.d0*sinphi**2-1.d0)/2.*cos(thetaf)+ * datdi(8,j)*(3.d0*sinphi**2-1.d0)/2.*sin(thetaf) dn=datdi(7,j)*(cosphi*sinphi*2.d0)*cos(thetaf)+ * datdi(9,j)*(cosphi*sinphi*2.d0)*sin(thetaf) de=0.d0 dr_tot=dr_tot+dr dn_tot=dn_tot+dn xcorsta(1)=xcorsta(1)+dr*cosla*cosphi-de*sinla * -dn*sinphi*cosla xcorsta(2)=xcorsta(2)+dr*sinla*cosphi+de*cosla * -dn*sinphi*sinla xcorsta(3)=xcorsta(3)+dr*sinphi+dn*cosphi enddo do i=1,3 xcorsta(i)=xcorsta(i)/1000.d0 enddo return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine st1idiu(xsta,xsun,xmon,fac2sun,fac2mon,xcorsta) *** this subroutine gives the out-of-phase corrections induced by *** mantle inelasticity in the diurnal band *** input: xsta,xsun,xmon,fac2sun,fac2mon *** output: xcorsta implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension xsta(3),xsun(3),xmon(3),xcorsta(3) data dhi/-0.0025d0/,dli/-0.0007d0/ rsta=enorm8(xsta) sinphi=xsta(3)/rsta cosphi=dsqrt(xsta(1)**2+xsta(2)**2)/rsta cos2phi=cosphi**2-sinphi**2 sinla=xsta(2)/cosphi/rsta cosla=xsta(1)/cosphi/rsta rmon=enorm8(xmon) rsun=enorm8(xsun) drsun=-3.d0*dhi*sinphi*cosphi*fac2sun*xsun(3)*(xsun(1)* * sinla-xsun(2)*cosla)/rsun**2 drmon=-3.d0*dhi*sinphi*cosphi*fac2mon*xmon(3)*(xmon(1)* * sinla-xmon(2)*cosla)/rmon**2 dnsun=-3.d0*dli*cos2phi*fac2sun*xsun(3)*(xsun(1)*sinla- * xsun(2)*cosla)/rsun**2 dnmon=-3.d0*dli*cos2phi*fac2mon*xmon(3)*(xmon(1)*sinla- * xmon(2)*cosla)/rmon**2 desun=-3.d0*dli*sinphi*fac2sun*xsun(3)* * (xsun(1)*cosla+xsun(2)*sinla)/rsun**2 demon=-3.d0*dli*sinphi*fac2mon*xmon(3)* * (xmon(1)*cosla+xmon(2)*sinla)/rmon**2 dr=drsun+drmon dn=dnsun+dnmon de=desun+demon xcorsta(1)=dr*cosla*cosphi-de*sinla-dn*sinphi*cosla xcorsta(2)=dr*sinla*cosphi+de*cosla-dn*sinphi*sinla xcorsta(3)=dr*sinphi +dn*cosphi return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine st1isem(xsta,xsun,xmon,fac2sun,fac2mon,xcorsta) *** this subroutine gives the out-of-phase corrections induced by *** mantle inelasticity in the diurnal band *** input: xsta,xsun,xmon,fac2sun,fac2mon *** output: xcorsta implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension xsta(3),xsun(3),xmon(3),xcorsta(3) data dhi/-0.0022d0/,dli/-0.0007d0/ rsta=enorm8(xsta) sinphi=xsta(3)/rsta cosphi=dsqrt(xsta(1)**2+xsta(2)**2)/rsta sinla=xsta(2)/cosphi/rsta cosla=xsta(1)/cosphi/rsta costwola=cosla**2-sinla**2 sintwola=2.d0*cosla*sinla rmon=enorm8(xmon) rsun=enorm8(xsun) drsun=-3.d0/4.d0*dhi*cosphi**2*fac2sun*((xsun(1)**2-xsun(2)**2)* * sintwola-2.*xsun(1)*xsun(2)*costwola)/rsun**2 drmon=-3.d0/4.d0*dhi*cosphi**2*fac2mon*((xmon(1)**2-xmon(2)**2)* * sintwola-2.*xmon(1)*xmon(2)*costwola)/rmon**2 dnsun=1.5d0*dli*sinphi*cosphi*fac2sun*((xsun(1)**2-xsun(2)**2)* * sintwola-2.d0*xsun(1)*xsun(2)*costwola)/rsun**2 dnmon=1.5d0*dli*sinphi*cosphi*fac2mon*((xmon(1)**2-xmon(2)**2)* * sintwola-2.d0*xmon(1)*xmon(2)*costwola)/rmon**2 desun=-3.d0/2.d0*dli*cosphi*fac2sun*((xsun(1)**2-xsun(2)**2)* * costwola+2.