//*** ppos.java //*** 2006 jul 28 2:15p import java.io.*; import java.text.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class ppos { //*** read a Rinex obs file -- output point position in outfile //*** y2k code fails after 2079 //*** assumes all gps,(no glonass or galileo), added S1/S2, sp3c, 8 dig.out //*** update condition for application of Tgd to clocks //*** debug -- add solid earth tide someday //*** globals private static final double pi = Math.PI; private static final double gpspi = 3.1415926535898e0; //*** exactly private static final double RAD = 180.0/Math.PI; //*** radians to deg private static final double sol = 299792458.0; //*** exactly private static final double f1 = 1575.42e6; private static final double f2 = 1227.60e6; private static final double w1 = sol/f1; private static final double w2 = sol/f2; private static final double we = 7.2921151467e-5; //*** rad/sec private static final double gm = 3.986005e14; private static final double bigf = -4.442807633e-10; private static final int mxprn= 32; //*** 38 are possible private static final double dnull= 1.0e31; private BufferedReader in = null; //*** obs file private BufferedReader in2 = null; //*** nav file private BufferedReader inp = null; //*** precise orbit private BufferedWriter outBW = null; private Rinx rinStuf = null; private Gtime tStuf = null; private Modes myModes = null; //*** end of globals public static void main( String args[] ){ ppos p = new ppos(); p.mymain(); //*** real work done here <=======<<<<< }//*** endmain //*********************************************************************** void mymain() { //*** do the deed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //*** y2k code fails after 2079 String inFileName=null,in2FileName=null,inpFileName=null; Pos svPos,rxPos; BCset myBCS =null; SP3set mySP3 =null; RVec myV =null; String myString; String subField; double val; //*** get the Rinex file names System.out.print("Enter the RINEX obs filename: "); try { inFileName=readln(); //*** read a line } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("error in input line ... \n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } System.out.print("Enter the RINEX nav filename: "); try { in2FileName=readln(); //*** read a line } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("error in input line ... \n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } rinStuf =new Rinx(); //*** rinex file parms tStuf =new Gtime(); //*** time handler myModes =new Modes(); //*** mode handler //*** query for precise orbit System.out.print("Precise orbit? : "); try { myString= readln(); //*** read a line subField = myString.substring(0, 1); if(subField.equalsIgnoreCase("y")){ myModes.putpOrb(true); System.out.print("Enter the SP3 orbit filename: "); try { inpFileName=readln(); //*** read a line } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("error in input line ... \n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } }else{ myModes.putpOrb(false); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("error in input line ... \n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } //*** open files openFiles(inFileName, in2FileName, inpFileName); //*** query for frequency treatment System.out.print("2 frequency? : "); try { myString= readln(); //*** read a line subField = myString.substring(0, 1); if(subField.equalsIgnoreCase("y")){ myModes.putdFreq(true); }else{ myModes.putdFreq(false); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("error in input line ... \n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } //*** query for broadcast iono if(!myModes.isdFreq()){ System.out.print("Broadcast ionosphere? : "); try { myString= readln(); //*** read a line subField = myString.substring(0, 1); if(subField.equalsIgnoreCase("y")){ myModes.putbIon(true); }else{ myModes.putbIon(false); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("error in input line ... \n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } } //*** query for tropo model System.out.print("Tropo? : "); try { myString= readln(); //*** read a line subField = myString.substring(0, 1); if(subField.equalsIgnoreCase("y")){ myModes.putTrop(true); }else{ myModes.putTrop(false); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("error in input line ... \n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } //*** query for vert cutoff angle System.out.print("Vert cut (deg) : "); try { myString= readln(); //*** read a line if(myString.length() <=0){ val=-1.0; }else{ val = Double.valueOf(myString.trim()).doubleValue(); if(val >= 90.0) val=-1.0; myModes.putvCut(val); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("error in input line ... \n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } //*** echo options System.out.print("Options ="); if(myModes.isdFreq()) System.out.print(" 2 freq"); if(myModes.isbIon() ) System.out.print(" b-iono"); if(myModes.isTrop() ) System.out.print(" tropo"); if(myModes.ispOrb() ) System.out.print(" precise"); System.out.println("."); //*** loop over all lines rxPos = doObsHeader(); //*** ref. time and pos. set rxPos.xyzgeo(); System.out.print ("gla=" + (rxPos.getGlaGP()*RAD)); System.out.print (" glo=" + (rxPos.getGloGP()*RAD)); System.out.println(" eht=" + rxPos.getEhtGP()); myBCS = new BCset(in2, tStuf); //*** load nav file in2=null; //*** close nav file if(myModes.ispOrb()){ mySP3 = new SP3set(inp, tStuf); //*** load precise orbit inp=null; //*** close precise orbit } doObsData(rxPos, myBCS, mySP3); //*** finish obs file try {outBW.flush();} catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("error in output flush"); System.exit(1); } in =null; //*** close obs file outBW=null; //*** close output file } //*********************************************************************** private Pos doObsHeader(){ //*** loop over obs file header String myString; String typeField; Pos rxPos=null; try { while( (myString=in.readLine()) != null ){ typeField=myString.substring(60,myString.length()); typeField=typeField.trim(); if( typeField.equals("# / TYPES OF OBSERV") ){ processTypes(myString); } else if( typeField.equals("TIME OF FIRST OBS") ){ processT0(myString); } else if( typeField.equals("APPROX POSITION XYZ") ){ rxPos = processXYZ(myString); //*** for b-cast iono } else if( typeField.equals("END OF HEADER") ){ return rxPos; } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error in copy\n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } return rxPos; } private void processTypes(String myString){ //*** extract index for data types String typeField; int ntypes; typeField = myString.substring(0,6); ntypes = Integer.parseInt(typeField.trim()); rinStuf.putNdat(ntypes); //*** parse the data types for(int i=1; i<=rinStuf.getNdat(); i++){ typeField = myString.substring(6*(i+1)-2, 6*(i+1)); rinStuf.putKind(typeField, i); } } private void processT0(String myString){ //*** extract start time String typeField; int iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn; double sec; typeField = myString.substring( 0, 6); iyr = Integer.parseInt(typeField.trim()); typeField = myString.substring( 6,12); imo = Integer.parseInt(typeField.trim()); typeField = myString.substring(12,18); idy = Integer.parseInt(typeField.trim()); typeField = myString.substring(18,24); ihr = Integer.parseInt(typeField.trim()); typeField = myString.substring(24,30); imn = Integer.parseInt(typeField.trim()); typeField = myString.substring(30,42); sec = Double.valueOf(typeField.trim()).doubleValue(); //*** initialize mjd0 tStuf.setjd0(iyr, imo, idy); } private Pos processXYZ(String myString){ //*** extract approx position String typeField; double x,y,z; typeField = myString.substring( 0,14); x = Double.valueOf(typeField.trim()).doubleValue(); typeField = myString.substring(14,28); y = Double.valueOf(typeField.trim()).doubleValue(); typeField = myString.substring(28,42); z = Double.valueOf(typeField.trim()).doubleValue(); return new Pos(x, y, z); } private void doObsData(Pos rxPos, BCset myBCS, SP3set mySP3){ //*** loop over remaining lines (obs file data) String myString; String subField; int iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn; int nsats, iprn=0, iprnget=0, nobs; double ntot=0, nc1=0, nboth=0, nvmask=0, ndrop=0; boolean lc1; //*** flag for count of c1's double sec,tsec,tsecx; double p1,p2,l1,l2,c1; double va; RVec myV; PosD newPos; //*** point positions/dop's //*** internal ordering P1,P2,L1,L2,C1,D1,D2,S1,S2 (1-9) double data[] = new double[10]; //*** store data (fortan index) int iprns[] = new int [13]; //*** store prns (fortan index) double p1s[] = new double[13]; //*** store p1 (fortan index) double p2s[] = new double[13]; //*** store p2 (fortan index) int kprns[] = new int [13]; //*** store kept prns(ftn indx) double dval; //*** process the data try { //*** loop over all the data records (post-header) while( (myString=in.readLine()) != null ){ //*** handle stinking splice record pairs ************************************* if(!myString.substring(28,29).equals("4") && !myString.endsWith("COMMENT") ){ //*** epoch header processing here subField = myString.substring( 0, 3); iyr = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); if (iyr < 80) {iyr=iyr+2000;} //*** y2k