*xsun(1)*xsun(2)*sintwola)/rsun**2 demon=-3.d0/2.d0*dli*cosphi*fac2mon*((xmon(1)**2-xmon(2)**2)* * costwola+2.d0*xmon(1)*xmon(2)*sintwola)/rmon**2 dr=drsun+drmon dn=dnsun+dnmon de=desun+demon xcorsta(1)=dr*cosla*cosphi-de*sinla-dn*sinphi*cosla xcorsta(2)=dr*sinla*cosphi+de*cosla-dn*sinphi*sinla xcorsta(3)=dr*sinphi+dn*cosphi return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sprod(x,y,scal,r1,r2) *** computation of the scalar-product of two vectors and their norms *** input: x(i),i=1,2,3 -- components of vector x *** y(i),i=1,2,3 -- components of vector y *** output: scal -- scalar product of x and y *** r1,r2 -- lengths of the two vectors x and y implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision x(3),y(3) r1=dsqrt(x(1)*x(1) + x(2)*x(2) + x(3)*x(3)) r2=dsqrt(y(1)*y(1) + y(2)*y(2) + y(3)*y(3)) scal= x(1)*y(1) + x(2)*y(2) + x(3)*y(3) return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision function enorm8(a) *** compute euclidian norm of a vector (of length 3) double precision a(3) enorm8=dsqrt(a(1)*a(1) + a(2)*a(2) + a(3)*a(3)) return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine zero_vec8(v) *** initialize a vector (of length 3) to zero double precision v(3) v(1)=0.d0 v(2)=0.d0 v(3)=0.d0 return end *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ subroutine moonxyz(mjd,fmjd,rm,lflag) *** get low-precision, geocentric coordinates for moon (ECEF) *** UTC version *** input: mjd/fmjd, is Modified Julian Date (and fractional) in UTC time *** output: rm, is geocentric lunar position vector [m] in ECEF *** lflag -- leap second table limit flag, false:flag not raised *** 1."satellite orbits: models, methods, applications" montenbruck & gill(2000) *** section 3.3.2, pg. 72-73 *** 2."astronomy on the personal computer, 4th ed." montenbruck & pfleger (2005) *** section 3.2, pg. 38-39 routine MiniMoon implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension rm(3) logical lflag,leapflag save /limitflag/ !*** leap second table limit flag common/limitflag/leapflag !*** leap second table limit flag common/stuff/rad,pi,pi2 *** use TT for lunar ephemerides leapflag=lflag tsecutc=fmjd*86400.d0 !*** UTC time (sec of day) tsectt =utc2ttt(tsecutc) !*** TT time (sec of day) fmjdtt =tsectt/86400.d0 !*** TT time (fract. day) lflag = leapflag *** julian centuries since 1.5 january 2000 (J2000) *** (note: also low precision use of mjd --> tjd) tjdtt = mjd+fmjdtt+2400000.5d0 !*** Julian Date, TT t = (tjdtt - 2451545.d0)/36525.d0 !*** julian centuries, TT *** el0 -- mean longitude of Moon (deg) *** el -- mean anomaly of Moon (deg) *** elp -- mean anomaly of Sun (deg) *** f -- mean angular distance of Moon from ascending node (deg) *** d -- difference between mean longitudes of Sun and Moon (deg) *** equations 3.47, p.72 el0=218.31617d0 + 481267.88088d0*t -1.3972*t el =134.96292d0 + 477198.86753d0*t elp=357.52543d0 + 35999.04944d0*t f = 93.27283d0 + 483202.01873d0*t d =297.85027d0 + 445267.11135d0*t *** longitude w.r.t. equinox and ecliptic of year 2000 selond=el0 !*** eq 3.48, p.72 * +22640.d0/3600.d0*dsin((el )/rad) * + 769.d0/3600.d0*dsin((el+el )/rad) * - 4586.d0/3600.d0*dsin((el-d-d )/rad) * + 2370.d0/3600.d0*dsin((d+d )/rad) * - 668.d0/3600.d0*dsin((elp )/rad) * - 412.d0/3600.d0*dsin((f+f )/rad) * - 212.d0/3600.d0*dsin((el+el-d-d )/rad) * - 206.d0/3600.d0*dsin((el+elp-d-d)/rad) * + 192.d0/3600.d0*dsin((el+d+d )/rad) * - 165.d0/3600.d0*dsin((elp-d-d )/rad) * + 148.d0/3600.d0*dsin((el-elp )/rad) * - 125.d0/3600.d0*dsin((d )/rad) * - 110.d0/3600.d0*dsin((el+elp )/rad) * - 55.d0/3600.d0*dsin((f+f-d-d )/rad) *** latitude w.r.t. equinox and ecliptic of year 2000 q = 412.d0/3600.d0*dsin((f+f)/rad) !