else if(iyr <= 99) {iyr=iyr+1900;} //*** fail 2080 else {System.exit(1);} subField = myString.substring( 3, 6); imo = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring( 6, 9); idy = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring( 9,12); ihr = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring(12,15); imn = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring(15,26); sec = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); tsec=tStuf.civjts(iyr, imo, idy, ihr, imn, sec); subField = myString.substring(29,32); nsats = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); //*** get sat prn's (note: assumes no glonass or galileo) for (int i=1; i<=nsats; i++){ subField = myString.substring(3*i+30, 3*i+32); iprns[i] = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); } //***** inner loop over sats (data processing here) //***** check empty and 0.0 fields and store null (dnull) instead //***** internal ordering P1,P2,L1,L2,C1,D1,D2,S1,S2 (1-9) nobs=0; for (int i=1; i<=nsats; i++){ for (int icol=0; icol < 10; icol++){ data[icol]=dnull; } myString=in.readLine(); if(myString.length() < 79) myString=new String(myString+getSpaces(80)); for (int icol=1; icol<=Math.min(5,rinStuf.getNdat()); icol++){ subField = myString.substring(16*(icol-1), 16*(icol-1)+14); if(subField.equals(" ")){ dval=dnull; }else{ dval=Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } data[rinStuf.getKind(icol)]=dval; } //***** two-line data records if(rinStuf.twoLine()){ myString=in.readLine(); if(myString.length() < 79) myString=new String(myString+getSpaces(80)); for (int icol=6; icol<=rinStuf.getNdat(); icol++){ subField = myString.substring(16*(icol-6), 16*(icol-6)+14); if(subField.equals(" ")){ dval=dnull; }else{ dval=Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } data[rinStuf.getKind(icol)]=dval; } } //***** internal ordering P1,P2,L1,L2,C1,D1,D2,S1,S2 (1-9) p1=data[1]; p2=data[2]; c1=data[5]; ntot=ntot+1; if(p1 >= dnull && c1 < dnull){ p1=c1; //*** use c1 if no p1 lc1=true; //*** increment nc1 if p2 present }else{ lc1=false; } //*** must have p1 and p2 (if dual f.) (and be healthy) //*** test for vert angle cutoff if( myBCS.BChealthy(iprns[i], tsec) ){ //*** healthy? if((!myModes.isdFreq() && p1 < dnull) || ( myModes.isdFreq() && p1 < dnull && p2 < dnull) ){ if(myBCS.BCcutoff(iprns[i], tsec, rxPos,myModes,mySP3) ){ nvmask=nvmask+1; //*** running sum }else{ nobs=nobs+1; nboth=nboth+1; //*** running sum if(lc1) nc1=nc1+1; //*** running sum p1s[nobs] = p1; p2s[nobs] = p2; kprns[nobs] = iprns[i]; } } //*** diagnostic print -- could delete 'else' clause if convenient }else{ //********* System.out.println("ill= " + iprns[i] + " " + tsec); } }//***endfor (inner loop over sats) if(nobs > 3){ newPos=myBCS.p1xyz(nobs, p1s, p2s, kprns, tsec, rxPos, myModes, mySP3); putOut02(outBW, tsec, nobs, newPos); }else{ ndrop=ndrop+nobs; } }//*** endif (handles obs comments) }//***endwhile (outer loop over all epochs) } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error-- IO \n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("input="+ntot+" c1="+nc1+" both="+nboth+ " vmask="+nvmask+" drop="+ndrop); } private void putOut01(BufferedWriter outBW, int iprn, double p1, double va){ //*** output pseudorange data String iprS, p1S, vaS, myStr; try { iprS = colInt (iprn, 2); p1S = colDouble(p1, 8, 3); vaS = colDouble(va*RAD, 2, 2); myStr=""+iprS+" "+p1S+" "+vaS; outBW.write(myStr, 0, myStr.length()); outBW.newLine(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Output fail\n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } } private void putOut02(BufferedWriter outBW, double tsec, int nobs, PosD newPos){ //*** output time tag double eht; String tsecS, nobS, glaS, gloS, ehtS, pdopS, hdopS, vdopS, myStr; newPos.xyzgeoD(); //*** sanity check eht = newPos.getEhtGPD(); if(eht < -9999.0 || eht > 9999.0) return; try { tsecS = colDouble(tsec, 6, 3); nobS = colInt (nobs, 2); //*** added digits to output glaS = colDouble(newPos.getGlaGPD()*RAD, 3, 8); gloS = colDouble(newPos.getGloGPD()*RAD, 4, 8); //****** glaS = colDouble(newPos.getGlaGPD()*RAD, 3, 6); //****** gloS = colDouble(newPos.getGloGPD()*RAD, 4, 6); ehtS = colDouble(newPos.getEhtGPD(), 5, 4); pdopS = colDouble(newPos.getpdopPosD(), 2, 1); hdopS = colDouble(newPos.gethdopPosD(), 2, 1); vdopS = colDouble(newPos.getvdopPosD(), 2, 1); myStr = ""+tsecS+" "+nobS+" "+glaS+" "+ gloS+" "+ehtS+ " "+pdopS+" "+hdopS+" "+vdopS; outBW.write(myStr, 0, myStr.length()); outBW.newLine(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Output fail\n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } } private String colInt(int ival, int icols){ //*** format an integer String ivalS; StringBuffer ivalSB; NumberFormat myF = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); FieldPosition myFP= new FieldPosition(NumberFormat.INTEGER_FIELD); myF.setMaximumIntegerDigits(icols); myF.setMinimumIntegerDigits(1); myF.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); myF.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); myF.setGroupingUsed(false); ivalSB= myF.format(ival, new StringBuffer(), myFP); return getSpaces(icols-myFP.getEndIndex()) + ivalSB; } private String colDouble(double val, int icols, int idec){ //*** format a double for integer and fractional parts String valS; StringBuffer valSB; NumberFormat myF = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); FieldPosition myFP= new FieldPosition(NumberFormat.INTEGER_FIELD); myF.setMaximumIntegerDigits(icols); myF.setMinimumIntegerDigits(1); myF.setMaximumFractionDigits(idec); myF.setMinimumFractionDigits(idec); myF.setGroupingUsed(false); valSB = myF.format(val, new StringBuffer(), myFP); return getSpaces(icols-myFP.getEndIndex()) + valSB; } public static String getSpaces(int n){ //*** routine to build a string with a given number of spaces StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(n); for(int i=0; i maxKind){ System.err.println("Error--Rinx.putNdat()"); System.err.println("Error--range error =" + i); System.exit(1); } ndat=i; } public int getNdat() {return ndat;} public boolean twoLine() {return ndat>=6;} //*** 2 lines/obs //*** data kind methods public int getKind(int i) {return icols[i];} public void putKind(String Kind, int icol){ //*** routine to place column indicies (returns internal order index) //*** note: columns follow fortran indexing int ival=-1; my1: for (int i=0; i 1800.0){ //*** normal update nrwBC[myprn]++; allBC[myprn][nrwBC[myprn]]=myBC; //*** supress close updates (1/2 hour) }else{ //*** these got preempted //*** null action //*** e.g. --> 16 sec. } }//*** endelseif (not first entry) }//*** endwhile }//*** endtry catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error in data read\n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } } private BCstuf readEntry(BufferedReader in, String myString, int myid) throws IOException { //*** process first string and 7 remaining lines BCstuf myBC = new BCstuf(myid); myBC.put0BC(myString, myid, tStuf); myString=in.readLine(); myBC.put1BC(myString); myString=in.readLine(); myBC.put2BC(myString); myString=in.readLine(); myBC.put3BC(myString); myString=in.readLine(); myBC.put4BC(myString); myString=in.readLine(); myBC.put5BC(myString); myString=in.readLine(); myBC.put6BC(myString); myString=in.readLine(); myBC.put7BC(myString); return myBC; } private void doNavHeader(BufferedReader in){ //*** loop over nav file header String myString; String typeField; String subField; //*** loop until header end detected try { while( (myString=in.readLine()) != null ){ typeField=myString.substring(60,myString.length()); typeField=typeField.trim(); if(typeField.equals("ION ALPHA")) { subField = myString.substring( 2, 14).replace('D','e'); alfa1 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(14, 26).replace('D','e'); alfa2 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(26, 38).replace('D','e'); alfa3 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(38, 50).replace('D','e'); alfa4 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); BCSiono = true; } if(typeField.equals("ION BETA")) { subField = myString.substring( 2, 14).replace('D','e'); beta1 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(14, 26).replace('D','e'); beta2 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(26, 38).replace('D','e'); beta3 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(38, 50).replace('D','e'); beta4 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); BCSiono = true; } if(typeField.equals("END OF HEADER")) {return;} } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error in copy\n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } } //*** //*** ionosphere methods //*** public boolean hasBCSiono() {return BCSiono;} public double l1BCion(double tr, RVec myV, Pos rxPos){ //*** broadcast iono (c.v. icd-200) //*** input time: seconds of ut (or gps time of day) (machts nicht) //*** output: l1 time delay in seconds double az, vas, glas, glos; double psi, glai, gloi, glam, tlocal, f, amp, per, x, delay; //*** divide by pi to convert radians to semicircles myV.xyzlhs(rxPos); az = myV.getAzRV(); //*** radians here vas = myV.getVaRV()/gpspi; glas = rxPos.getGlaGP()/gpspi; glos = rxPos.getGloGP()/gpspi; psi = 0.0137/(vas+0.11)-0.022; glai = glas+psi*Math.cos(az); if(glai < -0.416) glai = -0.416; if(glai > 0.416) glai = 0.416; gloi = glos+psi*Math.sin(az)/Math.cos(glai*gpspi); glam = glai+0.064*Math.cos((gloi-1.617)*gpspi); //*** local time from gps or ut time tlocal=43200.0*gloi+tr; if(tlocal < 0.0) tlocal=tlocal+86400.0; if(tlocal >= 86400.0) tlocal=tlocal-86400.0; //*** magnification factor, amplitude, and period f=1.0+16.0*(0.53-vas)*(0.53-vas)*(0.53-vas); //*** obliquity amp=alfa1 + alfa2*glam + alfa3*glam*glam + alfa4*glam*glam*glam; if(amp < 0.0) { //*******System.out.println("amp limit="+amp); amp=0.0; } per=beta1 + beta2*glam + beta3*glam*glam + beta4*glam*glam*glam; if(per < 72000.0) per=72000.0; x=2.0*gpspi*(tlocal-50400.0)/per; delay=f*5.0e-9; if(Math.abs(x) < 1.57) delay = delay + f*amp*( 1.0 - (x*x/2.0) + (x*x*x*x/24.0)); return delay; } //*** //*** compute methods //*** public boolean BCcutoff (int prn, double tr, Pos rxPos, Modes myModes, SP3set mySP3) { //*** find vert angle and test on cutoff //*** (debug)streamline -- forget light loop boolean losat; RVec myV; myV = ltloop(prn, tr, rxPos, myModes, mySP3); myV.xyzlhs(rxPos); //*** cutoff in degrees if (myV.getVaRV()*RAD < myModes.getvCut()) { losat=true; }else{ losat=false; } return losat; } public PosD p1xyz(int nobs, double p1s[], double p2s[], int prns[], double tr, Pos rxPos, Modes myModes, SP3set mySP3) { //*** solve for xyz given p1 observations //*** tr is time at receiver //*** code not iterative -- bad sats kept (debug?enhance?) //*** mySP3 may be null if not precise orbit mode int prn; double p1,p2,p0,dx,dy,dz,wt,cmo; double pdop,hdop,vdop; RVec myV; int nunk=4; //*** initialize arrays and normals (fortran indexing) double an[][] = new double [nunk+1][nunk+1]; //*** normals double u[] = new double [nunk+1]; //*** right hand side double x[] = new double [nunk+1]; //*** unknowns double c[] = new double [nunk+1]; //*** a-matrix coeff. int ic[] = new int [nunk+1]; //*** coeff. indicies double ro[][] = new double [ 3+1][nunk+1]; //*** rot.mat for dop's double dp[][] = new double [ 3+1][ 3+1]; //*** l.h.s. dop's if(!Matrix.nitial(an, u)){ System.err.println("Failed to initialize normals"); System.exit(1); } for(int i=1; i 99.9) pdop=99.9; //*** limit ro = rxPos.rotmat(); //*** geo->lhs hdop = Math.sqrt(Matrix.rcrt(Matrix.rowcopy(ro,1), an) +Matrix.rcrt(Matrix.rowcopy(ro,2), an)); if(hdop > 99.9) hdop=99.9; //*** limit vdop = Math.sqrt(Matrix.rcrt(Matrix.rowcopy(ro,3), an)); if(vdop > 99.9) vdop=99.9; //*** limit //*** apply to a priori estimate return new PosD(rxPos.getxPos()-x[1], rxPos.getyPos()-x[2], rxPos.getzPos()-x[3], pdop, hdop, vdop); } public RVec ltloop(int prn, double tr, Pos rxPos, Modes myModes, SP3set mySP3){ //*** solve light loop for a given prn and receiver //*** tr is time at receiver //*** mySP3 may be null if not precise orbit double ttbar,tt,dt,sag,rho,dtr; double px,py,pz; PosT svPos=null; //*** iterate the light loop a fixed number of times (2 for +/- 0.01 mm) dt=0.075; //*** approx transit time for(int i=0; i<2; i++){ //*** compute broadcast position (incl. clock corrn.) svPos=BCpos(prn, tr-dt, myModes); //*** range vector px = svPos.getxPosT() - rxPos.getxPos(); py = svPos.getyPosT() - rxPos.getyPos(); pz = svPos.getzPosT() - rxPos.getzPos(); rho=Math.sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz); dt=rho/sol; //*** updated transit time } sag=we*dt; //*** apply sagnac effect bcclok = svPos.getdtPosT(); //*** bcclok is a global //*** precise orbit -- override broadcast position and clock if( myModes.ispOrb() ) { if(mySP3.oterp(prn, tr-dt)){ svPos.putxPosT ( mySP3.gSP3x() ); //*** update sat pos svPos.putyPosT ( mySP3.gSP3y() ); svPos.putzPosT ( mySP3.gSP3z() ); dtr = svPos.getdtrPosT(); //*** relativistic svPos.putdtPosT( mySP3.gSP3t() + dtr); //*** sat clock + relativ bcclok = svPos.getdtPosT(); //*** bcclok is a global } } return new RVec(svPos.getxPosT() + sag*svPos.getyPosT() - rxPos.getxPos(), svPos.getyPosT() - sag*svPos.getxPosT() - rxPos.getyPos(), svPos.getzPosT() - rxPos.getzPos()); } public boolean BChealthy (int prn, double tsec) { //*** find health of broadcast orbit (BC) for a prn and time int mydx; boolean healthy; mydx=locBC(prn, tsec); //** look up row in BC table if(mydx <= -1){ System.err.println("Index prob in BCpos() " + prn + " " + tsec); System.exit(1); } //*** lookup health if (allBC[prn][mydx].gBCsvhl() > 0.0) { healthy=false; }else{ healthy=true; } return healthy; } public PosT BCpos (int prn, double tsec, Modes myModes) { //*** compute pos of broadcast orbit (BC) for a prn and time int mydx=locBC(prn, tsec); //** look up row in BC table if(mydx <= -1){ System.err.println("Index prob in BCpos() " + prn + " " + tsec); System.exit(1); } //*** convert jts time to sow and compute broadcast position return allBC[prn][mydx].bcxyzt(tStuf.jtssow(tsec), myModes); } public int locBC(int prn, double tsec) { //*** return index to BC array, lookup using jts time (seconds) //*** returns index of nearest jts version of t0c int mxrow; try { if(tsec <= allBC[prn][ 1 ].gBCjts()){ return 1; } //*** first row } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.err.println("PRN " + prn + " not found in the nav file."); System.exit(1); } mxrow = nrwBC[prn]; if(tsec >= allBC[prn][mxrow].gBCjts()){ return mxrow; } //*** last row //*** increment until upper point passes the given time for(int i=1; i<=mxrow-1; ++i) { if(allBC[prn][i+1].gBCjts() >= tsec){ if(Math.abs(tsec-allBC[prn][i ].gBCjts()) < Math.abs(tsec-allBC[prn][i+1].gBCjts())) { return i; } else { return i+1; } } } //*** fell thru loop -- not allowed System.err.println("Loop prob in locBC() " + prn + " " + tsec); System.exit(1); return -1; } } //************************************************************************ class BCstuf { //*** broadcast orbit object private static final double gm = 3.986005e14; private static final double we = 7.2921151467e-5; //*** rad/sec private static final double gpspi = 3.1415926535898e0; private static final double bigf = -4.442807633e-10; private int id; //* my id (just a serial number) private double jts; //* my time for lookup index private int prn; //* prn id //*** clock parameters private double t0c; //* clock corrector reference epoch (s) private double af0; //* clock offset (s) private double af1; //* clock error rate (s/s) private double af2; //* clock error accelleration (s/(s*s)) //*** kepler elements private double t0e; //* reference epoch of ephemeris (sow) private double sqrta; //* square root of semimajor axis sqrt(m) private double e; //* eccentricity private double eye0; //* inclination at ref. epoch (r) private double omg0; //* right ascension of asc. node at ref. epoch (r) private double w; //* argument of perigee (r) private double em0; //* mean anomaly at ref. epoch (r) //*** perturbation parameters private double deln; //* mean motion difference from computed value (r/s) private double eyedot; //* rate of change of inclination (r/s) private double omgdot; //* rate of change of right ascension (r/s) private double cuc; //* cosine harmonic correction to arg. of lat. (r) private double cus; //* sine harmonic correction to arg. of lat. (r) private double crc; //* cosine harmonic correction to radius (m) private double crs; //* sine harmonic correction to radius (m) private double cic; //* cosine harmonic correction to inclination (r) private double cis; //* sine harmonic correction to inclination (r) //*** other data private double iode; //* issue of data ephemeris private double l2cd; //* codes on l2 channel (binary, 01-p, 10-c/a) private double wkno; //* gps week # (to go with toe) (wk) private double l2pd; //* l2 p data flag (binary, 0-norm, 1-set off) private double svac; //* URA index (converted) (m) private double svhl; //* sv health (6 bits, 0-ok, 1-not) private double tgd; //* est. group delay (tsv-tgd) (s) private double iodc; //* issue of data clock private double tot; //* transmission time of message (sow) //***** //***** methods //***** public BCstuf(int myid) {id=myid;} public int getBC() {return id;} public double gBCjts() {return jts;} public String toString() {return "" + id;} public int gBCprn() {return prn;} public double gBCt0c() {return t0c;} public double gBCt0e() {return t0e;} public double gBCwkno() {return wkno;} public double gBCsvac() {return svac;} public double gBCsvhl() {return svhl;} public double gBCtot() {return tot;} //***** //***** load methods //***** public void put0BC(String myString, int myid, Gtime tStuf) { //*** load record (epoch and clock) //*** y2k code fails after 2079 //*** clock parameters String subField; int iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn; double sec,tsec; subField = myString.substring( 0, 2); prn = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring( 2, 5); iyr = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); if (iyr < 80) {iyr=iyr+2000;} //*** y2k else if(iyr <= 99) {iyr=iyr+1900;} //*** fail 2080 subField = myString.substring( 5, 8); imo = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring( 8, 11); idy = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring(11, 14); ihr = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring(14, 17); imn = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring(17, 22); sec = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); //*** if first epoch, check to establish time offset if(myid <= 1){ if(tStuf.getMjd0() <= -1){ System.err.println("Time was set in nav file -- check obs file"); tStuf.setjd0(iyr, imo, idy); } } jts = tStuf.civjts(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec); //*** also used for index t0c = tStuf.jtssow(jts); subField = myString.substring(22, 41).replace('D','e'); af0 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(41, 60).replace('D','e'); af1 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(60, 79).replace('D','e'); af2 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } public void put1BC(String myString) { //*** load record (BC Orbit 1) String subField; subField = myString.substring( 3, 22).replace('D','e'); iode = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(22, 41).replace('D','e'); crs = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(41, 60).replace('D','e'); deln = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(60, 79).replace('D','e'); em0 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } public void put2BC(String myString) { //*** load record (BC Orbit 2) String subField; subField = myString.substring( 3, 22).replace('D','e'); cuc = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(22, 41).replace('D','e'); e = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(41, 60).replace('D','e'); cus = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(60, 79).replace('D','e'); sqrta = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } public void put3BC(String myString) { //*** load record (BC Orbit 3) String subField; subField = myString.substring( 3, 22).replace('D','e'); t0e = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(22, 41).replace('D','e'); cic = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(41, 60).replace('D','e'); omg0 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(60, 79).replace('D','e'); cis = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } public void put4BC(String myString) { //*** load record (BC Orbit 4) String subField; subField = myString.substring( 3, 22).replace('D','e'); eye0 = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(22, 41).replace('D','e'); crc = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(41, 60).replace('D','e'); w = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(60, 79).replace('D','e'); omgdot = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } public void put5BC(String myString) { //*** load record (BC Orbit 5) String subField; subField = myString.substring( 3, 22).replace('D','e'); eyedot = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(22, 41).replace('D','e'); l2cd = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(41, 60).replace('D','e'); wkno = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(60, 79).replace('D','e'); l2pd = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } public void put6BC(String myString) { //*** load record (BC Orbit 6) String subField; subField = myString.substring( 3, 22).replace('D','e'); //*** troublesome field in gait nav file try { svac = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //****System.err.println("Reset acc. for " + subField.trim()); svac = 384.0; } subField = myString.substring(22, 41).replace('D','e'); svhl = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(41, 60).replace('D','e'); tgd = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); subField = myString.substring(60, 79).replace('D','e'); iodc = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } public void put7BC(String myString) { //*** load record (BC Orbit 7) String subField; subField = myString.substring( 3, 22).replace('D','e'); tot = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); } //***** //***** compute methods //***** public PosT bcxyzt (double tsv, Modes myModes) { //*** compute pos of broadcast orbit (BC) for a single time //*** sense of the corrector (with relativity) is: t=tsv-dt-dtr //*** BC is in GPS system time (use clock corr, time in sec.of.week) double dt, dtr, bcclok; //*** correct satellite time dt = bcclok1(tsv); //*** icd-200 dtr = bcclok2(tsv,dt); bcclok = dt+dtr; //*** icd-200 (not dual freq) //*** old version below //*** if( (!myModes.isdFreq()) && (!myModes.isbIon())) bcclok = bcclok - tgd; //*** 2006july28 notes //*** DOD does NOT apply sat P1P2 DCB correction (Tgd) to broadcast clocks //*** IGS does NOT apply sat P1P2 DCB corrections to their clocks "by agreed convention" //*** thus, sat P1P2 DCB must be applied to DoD/IGS clocks if single freq. //*** this is same convention as icd-200 //*** this has NOTHING to do with use of any kind of an ionosphere model //*** its purpose is undoing the disseminated clock biases by means of //*** uncorrected (by DCB's) pseudorange ionosphere estimates if( (!myModes.isdFreq()) ) bcclok = bcclok - tgd; //*** compute broadcast position at corrected time return bcxyz(tsv-bcclok, bcclok, dtr); } public double bcclok1 (double t) { //*** compute satellite clock correction (non-relativity term) //*** sense of the corrector is: t=tsv-dt double dt; if( (t-t0c) > 302400.0 ) t=t-604800.0; //*** handle week rollover if( (t-t0c) <-302400.0 ) t=t+604800.0; //*** valid icd200 dt=af0+af1*(t-t0c)+af2*(t-t0c)*(t-t0c); //*** valid icd200 return dt; } public double bcclok2 (double t, double dt) { //*** compute satellite clock correction (relativity term) //*** sense of the corrector is: t=tsv-dt-dtr double dtr; //*** relativity term double ek; if( (t-t0c) > 302400.0 ) t=t-604800.0; //*** handle week rollover if( (t-t0c) <-302400.0 ) t=t+604800.0; //*** valid icd200 //*** relativity term ek=eccano(t-dt); dtr=bigf*e*sqrta*Math.sin(ek); //*** valid icd200 return dtr; } public PosT bcxyz(double t, double bcclok, double dtr) { //*** compute ECBF XYZ at time t from broadcast elements //*** units: seconds, meters, radians //*** note: t corrected for SV clock error, also passed in bcclok //*** note: also passing relativitistic correction double a,en0,tk,en,emk,ek,sinek,cosek,f,u,cu2,su2,duk,drk,dik; double uk,rk,eyek,ceyek,xpk,ypk,omgk,comgk,somgk,xk,yk,zk; if( (t-t0e) > 302400.0 ) t=t-604800.0; //*** handle week rollover if( (t-t0e) <-302400.0 ) t=t+604800.0; //*** valid icd200 //*** mean motion a = sqrta*sqrta; en0 = Math.sqrt(gm/(a*a*a)); //*** time since orbit reference epoch tk = t-t0e; //*** corrected mean motion en = en0+deln; //*** mean anomaly, M emk = em0+en*tk; //*** solve kepler's equation for eccentric anomaly, E ek = kepEQ(emk); sinek = Math.sin(ek); cosek = Math.cos(ek); //*** true anomaly, f f = Math.atan2( Math.sqrt(1.0-e*e)*sinek, cosek-e); //*** argument of latitude, u u = f+w; cu2 = Math.cos(u+u); su2 = Math.sin(u+u); //*** corrections to the arg. of lat., radius, and inclination duk = cuc*cu2+cus*su2; drk = crc*cu2+crs*su2; dik = cic*cu2+cis*su2; //*** correct the arg. of lat., radius, and inclination uk = u + duk; rk = a*(1.0-e*cosek) + drk; eyek = eye0+eyedot*tk + dik; ceyek = Math.cos(eyek); //*** position in the orbital plane xpk = rk*Math.cos(uk); ypk = rk*Math.sin(uk); //*** correct the longitude of the ascending node omgk = omg0+(omgdot-we)*tk-we*t0e; comgk = Math.cos(omgk); somgk = Math.sin(omgk); //*** compute ecbf coordinates xk = xpk*comgk-ypk*somgk*ceyek; yk = xpk*somgk+ypk*comgk*ceyek; zk = ypk *Math.sin(eyek); return new PosT(xk, yk, zk, bcclok, dtr); } public double eccano(double t) { //*** compute eccentric anomaly at time T from broadcast elements double a,en0,tk,en,emk; if( (t-t0e) > 302400.0 ) t=t-604800.0; //*** handle week rollover if( (t-t0e) < -302400.0 ) t=t+604800.0; a=sqrta*sqrta; //*** semimajor axis en0=Math.sqrt(gm/(a*a*a)); //*** mean motion tk=t-t0e; //*** time since orbit reference epoch en=en0+deln; //*** corrected mean motion emk=em0+en*tk; //*** mean anomaly, M return kepEQ(emk); //*** solve kepler's eq for ecc anomaly, E } public double kepEQ(double em) { //*** solve for eccentric anomaly given mean anomaly and orbital eccentricity //*** use simple fixed point iteration of kepler's equation double ecca, ecca0; //*** iterates of eccentric anomaly //*** initialize eccentric anomaly ecca=em+e*Math.sin(em); //*** exit only on convergence do { ecca0=ecca; ecca=em+e*Math.sin(ecca0); } while (Math.abs( (ecca-ecca0)/ecca ) > 1.e-14); return ecca; } public void BCinit() { //*** initialize to test values t0c = 3.10400000000000e+03; af2 = 0.00000000000000e+00; af1 = 2.04636307898909e-12; af0 = 4.73577529191971e-07; crs = -1.74687500000000e+01; deln = 4.57340478638085e-09; em0 = 1.63307323511810e+00; cuc = -9.68575477600099e-07; e = 4.74695244338363e-03; cus = 2.30222940444947e-06; sqrta = 5.15357911109924e+03; t0e = 3.10400000000000e+03; cic = 7.26431608200074e-08; omg0 = 1.12194333211744e+00; cis = -4.28408384323121e-08; eye0 = 9.59844678252147e-01; crc = 3.32750000000000e+02; w = 1.44611981813501e+00; omgdot= -8.27498754358907e-09; eyedot= -7.96461747257267e-11; return; } //*** expected test results: //*** myBC.BCinit(); //*** myPos = myBC.bcxyzt( 3104.0); //*** System.out.println(myPos.toString4()); //*** myPos = myBC.bcxyzt( 3204.0); //*** System.out.println(myPos.toString4()); //*** myPos = myBC.bcxyzt( 4104.0); //*** System.out.println(myPos.toString4()); //*** myPos = myBC.bcxyzt(13104.0); //*** System.out.println(myPos.toString4()); //*** x=-17212647.7969 y=-20205593.2676 z= 1151304.1641 //*** x=-17199667.6706 y=-20234605.2305 z= 834485.2910 //*** x=-16972873.7180 y=-20363862.4894 z= -2016782.8591 //*** x= -2061865.9599 y=-15633481.5430 z=-21527450.2128 }//***endclass BCstuf //**************************************************************************** class SP3set { //*** collection of precise orbits object private static final int MXPRN = 32; //*** 38 are possible private static final int MXTRW = 3*4*24+1; //*** time rows (3 days) private static final double TINY = 1.0e-2; //*** tiny number private static final double EPS = 1.0e-13; //*** very tiny number private static final double BADT = 0.999999; //*** bad time flag private Gtime tStuf; //*** time object for SP3Set private int nsat=0; //*** sats in input file private int nep=0; //*** number of time epochs private double tstr = 0; //*** time of 1 st epoch private double tstp = 0; //*** time of last epoch private double dlt = 0; //*** epoch interval private int imx = 0; //*** max index into arrays private double t0mx = 0.0; //*** time for max index private double c[] = new double [9+1]; //*** interp coeff. private double xs [][] = new double [MXTRW+1][MXPRN+1]; //*** fortran style private double ys [][] = new double [MXTRW+1][MXPRN+1]; private double zs [][] = new double [MXTRW+1][MXPRN+1]; private double ts [][] = new double [MXTRW+1][MXPRN+1]; private int ierr; //*** error code private double xSP3; //*** x of sat private double ySP3; //*** y of sat private double zSP3; //*** d of sat private double tSP3; //*** dt of sat //*** //*** compute methods //*** public boolean oterp(int iprn, double tsec){ //*** interpolate sp3 orbit //*** iprn is prn identifier for a satellite //*** input time, tsec, is gps seconds from ref. epoch (see Gtime) int i,intt,ioff; double r,t,t0,tint, powr, dt, fac; //*** satellite prn number not loaded from the sp3 file (1st epoch 0 check) r=xs[1][iprn]*xs[1][iprn]+ys[1][iprn]*ys[1][iprn]+zs[1][iprn]*zs[1][iprn]; if(r <= TINY){ ierr=1; return false; } //*** prevent extrapolation on either end if(tsec < tstr || tsec > tstp){ ierr=2; return false; } //*** routine for finding index into table //*** produces normalized time [0,1,...,8] --> should be 3.5 < tnorm < 4.5 i = ((int)Math.round((tsec-tstr)/dlt)+1)-4; t0 = (i-1)*dlt+tstr; //*** boundary conditions if(i < 1){ i = 1; t0 = tstr; }else if(i > imx){ i = imx; t0 = t0mx; } t = (tsec-t0)/dlt; ioff = i-1; //*** 9-th order interpolator -- equally-spaced points //*** time normalized 0,1,...,8 -- should be 3.5 < t < 4.5 //*** ioff is offset into array xs[][] //*** use stored values if t is exact integer time (avoid division by 0) intt = (int)Math.round(t); tint = (double)intt; if(Math.abs(t-tint) <= EPS) { if(intt >= 0 && intt <= 8) { xSP3 = xs[intt+1+ioff][iprn]; ySP3 = ys[intt+1+ioff][iprn]; zSP3 = zs[intt+1+ioff][iprn]; tSP3 = ts[intt+1+ioff][iprn]; if(tSP3 >= BADT){ ierr=3; return false; } }else{ System.err.println("index error inside oterp()"); System.exit(1); } //*** normal interpolation //*** coefficents, c(), initialized in constructor--see Ben Remondi diss. }else{ powr =1.0; xSP3 =0.0; ySP3 =0.0; zSP3 =0.0; tSP3 =0.0; for(int j=1; j<=9; j++){ dt = t - (double)(j-1); powr = dt*powr; fac = 1.0/(c[j]*dt); xSP3 = xSP3 + xs[j+ioff][iprn]*fac; ySP3 = ySP3 + ys[j+ioff][iprn]*fac; zSP3 = zSP3 + zs[j+ioff][iprn]*fac; tSP3 = tSP3 + ts[j+ioff][iprn]*fac; if(ts[j+ioff][iprn] >= BADT){ ierr=3; return false; } } xSP3 = xSP3*powr; ySP3 = ySP3*powr; zSP3 = zSP3*powr; tSP3 = tSP3*powr; } ierr=0; return true; } //*** //*** constructor //*** public SP3set(BufferedReader in, Gtime tStufx) { tStuf = tStufx; nsat=doSP3Header(in); //*** header if(nsat > MXPRN){ System.err.println("Fatal-- nsats=" + nsat); System.exit(1); } for(int i=0; i<=MXTRW; i++){ //*** zero everything for(int j=0; j<=nsat; j++){ xs[i][j] = 0.0; ys[i][j] = 0.0; zs[i][j] = 0.0; ts[i][j] = 0.0; } } doSP3Data(in); //*** finish setting up some index/bookkeeping info if(Math.abs( ((tstp-tstr)/(nep-1)) - dlt) > TINY){ System.err.println("delta t mismatch =" + dlt); System.exit(1); } imx=nep-9+1; t0mx=(imx-1)*dlt+tstr; //*** interpolation coefficients and parameters c[1] = 40320.0; c[2] = -5040.0; c[3] = 1440.0; c[4] = -720.0; c[5] = 576.0; c[6] = -720.0; c[7] = 1440.0; c[8] = -5040.0; c[9] = 40320.0; } //*** //*** load methods only accessed thru constructor //*** private void doSP3Data(BufferedReader in){ //*** loop over SP3 file data String myString; String subField; int iprn; double x,y,z,t; try { while( (myString=in.readLine()) != null ){ //*** header subField=myString.substring(0,3); if(subField.equals("EOF")) { break; }else{ nep=nep+1; if(nep > MXTRW){ System.err.println("Fatal-- # epoch exeeded=" + nep); System.exit(1); } tstp = eparse(myString); //*** last epoch (keep updating) if(nep == 1) tstr = tstp; //*** first epoch } //*** sats *** (P records only) //*** convert to meters and seconds for(int i=1; i<=nsat; i++){ if( (myString=in.readLine()) != null ){ subField=myString.substring(0,1); if(!subField.equals("P")) { System.err.println("Fatal-- missed P rec."); System.exit(1); } //*** patch to allow both sp3 and sp3c formats //*** note: does NOT check for mixed-GNSS types (assumes pure GPS-only) subField = myString.substring( 2,4); //*************** subField = myString.substring( 1,4); iprn = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myString.substring( 4,18); x = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); xs[nep][iprn] = x*1000.0; subField = myString.substring(18,32); y = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); ys[nep][iprn] = y*1000.0; subField = myString.substring(32,46); z = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); zs[nep][iprn] = z*1000.0; subField = myString.substring(46,60); t = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); ts[nep][iprn] = t/1.0e6; }else{ System.err.println("Fatal SP3 read\n"); in = null; System.exit(1); } } }//*** endwhile }//*** endtry catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error in SP3 r/w\n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } } private double eparse(String myStr){ //*** parse the epoch record in an SP3 format int iyr, imo, idy, ihr, imn; double sec; String subField; subField=myStr.substring(0,1); if(!subField.equals("*")) { System.err.println("Fatal-- missed epoch rec."); System.exit(1); } subField = myStr.substring( 3, 7); iyr = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myStr.substring( 7,10); imo = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myStr.substring(10,13); idy = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myStr.substring(13,16); ihr = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myStr.substring(16,19); imn = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); subField = myStr.substring(19,myStr.length()); sec = Double.valueOf(subField.trim()).doubleValue(); return tStuf.civjts(iyr, imo, idy, ihr, imn, sec); } private int doSP3Header(BufferedReader in){ //*** loop over SP3 file header String myString; String subField; int icount; int nsat=0; //*** loop until header end detected icount=0; try { if( (myString=in.readLine()) != null ){icount=icount+1;} if( (myString=in.readLine()) != null ){ icount=icount+1; subField = myString.substring(23,38); dlt = Double.parseDouble(subField.trim()); } if( (myString=in.readLine()) != null ){ icount=icount+1; subField = myString.substring(2,6); nsat = Integer.parseInt(subField.trim()); } while( (myString=in.readLine()) != null ){ icount=icount+1; if(icount >= 22) break; } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error in copy\n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); } return nsat; } //*** //*** view methods //*** public int gSP3err() {return ierr;} public double gSP3x() {return xSP3;} public double gSP3y() {return ySP3;} public double gSP3z() {return zSP3;} public double gSP3t() {return tSP3;} }//***endclass SP3set //**************************************************************************** class Met { //*** met object for gps //*** substitute Pos and Rpos objects private static final double RAD = 180.0/Math.PI; //*** radians to deg private static final double MDJ2000=51544.0; //*** MJD of 1-jan-2000 private double temp; //*** temperature in Celsius private double pres; //*** pressure in mbar private double rh; //*** relative humidity 0 to 1 (not percent) private double dryzen; //*** dry atmosphere zenith path delay [m] private double wetzen; //*** wet zenith delay [m] //*** set functions public void putTemp(double tempin) {temp =tempin;} public void putPres(double presin) {pres =presin;} public void putRH( double rhin) {rh =rhin;} public void putDryz(double dryzenin) {dryzen=dryzenin;} public void putWetz(double wetzenin) {wetzen=wetzenin;} //*** view functions public double getTemp() {return temp;} public double getPres() {return pres;} public double getRH() {return rh;} public double getDryz() {return dryzen;} public double getWetz() {return