*** temporary term * +541.d0/3600.d0*dsin((elp)/rad) selatd= !*** eq 3.49, p.72 * +18520.d0/3600.d0*dsin((f+selond-el0+q)/rad) * - 526.d0/3600.d0*dsin((f-d-d )/rad) * + 44.d0/3600.d0*dsin((el+f-d-d )/rad) * - 31.d0/3600.d0*dsin((-el+f-d-d )/rad) * - 25.d0/3600.d0*dsin((-el-el+f )/rad) * - 23.d0/3600.d0*dsin((elp+f-d-d )/rad) * + 21.d0/3600.d0*dsin((-el+f )/rad) * + 11.d0/3600.d0*dsin((-elp+f-d-d)/rad) *** distance from Earth center to Moon (m) rse= 385000.d0*1000.d0 !*** eq 3.50, p.72 * - 20905.d0*1000.d0*dcos((el )/rad) * - 3699.d0*1000.d0*dcos((d+d-el )/rad) * - 2956.d0*1000.d0*dcos((d+d )/rad) * - 570.d0*1000.d0*dcos((el+el )/rad) * + 246.d0*1000.d0*dcos((el+el-d-d )/rad) * - 205.d0*1000.d0*dcos((elp-d-d )/rad) * - 171.d0*1000.d0*dcos((el+d+d )/rad) * - 152.d0*1000.d0*dcos((el+elp-d-d)/rad) *** convert spherical ecliptic coordinates to equatorial cartesian *** precession of equinox wrt. J2000 (p.71) selond=selond + 1.3972d0*t !*** degrees *** position vector of moon (mean equinox & ecliptic of J2000) (EME2000, ICRF) *** (plus long. advance due to precession -- eq. above) oblir=23.43929111d0/rad !*** obliquity of the J2000 ecliptic sselat=dsin(selatd/rad) cselat=dcos(selatd/rad) sselon=dsin(selond/rad) cselon=dcos(selond/rad) t1 = rse*cselon*cselat !*** meters !*** eq. 3.51, p.72 t2 = rse*sselon*cselat !*** meters !*** eq. 3.51, p.72 t3 = rse* sselat !*** meters !*** eq. 3.51, p.72 call rot1(-oblir,t1,t2,t3,rm1,rm2,rm3) !*** eq. 3.51, p.72 *** convert position vector of moon to ECEF (ignore polar motion/LOD) call getghar(mjd,fmjd,ghar) !*** sec 2.3.1,p.33 call rot3(ghar,rm1,rm2,rm3,rm(1),rm(2),rm(3)) !*** eq. 2.89, p.37 return end ******************************************************************************** subroutine getghar(mjd,fmjd,ghar) *** convert mjd/fmjd in UTC time to Greenwich hour angle (in radians) *** "satellite orbits: models, methods, applications" montenbruck & gill(2000) *** section 2.3.1, pg. 33 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) common/stuff/rad,pi,pi2 *** need UTC to get sidereal time ("astronomy on the personal computer", 4th ed) *** (pg.43, montenbruck & pfleger, springer, 2005) tsecutc=fmjd*86400.d0 !*** UTC time (sec of day) fmjdutc=tsecutc/86400.d0 !*** UTC time (fract. day) ***** d = MJD - 51544.5d0 !*** footnote d =(mjd-51544) + (fmjdutc-0.5d0) !*** days since J2000 *** greenwich hour angle for J2000 (12:00:00 on 1 Jan 2000) ***** ghad = 100.46061837504d0 + 360.9856473662862d0*d !*** eq. 2.85 (+digits) ghad = 280.46061837504d0 + 360.9856473662862d0*d !*** corrn. (+digits) **** normalize to 0-360 and convert to radians i = ghad/360.d0 ghar =(ghad-i*360.d0)/rad 1 if( then ghar=ghar-pi2 go to 1 endif 2 if( then ghar=ghar+pi2 go to 2 endif return end ******************************************************************************** subroutine sunxyz(mjd,fmjd,rs,lflag) *** get low-precision, geocentric coordinates for sun (ECEF) *** input, mjd/fmjd, is Modified Julian Date (and fractional) in UTC time *** output, rs, is geocentric solar position vector [m] in ECEF *** lflag -- leap second table limit flag, false:flag not raised *** 1."satellite orbits: models, methods, applications" montenbruck & gill(2000) *** section 3.3.2, pg. 70-71 *** 2."astronomy on the personal computer, 4th ed." montenbruck & pfleger (2005) *** section 3.2, pg. 39 routine MiniSun implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension rs(3) logical lflag,leapflag save /limitflag/ !*** leap second table limit flag common/limitflag/leapflag !*** leap second table limit flag common/stuff/rad,pi,pi2 *** mean elements for year 2000, sun ecliptic orbit wrt. Earth obe =23.43929111d0/rad !*** obliquity of the J2000 ecliptic sobe=dsin(obe) cobe=dcos(obe) opod=282.9400d0 !*** RAAN + arg.peri. (deg.) *** use TT for solar ephemerides leapflag=lflag tsecutc=fmjd*86400.d0 !*** UTC time (sec of day) tsectt =utc2ttt(tsecutc) !*** TT time (sec of day) fmjdtt =tsectt/86400.d0 !*** TT time (fract. day) lflag = leapflag *** julian centuries since 1.5 january 2000 (J2000) *** (note: also low precision use of mjd --> tjd) tjdtt = mjd+fmjdtt+2400000.5d0 !*** Julian Date, TT t = (tjdtt - 2451545.d0)/36525.d0 !*** julian centuries, TT emdeg = 357.5256d0 + 35999.049d0*t !*** degrees em = emdeg/rad !*** radians em2 = em+em !*** radians *** series expansions in mean anomaly, em (eq. 3.43, p.71) r=(149.619d0-2.499d0*dcos(em)-0.021d0*dcos(em2))*1.d9 !*** m. slond=opod + emdeg + (6892.d0*dsin(em)+72.d0*dsin(em2))/3600.d0 *** precession of equinox wrt. J2000 (p.71) slond=slond + 1.3972d0*t !*** degrees *** position vector of sun (mean equinox & ecliptic of J2000) (EME2000, ICRF) *** (plus long. advance due to precession -- eq. above) slon =slond/rad !*** radians sslon=dsin(slon) cslon=dcos(slon) rs1 = r*cslon !*** meters !*** eq. 3.46, p.71 rs2 = r*sslon*cobe !*** meters !*** eq. 3.46, p.71 rs3 = r*sslon*sobe !*** meters !*** eq. 3.46, p.71 *** convert position vector of sun to ECEF (ignore polar motion/LOD) call getghar(mjd,fmjd,ghar) !*** sec 2.3.1,p.33 call rot3(ghar,rs1,rs2,rs3,rs(1),rs(2),rs(3)) !*** eq. 2.89, p.37 return end ******************************************************************************** subroutine lhsaaz(u,v,w,ra,az,va) *** determine range,azimuth,vertical angle from local horizon coord. implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) s2=u*u+v*v r2=s2+w*w s =dsqrt(s2) ra=dsqrt(r2) az=datan2(v,u) va=datan2(w,s) return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine geoxyz(gla,glo,eht,x,y,z) *** convert geodetic lat, long, ellip ht. to x,y,z implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) common/comgrs/a,e2 sla=dsin(gla) cla=dcos(gla) w2=1.d0-e2*sla*sla w=dsqrt(w2) en=a/w x=(en+eht)*cla*dcos(glo) y=(en+eht)*cla*dsin(glo) z=(en*(1.d0-e2)+eht)*sla return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine rge(gla,glo,u,v,w,x,y,z) *** given a rectangular cartesian system (x,y,z) *** compute a geodetic h cartesian sys (u,v,w) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) sb=dsin(gla) cb=dcos(gla) sl=dsin(glo) cl=dcos(glo) u=-sb*cl*x-sb*sl*y+cb*z v=- sl*x+ cl*y w= cb*cl*x+cb*sl*y+sb*z return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine rot1(theta,x,y,z,u,v,w) *** rotate coordinate axes about 1 axis by angle of theta radians *** x,y,z transformed into u,v,w implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) s=dsin(theta) c=dcos(theta) u=x v=c*y+s*z w=c*z-s*y return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine rot3(theta,x,y,z,u,v,w) *** rotate coordinate axes about 3 axis by angle of theta radians *** x,y,z transformed into u,v,w implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) s=dsin(theta) c=dcos(theta) u=c*x+s*y v=c*y-s*x w=z return end ************************************************************************ *** time conversion **************************************************** ************************************************************************ subroutine setjd0(iyr,imo,idy) *** set the integer part of a modified julian date as epoch, mjd0 *** the modified julian day is derived from civil time as in civmjd() *** allows single number expression of time in seconds w.r.t. mjd0 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) integer y save /mjdoff/ common/mjdoff/mjd0 if( stop 34587 if(imo.le.2) then y=iyr-1 m=imo+12 else y=iyr m=imo endif it1=365.25d0*y it2=30.6001d0*(m+1) mjd=it1+it2+idy-679019 *** now set the epoch for future time computations mjd0=mjd return end subroutine civjts(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,tsec) *** convert civil date to time in seconds past mjd epoch, mjd0 *** requires initialization of mjd0 by setjd0() *** imo in range 1-12, idy in range 1-31 *** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 (leap year protocols) *** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 *** adapted from civmjd() implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) integer y save /mjdoff/ common/mjdoff/mjd0 if( stop 34589 if(imo.le.2) then y=iyr-1 m=imo+12 else y=iyr m=imo endif it1=365.25d0*y it2=30.6001d0*(m+1) mjd=it1+it2+idy-679019 tsec=(mjd-mjd0)*86400.d0+3600*ihr+60*imn+sec return end subroutine jtsciv(tsec,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) *** convert time in seconds past mjd0 epoch into civil date *** requires initialization of mjd0 by setjd0() *** imo in range 1-12, idy in range 1-31 *** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 *** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 *** adapted from mjdciv() implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) save /mjdoff/ common/mjdoff/mjd0 mjd=mjd0+tsec/86400.d0 *** the following equation preserves significant digits fmjd=dmod(tsec,86400.d0)/86400.d0 rjd=mjd+fmjd+2400000.5d0 ia=(rjd+0.5d0) ib=ia+1537 ic=(ib-122.1d0)/365.25d0 id=365.25d0*ic ie=(ib-id)/30.6001d0 *** the fractional part of a julian day is (fractional mjd + 0.5) *** therefore, fractional part of julian day + 0.5 is (fractional mjd) it1=ie*30.6001d0 idy=ib-id-it1+fmjd it2=ie/14.d0 imo=ie-1-12*it2 it3=(7+imo)/10.d0 iyr=ic-4715-it3 tmp=fmjd*24.d0 ihr=tmp tmp=(tmp-ihr)*60.d0 imn=tmp sec=(tmp-imn)*60.d0 return end ************************************************************************ subroutine civmjd(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,mjd,fmjd) *** convert civil date to modified julian date *** imo in range 1-12, idy in range 1-31 *** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 (leap year protocols) *** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 *** operation confirmed against table 