wetzen;} //*** compute functions public double tropdelay(double glat, double oht, double v, double tsec, Gtime mytime) { //*** compute tropo delay in meters //*** latitude and vert angle input in radians //*** ortho height in meters //*** seasonal model for temp, pres, and r.h. if( (glat < -1.571) || (glat > 1.571) ) { System.err.println("lat error in tropdelay()"); System.exit(1); } if( (oht < -150.0) || (oht > 5000.0)) { System.err.println("oht error in tropdelay()"); System.exit(1); } if( (v < -0.1) || (v > 1.571) ) { System.err.println("v-ang error in tropdelay()"); System.exit(1); } met_seas(oht, glat, tsec, mytime); //*** seasonal model (herring) //*** given temp, pres, and r.h. --> get tdelay in meters if( (temp < -50.0) || (temp > 50.0) ) { System.err.println("temp error in tropdelay()"); System.exit(1); } if( (pres < 500.0) || (pres > 1100.0)) { System.err.println("pres="+pres); System.err.println("pres error in tropdelay()"); System.exit(1); } if( (rh < 0.0) || (rh > 1.0) ) { System.err.println("rh error in tropdelay()"); System.exit(1); } return tropo(glat, oht, v); } public void met_seas(double oht, double glat, double tsec, Gtime mytime){ //*** seasonal model (T. Herring, MIT) //*** Name changed, call modified, adapted for use by Page4, J. Ray (95.07.25) //*** oht height of site (meters) above geoid //*** glat latitude of site (radians) //*** t time (jts-- jul. time, sec) (converted thru Gtime object) double hgt,epoch,dt1,tempk; hgt = oht/1000.0; //*** convert input height to km mytime.jtsciv(tsec); mytime.civmjd(); epoch = (mytime.getMjd()-MDJ2000) + mytime.getFmjd(); //*** estimate temperature -- get seasonal argument dt1 = (epoch/365.25)*2.0*Math.PI; temp = (-20.5 + 48.4*Math.cos(glat) - 3.1*hgt) + (-14.3 + 3.3*hgt) *Math.sin(glat)*Math.cos(dt1) + ( -4.7 + 1.1*hgt) *Math.sin(glat)*Math.sin(dt1); //*** compute the pressure based on standard lapse rate tempk = temp + 273.15; //*** convert to Kelvin pres = 1013.25 * Math.pow((tempk/(tempk + 6.5*hgt)), 5.26); //*** relative humidity (plain default value) rh = 0.5; } public double tropo(double glat, double oht, double v){ //*** compute troposphere delay (saastamoinen with herring mapping) //*** v -- vertical angle (radians) //*** gla -- geodetic latitude (radians) //*** oht -- orthometric height of rcvr. (meters) double hs,sine,cgla,ts10; double ah,bh,ch,mh,aw,bw,cw,mw; //*** zenith delay section saast(glat,oht); //*** saastamoinen //*** mapping function section //*** herring: 1992, refraction of transatmospheric signals in geodesy //*** note: mapping fcns derived: lat 27N-65N, and ht. 0-1.6 km hs = oht/1000.0; //*** hs -- orthometric ht of rcvr.(kilometers) sine = Math.sin(v); cgla = Math.cos(glat); ts10 = temp-10.0; //*** offset to surface temperature (Celsius) //*** hydrostatic mapping fcn (herring eq. 8) (RMS ~ 3-10 mm) ah = (1.2330 + 0.0139*cgla - 0.0209*hs + 0.00215*ts10)*1.e-3; bh = (3.1612 - 0.1600*cgla - 0.0331*hs + 0.00206*ts10)*1.e-3; ch = (71.244 - 4.2930*cgla - 0.1490*hs - 0.00210*ts10)*1.e-3; mh = ( 1.0+ah/( 1.0+bh/( 1.0+ch)))/ (sine+ah/(sine+bh/(sine+ch))); //*** wet mapping fcn (herring eq. 9) aw = (0.583 - 0.011*cgla - 0.052*hs + 0.0014*ts10)*1.e-3; bw = (1.402 - 0.102*cgla - 0.101*hs + 0.0020*ts10)*1.e-3; cw = (45.85 - 1.910*cgla - 1.290*hs + 0.0150*ts10)*1.e-3; mw = (1.0+aw/( 1.0+bw/( 1.0+cw)))/ (sine+aw/(sine+bw/(sine+cw))); //*** total atmospheric delay (herring eq 3) return dryzen*mh + wetzen*mw; } public void saast(double gla, double oht){ //*** compute wet and dry zenith delay using the saastamoinen formula //************************************************************************ //* input //* gla site latitude [radians] //* oht orthometric height [m] //* bp barometric pressure [millibars] //* tc temperature [centigrade] //* rh relative humidity [0.0 --> 1.0] //* //* output //* dryzen dry atmosphere zenith path delay [m] //* wetzen wet zenith delay [m] //* //* 87-02-15, written by: j. l. davis //* 91-01-09, mss, standard header. remove vlbi specific code //* 96-04-11, dgm, combined wet and dry, and deleted derivative stuff //* 00-05-24, dgm, java conversion //************************************************************************ double fgrav, tk, pp; //*** saastamoinen's function for gravity fgrav = 1.0 - 0.00266*Math.cos(2.0*gla) - 0.00028e-3*oht; //*** water vapor partial pressure in mbars (proportional to rh) tk = temp + 273.15; pp = rh*6.11 * Math.pow((tk/273.15), -5.3) * Math.exp(25.2*temp/tk); //*** zenith delays wetzen = 0.0022768*(1255.0/tk+0.05)*pp/fgrav; dryzen = 0.0022768* pres/fgrav; } public double adalap(double z, double p0){ //*** compute pressure vs. temperature //*** ICAN atmosphere, (eq.176) Handbook of Met. (Berry, Bollay, Beers) //*** (pg. 374) (1945, McGraw Hill) //*** z in meters //*** p,p0 in millibars double p; p0=1013.2; //***debug -- check this (overwrite?) p=p0*Math.pow((1.0-0.0065*z/288.0), 5.2568); return p; } }//***endclass Met //**************************************************************************** class PosD { //*** receiver position object + dop's //*** debug -- have this inherit from Pos private static final double A=6378137.0; //*** grs-80 ellipsoid private static final double E2=0.006694380022903416; //*** (geod.hand.1992) private static final double AE2=A*E2; //*** (66(2), pg. 191) //*** position private double x; private double y; private double z; private double pdop; private double hdop; private double vdop; private double gla; //*** radians private double glo; //*** radians (pos east) private double eht; //*** meters //*** methods (default constructor) public PosD (double xin, double yin, double zin, double pdopin, double hdopin, double vdopin){ x = xin; y = yin; z = zin; pdop = pdopin; hdop = hdopin; vdop = vdopin; gla=0.0; //*** set to null (see xyzgeo()) glo=0.0; eht=0.0; } public double getxPosD() {return x;} public double getyPosD() {return y;} public double getzPosD() {return z;} public double getpdopPosD() {return pdop;} public double gethdopPosD() {return hdop;} public double getvdopPosD() {return vdop;} public double getGlaGPD() {return gla;} public double getGloGPD() {return glo;} public double getEhtGPD() {return eht;} public void putxPosD (double inx) { x = inx;} public void putyPosD (double iny) { y = iny;} public void putzPosD (double inz) { z = inz;} public void putpdopPosD (double inpdop) {pdop = inpdop;} public void puthdopPosD (double inhdop) {hdop = inhdop;} public void putvdopPosD (double invdop) {vdop = invdop;} public String toString() {return "x="+ x+ " y="+ y+ " z="+ z+ " pdop="+pdop+" hdop="+hdop+" vdop="+vdop;} public String toString4() { DecimalFormat fDF = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); DecimalFormat fD1 = new DecimalFormat("0.0"); return "x="+fDF.format(x)+" y="+fDF.format(y)+ " z="+fDF.format(z)+" pdop="+ fD1.format(pdop)+ " hdop="+ fD1.format(hdop)+" vdop="+ fD1.format(vdop); } //*** conversion methods public void xyzgeoD() { //*** convert x,y,z into geodetic lat, lon, and ellip. ht //*** ref: eq a.4b, p. 132, appendix a, osu #370 //*** ref: geom geod notes gs 658, rapp final double MAXINT=10,TOL=1.0e-14; double p,tgla,tglax,sla,w,n; int icount=0; //*** compute initial estimate of reduced latitude (eht=0) p=Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y); tgla=z/p/(1.0-E2); //*** iterate to convergence, or to max # iterations while(icount < MAXINT){ tglax=tgla; tgla=z/(p-(AE2/Math.sqrt(1.0+(1.0-E2)*tgla*tgla))); icount=icount+1; if(Math.abs(tgla-tglax) <= TOL){ //*** convergence test gla=Math.atan(tgla); sla=Math.sin(gla); glo=Math.atan2(y,x); w=Math.sqrt(1.0-E2*sla*sla); n=A/w; if(Math.abs(gla) < 0.7854){ eht=p/Math.cos(gla)-n; }else{ eht=z/sla-n+E2*n; } return; } }//***endwhile //*** too many iterations -- probably too close to pole System.err.println("Fail to converge in xyzgeoD()"); System.exit(1); } }//***endclass PosD //**************************************************************************** class PosT { //*** satellite position object + time correctors //*** debug -- have this inherit from Pos //*** position private double x; private double y; private double z; private double dt; private double dtr; //*** relativistic correction //*** methods (default constructor) public PosT (double xin, double yin, double zin, double dtin, double dtrin){ x =xin; y =yin; z =zin; dt =dtin; dtr=dtrin; } public double getxPosT() {return x;} public double getyPosT() {return y;} public double getzPosT() {return z;} public double getdtPosT() {return dt;} public double getdtrPosT(){return dtr;} public void putxPosT (double inx) { x = inx;} public void putyPosT (double iny) { y = iny;} public void putzPosT (double inz) { z = inz;} public void putdtPosT (double indt) {dt = indt;} public void putdtrPosT(double indtr){dtr = indtr;} public String toString() {return "x="+x+" y="+y+" z="+z+" dt="+dt;} public String toString4() { DecimalFormat fDF = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); return "x="+fDF.format(x)+" y="+fDF.format(y)+ " z="+fDF.format(z)+" dt="+ dt; } }//***endclass PosT //************************************************************************ class Pos { //*** position object (3D) private static final double A=6378137.0; //*** grs-80 ellipsoid