3.3 values on pg.34 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) integer y if( stop 34588 if(imo.le.2) then y=iyr-1 m=imo+12 else y=iyr m=imo endif it1=365.25d0*y it2=30.6001d0*(m+1) mjd=it1+it2+idy-679019 fmjd=(3600*ihr+60*imn+sec)/86400.d0 return end subroutine mjdciv(mjd,fmjd,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) *** convert modified julian date to civil date *** imo in range 1-12, idy in range 1-31 *** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 *** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 *** operation confirmed for leap years (incl. year 2000) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) rjd=mjd+fmjd+2400000.5d0 ia=(rjd+0.5d0) ib=ia+1537 ic=(ib-122.1d0)/365.25d0 id=365.25d0*ic ie=(ib-id)/30.6001d0 *** the fractional part of a julian day is fractional mjd + 0.5 *** therefore, fractional part of julian day + 0.5 is fractional mjd it1=ie*30.6001d0 idy=ib-id-it1+fmjd it2=ie/14.d0 imo=ie-1-12*it2 it3=(7+imo)/10.d0 iyr=ic-4715-it3 tmp=fmjd*24.d0 ihr=tmp tmp=(tmp-ihr)*60.d0 imn=tmp sec=(tmp-imn)*60.d0 return end ************************************************************************ *** new supplemental time functions ************************************ ************************************************************************ double precision function utc2ttt(tutc) *** convert utc (sec) to terrestrial time (sec) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) ttai = utc2tai(tutc) utc2ttt= tai2tt(ttai) return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision function gps2ttt(tgps) *** convert gps time (sec) to terrestrial time (sec) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) ttai = gps2tai(tgps) gps2ttt= tai2tt(ttai) return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision function utc2tai(tutc) *** convert utc (sec) to tai (sec) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) utc2tai = tutc - getutcmtai(tutc) return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision function getutcmtai(tsec) *** get utc - tai (s) ***** "Julian Date Converter" ***** implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(MJDUPPER=58664) !*** upper limit, leap second table, 2019jun30 ***** parameter(MJDUPPER=58299) !*** upper limit, leap second table, 2018jun30 parameter(MJDLOWER=41317) !*** lower limit, leap second table, 1972jan01 logical leapflag !*** leap second table limit flag save /limitflag/ common/limitflag/leapflag !*** leap second table limit flag save /mjdoff/ common/mjdoff/mjd0 *** clone for tests (and do any rollover) ttsec=tsec mjd0t=mjd0 1 if( then ttsec=ttsec-86400.d0 mjd0t=mjd0t+1 go to 1 endif 2 if( then ttsec=ttsec+86400.d0 mjd0t=mjd0t-1 go to 2 endif *** test upper table limit (upper limit set by bulletin C memos) if( then leapflag =.true. !*** true means flag *IS* raised getutcmtai= -37.d0 !*** return the upper table value return endif *** test lower table limit if( then leapflag=.true. !*** true means flag *IS* raised getutcmtai= -10.d0 !*** return the lower table value return endif ***** *** 1972 JAN 1 =JD 2441317.5 TAI-UTC= 10.0s *** 1972 JUL 1 =JD 2441499.5 TAI-UTC= 11.0s *** 1973 JAN 1 =JD 2441683.5 TAI-UTC= 12.0s *** 1974 JAN 1 =JD 2442048.5 TAI-UTC= 13.0s *** 1975 JAN 1 =JD 2442413.5 TAI-UTC= 14.0s *** 1976 JAN 1 =JD 2442778.5 TAI-UTC= 15.0s *** 1977 JAN 1 =JD 2443144.5 TAI-UTC= 16.0s *** 1978 JAN 1 =JD 2443509.5 TAI-UTC= 17.0s *** 1979 JAN 1 =JD 2443874.5 TAI-UTC= 18.0s *** 1980 JAN 1 =JD 2444239.5 TAI-UTC= 19.0s *** 1981 JUL 1 =JD 2444786.5 TAI-UTC= 20.0s *** 1982 JUL 1 =JD 2445151.5 TAI-UTC= 21.0s *** 1983 JUL 1 =JD 2445516.5 TAI-UTC= 22.0s *** 1985 JUL 1 =JD 2446247.5 TAI-UTC= 23.0s *** 1988 JAN 1 =JD 2447161.5 TAI-UTC= 24.0s *** 1990 JAN 1 =JD 2447892.5 TAI-UTC= 25.0s *** 1991 JAN 1 =JD 2448257.5 TAI-UTC= 26.0s *** 1992 JUL 1 =JD 2448804.5 TAI-UTC= 27.0s *** 1993 JUL 1 =JD 2449169.5 TAI-UTC= 28.0s *** 1994 JUL 1 =JD 2449534.5 TAI-UTC= 29.0s *** 1996 JAN 1 =JD 2450083.5 TAI-UTC= 30.0s *** 1997 JUL 1 =JD 2450630.5 TAI-UTC= 31.0s *** 1999 JAN 1 =JD 2451179.5 TAI-UTC= 32.0s *** 2006 JAN 1 =JD 2453736.5 TAI-UTC= 33.0s *** 2009 JAN 1 =JD 2454832.5 TAI-UTC= 34.0s *** 2012 JUL 1 =JD 2456109.5 TAI-UTC= 35.0s *** 2015 JUL 1 =JD 2457204.5 TAI-UTC= 36.0s *** 2017 JAN 1 =JD 2457754.5 TAI-UTC= 37.0s ***** other leap second references at: ***** ***** *** test against newest leaps first if ( then !*** 2017 JAN 1 = 57754 tai_utc = 37.d0 elseif( then !*** 2015 JUL 1 = 57204 tai_utc = 36.d0 elseif( then !*** 2012 JUL 1 = 56109 tai_utc = 35.d0 elseif( then !*** 2009 JAN 1 = 54832 tai_utc = 34.d0 elseif( then !*** 2006 JAN 1 = 53736 tai_utc = 33.d0 elseif( then !*** 1999 JAN 1 = 51179 tai_utc = 32.d0 elseif( then !*** 1997 JUL 1 = 50630 tai_utc = 31.d0 elseif( then !*** 1996 JAN 1 = 50083 tai_utc = 30.d0 elseif( then !*** 1994 JUL 1 = 49534 tai_utc = 29.d0 elseif( then !*** 1993 JUL 1 = 49169 tai_utc = 28.d0 elseif( then !*** 1992 JUL 1 = 48804 tai_utc = 27.d0 elseif( then !*** 1991 JAN 1 = 48257 tai_utc = 26.d0 elseif( then !*** 1990 JAN 1 = 47892 tai_utc = 25.d0 elseif( then !*** 1988 JAN 1 = 47161 tai_utc = 24.d0 elseif( then !*** 1985 JUL 1 = 46247 tai_utc = 23.d0 elseif( then !*** 1983 JUL 1 = 45516 tai_utc = 22.d0 elseif( then !*** 1982 JUL 1 = 45151 tai_utc = 21.d0 elseif( then !*** 1981 JUL 1 = 44786 tai_utc = 20.d0 elseif( then !*** 1980 JAN 1 = 44239 tai_utc = 19.d0 elseif( then !*** 1979 JAN 1 = 43874 tai_utc = 18.d0 elseif( then !*** 1978 JAN 1 = 43509 tai_utc = 17.d0 elseif( then !*** 1977 JAN 1 = 43144 tai_utc = 16.d0 elseif( then !*** 1976 JAN 1 = 42778 tai_utc = 15.d0 elseif( then !*** 1975 JAN 1 = 42413 tai_utc = 14.d0 elseif( then !*** 1974 JAN 1 = 42048 tai_utc = 13.d0 elseif( then !*** 1973 JAN 1 = 41683 tai_utc = 12.d0 elseif( then !*** 1972 JUL 1 = 41499 tai_utc = 11.d0 elseif( then !*** 1972 JAN 1 = 41317 tai_utc = 10.d0 *** should never, ever get here else write(*,*) 'FATAL ERROR --' write(*,*) 'fell thru tests in gpsleap()' stop 66768 endif *** return utc - tai (in seconds) getutcmtai = -tai_utc return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision function tai2tt(ttai) *** convert tai (sec) to terrestrial time (sec) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) ***** tai2tt = ttai + 32.184d0 return end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision function gps2tai(tgps) *** convert gps time (sec) to tai (sec) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) ***** ***** gps2tai = tgps + 19.d0 return end