private static final double E2=0.006694380022903416; //*** (geod.hand.1992) private static final double AE2=A*E2; //*** (66(2), pg. 191) //*** position private double x; private double y; private double z; private double gla; //*** radians private double glo; //*** radians (pos east) private double eht; //*** meters //*** methods (default constructor) public Pos (double xin, double yin, double zin){ x =xin; y =yin; z =zin; gla=0.0; //*** set to null (see xyzgeo()) glo=0.0; eht=0.0; } public double getxPos() {return x;} public double getyPos() {return y;} public double getzPos() {return z;} public double getGlaGP() {return gla;} public double getGloGP() {return glo;} public double getEhtGP() {return eht;} public String toString() {return "x="+x+" y="+y+" z="+z;} public String toString4() { DecimalFormat fDF = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); return "x="+fDF.format(x)+" y="+fDF.format(y)+" z="+fDF.format(z); } //*** creation methods public double[][] rotmat() { //*** build rotation matrix //*** fortran indexing double a[][] = new double [3+1][4+1]; double sla,slo,cla,clo; if(gla==0.0 && glo==0.0 && eht==0.0) this.xyzgeo(); sla=Math.sin(gla); cla=Math.cos(gla); slo=Math.sin(glo); clo=Math.cos(glo); //*** geocentric to local horizon system (c.f. Ben notes) //*** n = -sla*clo*px -sla*slo*py +cla*pz a[1][1] =-sla*clo; a[1][2] =-sla*slo; a[1][3] = cla; a[1][4] = 0.0; //*** e = -slo*px + clo*py a[2][1] =-slo; a[2][2] = clo; a[2][3] = 0.0; a[2][4] = 0.0; //*** u = cla*clo*px +cla*slo*py +sla*pz a[3][1] = cla*clo; a[3][2] = cla*slo; a[3][3] = sla; a[3][4] = 0.0; return a; } //*** conversion methods public void xyzgeo() { //*** convert x,y,z into geodetic lat, lon, and ellip. ht //*** ref: eq a.4b, p. 132, appendix a, osu #370 //*** ref: geom geod notes gs 658, rapp final double MAXINT=10,TOL=1.0e-14; double p,tgla,tglax,sla,w,n; int icount=0; //*** compute initial estimate of reduced latitude (eht=0) p=Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y); tgla=z/p/(1.0-E2); //*** iterate to convergence, or to max # iterations while(icount < MAXINT){ tglax=tgla; tgla=z/(p-(AE2/Math.sqrt(1.0+(1.0-E2)*tgla*tgla))); icount=icount+1; if(Math.abs(tgla-tglax) <= TOL){ //*** convergence test gla=Math.atan(tgla); sla=Math.sin(gla); glo=Math.atan2(y,x); w=Math.sqrt(1.0-E2*sla*sla); n=A/w; if(Math.abs(gla) < 0.7854){ eht=p/Math.cos(gla)-n; }else{ eht=z/sla-n+E2*n; } return; } }//***endwhile //*** too many iterations -- probably too close to pole System.err.println("Fail to converge in xyzgeo()"); System.exit(1); } } //************************************************************************ class RVec { //*** range object //*** components private double px; //*** from rx to sv private double py; private double pz; private double az; //*** radians (clockwise) private double va; //*** radians (neg. below horizon) private double rho; //*** meters //*** methods (default constructor) public RVec (double pxin, double pyin, double pzin){ px=pxin; py=pyin; pz=pzin; rho=Math.sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz); } public double getPxRV() {return px;} public double getPyRV() {return py;} public double getPzRV() {return pz;} public double getAzRV() {return az;} public double getVaRV() {return va;} public double getRhoRV() {return rho;} //*** conversion methods public void xyzlhs(Pos rxPos) { //*** convert ecbf topocentric range vector to azimuth/elevation double sla,slo,cla,clo,n,e,u; sla=Math.sin(rxPos.getGlaGP()); cla=Math.cos(rxPos.getGlaGP()); slo=Math.sin(rxPos.getGloGP()); clo=Math.cos(rxPos.getGloGP()); //*** topocentric to local horizon system (c.f. Ben notes) u = cla*clo*px +cla*slo*py +sla*pz; e = -slo*px + clo*py ; n = -sla*clo*px -sla*slo*py +cla*pz; va =Math.asin(u/rho); az =Math.atan2(e,n); } } //************************************************************************ class Gtime { //*** Time class -- Gtime private static final int mjd6jan80 = 44244; //*** mjd for begin GPS private int mjd0 = -1; //*** ref part for times private int iyrg,imog,idyg,ihrg,imng; private double secg; private int mjdg; private double fmjdg; //*** set functions public void putCiv(int iyr, int imo, int idy, int ihr, int imn, double sec){ if(iyr <= 1900 || iyr >= 2100){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.putCiv()"); System.err.println("Error--iyr range error =" + iyr); System.exit(1); } if(imo < 1 || imo > 12){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.putCiv()"); System.err.println("Error--imo range error =" + imo); System.exit(1); } if(idy < 1 || idy > 31){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.putCiv()"); System.err.println("Error--idy range error =" + idy); System.exit(1); } if(ihr < 0 || ihr > 23){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.putCiv()"); System.err.println("Error--ihr range error =" + ihr); System.exit(1); } if(imn < 0 || imn > 59){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.putCiv()"); System.err.println("Error--imn range error =" + imn); System.exit(1); } if(sec < 0 || sec >= 60.0){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.putCiv()"); System.err.println("Error--sec range error =" + sec); System.exit(1); } iyrg=iyr; imog=imo; idyg=idy; ihrg=ihr; imng=imn; secg=sec; } public void putMjd(int mjd, double fmjd){ mjdg =mjd; fmjdg=fmjd; } public void setjd0(int iyr, int imo, int idy){ //*** set the integer part of a modified julian date as epoch, mjd0 //*** the modified julian day is derived from civil time as in civmjd() //*** allows single number expression of time in seconds w.r.t. mjd0 int y,m,it1,it2,mjd; if(iyr <= 1900 || iyr >= 2100){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.setjd0()"); System.err.println("Error--iyr range error =" + iyr); System.exit(1); } if(imo < 1 || imo > 12){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.setjd0()"); System.err.println("Error--imo range error =" + imo); System.exit(1); } if(idy < 1 || idy > 31){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.setjd0()"); System.err.println("Error--idy range error =" + idy); System.exit(1); } if(imo <= 2){ y = iyr-1; m = imo+12; }else{ y = iyr; m = imo; } it1 = (int) (365.25*y); it2 = (int) (30.6001*(m+1)); mjd = it1+it2+idy-679019; mjd0=mjd; //*** set reference mjd for other methods } //*** view functions public int getIyr() {return iyrg;} public int getImo() {return imog;} public int getIdy() {return idyg;} public int getIhr() {return ihrg;} public int getImn() {return imng;} public double getSec() {return secg;} public int getMjd() {return mjdg;} public double getFmjd() {return fmjdg;} public int getMjd0() {return mjd0;} //*** conversion functions public double civjts(int iyr, int imo, int idy, int ihr, int imn, double sec){ //*** convert civil date to time in seconds past mjd epoch, mjd0 //*** requires initialization of mjd0 by setjd0() //*** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 (leap year protocols) //*** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 //*** adapted from civmjd() int y,m,it1,it2,mjd; double tsec; if(mjd0 <= -1){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.civjts()"); System.err.println("Error--initialize by setjd0()!"); System.exit(1); } if(iyr <= 1900 || iyr >= 2100){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.civjts()"); System.err.println("Error--iyr range error =" + iyr); System.exit(1); } if(imo <= 2){ y = iyr-1; m = imo+12; }else{ y = iyr; m = imo; } it1 = (int) (365.25*y); it2 = (int) (30.6001*(m+1)); mjd = it1+it2+idy-679019; tsec = (mjd-mjd0)*86400.0+3600*ihr+60*imn+sec; return tsec; } public void jtsciv(double tsec){ //*** convert time in seconds past mjd0 epoch into civil date //*** requires initialization of mjd0 by setjd0() if(mjd0 <= -1){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.jtsciv()"); System.err.println("Error--initialize by setjd0()!"); System.exit(1); } mjdg = (int) (mjd0+tsec/86400.0); fmjdg = fmod(tsec,86400.0)/86400.0; //*** preserves digits this.mjdciv(); } public void mjdciv(){ //*** convert modified julian date to civil date //*** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 //*** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 //*** operation confirmed for leap years (incl. year 2000) double rjd,tmp; int ia,ib,ic,id,ie; rjd = mjdg+fmjdg+2400000.5; //*** since 4713 BC ia = (int)(rjd+0.5); ib = ia + 1537; ic = (int) ((ib-122.1)/365.25); id = (int) (365.25*ic); ie = (int) ((ib-id)/30.6001); idyg = ib -id - ((int)(30.6001*ie)) + ((int)(fmod(rjd+0.5, 1.0))); imog = ie - 1 - 12*((int)(ie/14)); iyrg = ic - 4715 - ((int)((7+imog)/10)); tmp = fmjdg*24.0; ihrg = (int) tmp; tmp = (tmp-ihrg)*60.0; imng = (int) tmp; secg = (tmp-imng)*60.0; } public void civmjd(){ //*** convert civil date to modified julian date //*** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 (leap year protocols) //*** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 //*** operation confirmed against table 3.3 values on pg.34 int y,m,it1,it2; if(imog <= 2){ y = iyrg-1; m = imog+12; }else{ y = iyrg; m = imog; } it1 = (int) (365.25*y); it2 = (int) (30.6001*(m+1)); mjdg = it1+it2+idyg-679019; fmjdg = (3600*ihrg+60*imng+secg)/86400.0; } public double jtssow(double tsec){ //*** convert julian seconds to gps seconds of week //*** requires initialization of mjd0 by setjd0() if(mjd0 <= -1){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.jtssow()"); System.err.println("Error--initialize by setjd0()!"); System.exit(1); } //*** steady increment -- decrement on week rollover //*** (validated: cross check against broadcast t0e) int nwks = (mjd0-mjd6jan80)/7; double sow = tsec + ((mjd0-mjd6jan80-(nwks*7))*86400.0); if(sow >= 604800.0) sow=sow-604800.0; return sow; } public void sowciv(double gwk, double sow){ //*** convert gps week/seconds of week to civil //*** requires initialization of mjd0 by setjd0() if(mjd0 <= -1){ System.err.println("Error--Gtime.sowciv()"); System.err.println("Error--initialize by setjd0()!"); System.exit(1); } mjdg = (int) Math.floor(gwk*7 + sow/86400.0 + mjd6jan80); fmjdg = fmod(sow,86400.0)/86400.0; //*** preserves digits this.mjdciv(); } private double fmod(double f1, double f2){ //*** modulus function //*** need to validate for negatives (both sides) int n; if(f1 >= 0.0){ n = (int) (f1/f2); return f1 - n*f2; }else{ return -this.fmod(-f1,f2); } } }//***endclass Gtime //************************************************************************ class Matrix { //*** matrix manipulators -- no instance variables //*** overload 0-argument constructor -- error condition public Matrix() { System.out.println("Don't call Matrix -- use 2-D arrays!"); } //************************************************************************** //*** Static Methods ******************************************************* //************************************************************************** public static void writev(double a[]) { //*** write a vector to standard output for(int i=0; i < a.length; i++) { System.out.println(a[i]); } } public static void writem(double a[][]) { //*** write a vector to standard output for(int ir=0; ir < a.length; ir++) { for(int jc=0; jc < a[ir].length; jc++) { System.out.print(a[ir][jc]+" "); } System.out.println(""); } } public static double[] rowcopy(double a[][], int ir) { //*** copy matrix row to output vector int n = a[ir].length-1; //*** fortran indexing double w[] = new double[a[ir].length]; //*** scratch vector for(int jc=1; jc <= n; jc++) { w[jc] = a[ir][jc]; } return w; } public static boolean vecadd(double a[], double b[], double c[]) { //*** add 2 vectors (1D arrays) if(a.length != b.length) return false; if(a.length != c.length) return false; for(int i=1; i < a.length; i++) { c[i]=a[i]+b[i]; } return true; } public static boolean vecsub(double a[], double b[], double c[]) { //*** subtract 2 vectors (1D arrays) if(a.length != b.length) return false; if(a.length != c.length) return false; for(int i=1; i < a.length; i++) { c[i]=a[i]-b[i]; } return true; } public static boolean nitial(double an[][], double u[]) { //*** initialize normal equations //*** works with normal() and nfill() if(an.length != an[1].length) return false; if(an.length != u.length) return false; int n=an.length; for(int i=1; i < n; i++) { u[i]=0.0; //*** right hand side for(int j=i; j < n; j++) { //*** upper triangle an[i][j]=0.0; } } return true; } public static boolean normal(double an[][], double u[], double d[], int lc[], double f, double p, int nd ) { //*** accumulate into normal equations //*** works with nitial() and nfill() //*** warning!! assumes parameter indices are monotonically increasing //*** FORM NORMALS FOR OBSERVATION EQUATIONS ONE OBSERVATION AT A TIME //*** *****(NX + U = 0)***** //*** N=A'PA (N MATRIX STORED IN AN) //*** U=A'PL (L STORED IN F) //*** CALLING SEQUENCE //*** 1) NITIAL (ONE TIME TO CLEAR NORMALS) //*** 2) NORMAL (ONCE FOR EACH OBSERVATION) //*** 3) FILL (ONE TIME TO FILL IN LOWER TRIANGULAR) //*** D = NON-ZERO ELEMENTS OF A ROW OF THE A MATRIX //*** LC= COLUMN NUMBERS OF NON-ZERO ELEMENTS IN D. ELEMENTS //*** OF LC MUST BE IN ASCENDING ORDER AND CORRESPOND TO //*** D, I.E., D(J) IS THE NON-ZERO ELEMENT IN COLUMN LC(J) //*** ND= NUMBER OF ELEMENTS IN D AND LC //*** N = ORDER OF THE SYSTEM (NUMBER OF UNKNOWNS) //*** dimension an(n,n),u(n),d(nd),lc(nd) if(an.length != an[1].length) return false; if(an.length != u.length) return false; if(lc.length < nd) return false; //*** can be longer than nd if(d.length < nd) return false; //*** can be longer than nd double pf=p*f; for(int i=1; i <= nd; i++) { int li=lc[i]; u[li]=u[li]+d[i]*pf; //*** right hand side for(int j=i; j <= nd; j++) { //*** upper triangle int lj=lc[j]; an[li][lj]=an[li][lj]+d[i]*d[j]*p; } } return true; } public static boolean nfill(double an[][]) { //*** fill in lower triangle of an n by n matrix //*** works with nitial() and normal() if(an.length != an[1].length) return false; int n=an.length; for(int i=1; i < n; i++) { for(int j=i; j < n; j++) { an[j][i]=an[i][j]; } } return true; } public static boolean av(double a[][], double b[], double c[]) { //*** matrix/vector product c=ab (a,b unchanged) //*** dimension a(l,m),b(m),c(l) if(a.length != c.length) return false; if(a[1].length != b.length) return false; int l=a.length; int m=a[1].length; for(int i=1; i < l; i++) { c[i]=0.0; for(int k=1; k < m; k++) { c[i]=c[i]+a[i][k]*b[k]; } } return true; } public static boolean ab(double a[][], double b[][], double c[][]) { //*** matrix product c=ab (a,b unchanged) //*** dimension a(l,m),b(m,n),c(l,n) if(a.length != c.length) return false; if(a[1].length != b.length) return false; if(b[1].length != c[1].length) return false; int l=a.length; int m=a[1].length; int n=b[1].length; for(int i=1; i < l; i++) { for(int j=1; j < n; j++) { c[i][j]=0.0; for(int k=1; k < m; k++) { c[i][j]=c[i][j]+a[i][k]*b[k][j]; } } } return true; } public static boolean abat(double a[][], double b[][], double c[][]) { //*** matrix product c=aba' (a,b unchanged) //*** warning: b is assumed symmetric //*** fortran-style indexing //*** dimension a(m,n),b(n,n),c(m,m),w(n) if(a[1].length != b.length) return false; if(a[1].length != b[1].length) return false; if(a.length != c.length) return false; if(a.length != c[1].length) return false; int m = a.length-1; //*** fortran indexing int n = a[1].length-1; //*** fortran indexing double w[] = new double[b.length]; //*** scratch vector for(int i=1; i <= m; i++) { for(int k=1; k <= n; k++) { w[k] = 0.0; for(int l=1; l <= n; l++) { w[k] = w[k] + a[i][l] * b[l][k]; } } for(int j=i; j <= m; j++) { c[i][j] = 0.0; for(int l=1; l <= n; l++) { c[i][j] = c[i][j] + w[l] * a[j][l]; } c[j][i] = c[i][j]; } } return true; } public static boolean versol(double a[][]) { //*** invert an i by i matrix in place if(a.length != a[1].length) return false; int i = a.length-1; //*** fortran indexing double b[] = new double[a.length]; //*** scratch vector if(i == 1){ a[1][1]=1.0/a[1][1]; }else{ int im=i-1; for(int k=1; k <= i; k++) { for(int j=1; j <= im; j++) { b[j]=a[1][j+1]/a[1][1]; } b[i]=1.0/a[1][1]; for(int l=1; l <= im; l++) { for(int j=1; j <= im; j++) { a[l][j]=a[l+1][j+1]-a[l+1][1]*b[j]; } a[l][i]=-a[l+1][1]*b[i]; } for(int j=1; j <= i; j++) { a[i][j]=b[j]; } } } return true; } public static boolean invert(double a[][]) { //*** invert an n by n matrix in place double ann; if(a.length != a[1].length) return false; int n=a.length-1; for(int i=1; i <= n; i++) { double aii=1.0/a[i][i]; a[i][i]=aii; for(int j=1; j <= n; j++) { if(i != j){ double aji=a[j][i]*aii; a[j][i]=aji; for(int k=1; k <= n; k++) { if(i != k){ a[j][k]=a[j][k]-aji*a[i][k]; if(j == n) a[i][k]=-aii*a[i][k]; } }//*** k-loop } } } ann=-a[n][n]; for(int j=1; j <= n-1; j++) { a[n][j]=ann*a[n][j]; } return true; } public static double rcrt(double r[], double c[][]) { //*** matrix product val=rcr' (a,b unchanged) //*** warning: c is assumed symmetric(?) (adapted from abat) //*** fortran-style indexing //*** dimension r(n),c(n,n) if(r.length != c.length) { System.err.println("Error--rcrt() #1"); System.exit(1); } if(r.length != c[1].length) { System.err.println("Error--rcrt() #2"); System.exit(1); } int n = c.length-1; //*** fortran indexing double w[] = new double[r.length]; //*** scratch vector for(int k=1; k <= n; k++) { w[k] = 0.0; for(int l=1; l <= n; l++) { w[k] = w[k] + r[l] * c[l][k]; } } double val = 0.0; for(int l=1; l <= n; l++) { val = val + w[l]*r[l]; } return val; } }//***endclass Matrix //************************************************************************ class Modes { //*** object to hold some processing modes private boolean dualFreq; //*** 2 frequency? private boolean bIon; //*** b-cast iono? private boolean pOrb; //*** precise orbit? private boolean Trop; //*** tropo? private double vCut; //*** vert angle cutoff (deg) //*** methods (default constructor) public Modes() { dualFreq=false; bIon=false; pOrb=false; Trop=false; vCut=-1.0; //*** degrees } public boolean isdFreq() {return dualFreq;} public boolean isbIon() {return bIon;} public boolean ispOrb() {return pOrb;} public boolean isTrop() {return Trop;} public double getvCut() {return vCut;} public void putdFreq(boolean dF) {dualFreq = dF;} public void putbIon (boolean bI) {bIon = bI;} public void putpOrb (boolean pO) {pOrb = pO;} public void putTrop (boolean Tr) {Trop = Tr;} public void putvCut (double vC) {vCut = vC;} }//***endclass Modes //************************************************************************