program ddpr1 *** pseudo-range version (dgm 1-mar-96) *** nothing with L2 pr (so far) *** version (0.1 test initiated 11-jan-95) *** fixed synch bug in oget() *** fixed nasty bug in pscan() *** note to me: work in cutoff-angle *** note to me: if orbits have NO sat clock corr., use .nav file implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(lorbit=(4*48)*(1+4*24)) dimension orbits(lorbit),coord(20),icols1(0:4),icols2(0:4) character*4 aid1,aid2 common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we pi=4.d0*datan(1.d0) rad=180.d0/pi sol=299792458.d0 f1 =1575.42d6 f2 =1227.60d6 w1 =sol/f1 w2 =sol/f2 we=7.2921151467d-5 *** note: input file names currently hard-coded lst=1 open(lst,file='ddpr1.lst',form='formatted') write(lst,*) 'Pseudorange Program -- L1 only -- 2006aug26' lpos=10 open(lpos,file='pos',form='formatted',status='old') lrin1=2 open(lrin1,file='point1.rnx',form='formatted',status='old') lrin2=3 open(lrin2,file='point2.rnx',form='formatted',status='old') leph=4 open(leph,file='orbit.sp3',form='formatted',status='old') *** gather critical information call recon(nsat,nepoch,tstrt,tstop,dstrt,dstop,delt, * icols1,ndat1,aid1,icols2,ndat2,aid2,coord) *** load ephemeris based on identified interval -- then close file rewind(leph) call lodorb(orbits,lorbit,nsat,nepoch,tstrt,tstop) close(leph) leph=6 *** get precise coordinates from the lpos file call lodpos(coord,aid1,aid2) *** get antenna coordinates call getoff(coord,aid1,aid2) write(lst,*) 'coordinate dump' write(lst,'(3f14.4))') coord( 1),coord( 2),coord( 3) write(lst,'(3f14.4))') coord( 4),coord( 5),coord( 6) write(lst,'(3f14.4))') coord( 7),coord( 8),coord( 9) write(lst,'(3f14.4))') coord(10),coord(11),coord(12) write(lst,'(4f14.4))') coord(13),coord(14),coord(15),coord(16) write(lst,'(4f14.4))') coord(17),coord(18),coord(19),coord(20) basel=dsqrt( (coord( 7)-coord( 1)) **2 + * (coord( 8)-coord( 2)) **2 + * (coord( 9)-coord( 3)) **2 ) write(lst,'(a,f14.4,a,f6.2,a))') 'baseline = ',basel, * ' m. interval = ',(dstop-dstrt)/3600.d0,' hr.' *** default troposphere correction call inimet(.false.) write(lst,*) 'no troposphere model used' ***** call inimet(.true.) ***** write(lst,*) 'default troposphere model used' *** build reference satellite table call makrst(dstrt,dstop,delt,coord,orbits,nsat) *** adjust the data call adjst(orbits,coord,nsat,dstrt,dstop,delt, * icols1,ndat1,icols2,ndat2) *** end of processing write(lst,*) 'End of Processing' stop end subroutine adjst(orbits,coord,nsat,tstrt,tstop,delt, * icols1,ndat1,icols2,ndat2) *** iterative adjustment routine implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension orbits(*),coord(20),icols1(0:4),icols2(0:4) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs *** read data, form observation equations, solve for first time *** apply corrections one time only in formob() lobs=8 open(lobs ,form='unformatted',status='scratch') call formob(orbits,coord,nsat,tstrt,tstop,delt, * icols1,ndat1,icols2,ndat2,rms) *** loop over the adjustment (do auto-rejection) siglvl=2.5d0 maxitr=4 iter=1 10000 if(iter.le.maxitr) then write(*,*) ' iteration -- ',iter rejlvl=siglvl*rms call comrms(orbits,coord,rejlvl,rms,nsat) iter=iter+1 go to 10000 endif *** provide results (bogus past here) rejlvl=siglvl*rms lres=10 open(lres,file='ddpr1.res',form='formatted') call post(orbits,coord,nsat,rejlvl,lres) close(lobs) return end subroutine post(orbits,coord,nsat,rejlvl,lres) *** post adjustment display implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical getrs,xyzgeo parameter(maxsat=40) dimension nsv(maxsat),rmss(maxsat),nsv2(maxsat),rms2(maxsat) dimension orbits(*),coord(20),cdum(3) common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs save /xyz2o/ common/xyz2o/x2o,y2o,z2o *** storage scheme for coord() *** *** 1 2 3 X Y Z point 1 marker *** 4 5 6 X Y Z point 1 antenna, L1 *** 7 8 9 X Y Z point 2 marker (may be approx) *** 10 11 12 X Y Z point 2 antenna, L1 (may be approx) *** 13 14 15 16 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 1 offsets *** 17 18 19 20 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 2 offsets write(lst,*) 'adjusted point 2 marker and l1 phase center' write(lst,'(3f14.4))') coord( 7),coord( 8),coord( 9) write(lst,'(3f14.4))') coord(10),coord(11),coord(12) if(.not.xyzgeo(coord(10),coord(11),coord(12),gla,glo,eht)) stop 25389 dx=coord(7)-x2o dy=coord(8)-y2o dz=coord(9)-z2o call rge(gla,glo,dn,de,du,dx,dy,dz) write(lst,*) 'delta x,y,z and n,e,u at point 2 marker' write(lst,'(3f14.4))') dx,dy,dz write(lst,'(3f14.4))') dn,de,du *** create residual file *** loop over obs. equations -- accumulate statistics do 1 i=1,maxsat nsv(i) =0 nsv2(i)=0 rmss(i)=0.d0 1 rms2(i)=0.d0 rewind(lobs) 500 read(lobs,end=773) iisat,trec1,trec2,r110,r210,r11,r21,rdd1 if( then continue *** form double differences -- sr,s geometric range (m) else if(.not.getrs(iirfsv,trec1)) stop 95397 call comdtr(iirfsv,coord,orbits,trec1,trec2,r110,r210,dtr1,dtr2) call comrng(iirfsv,coord,orbits,trec1,trec2,r110,r210,dtr1,dtr2, * sr1,sr2,cdum) call comrg2(iisat ,coord,orbits,trec1,trec2,r11,r21,dtr1,dtr2, * s1,s2,gla,glo,vad) sdd1=((s2-s1)-(sr2-sr1)) cmo=sdd1-rdd1 isat=invprn(iisat) nsv2(isat)=nsv2(isat)+1 rms2(isat)=rms2(isat)+cmo*cmo write(lres,'(f9.1,f9.3,f6.2,i3)') trec1,cmo,vad,isat if(dabs(cmo).le.rejlvl) then nsv(isat)=nsv(isat)+1 rmss(isat)=rmss(isat)+cmo*cmo endif endif go to 500 *** end of file encountered -- display rms after trim 773 rewind(lobs) write(lst,*) 'rms per satellite (with and without trim)' iobs=0 rms=0.d0 do 10 i=1,maxsat if(nsv(i).gt.0) then iobs=iobs+nsv(i) rms =rms +rmss(i) rmss(i)=dsqrt(rmss(i)/dble(nsv(i))) rms2(i)=dsqrt(rms2(i)/dble(nsv2(i))) write(lst,'(i2,i8,2f10.3)') i,nsv(i),rmss(i),rms2(i) *** deleted satellite ?? elseif(nsv2(i).gt.0) then rmss(i)=0.d0 rms2(i)=dsqrt(rms2(i)/dble(nsv2(i))) write(lst,'(i2,i8,2f10.4,a)') i,nsv(i),rmss(i),rms2(i),' ****' endif 10 continue rms=dsqrt(rms/dble(iobs)) write(lst,'(a,f9.4,a,i6)') 'post-fit rms =',rms,' m. n=',iobs return end subroutine comrms(orbits,coord,rejlvl,rms,nsat) *** routine to evaluate obs. equations, form and solve normals implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical getrs dimension orbits(*),coord(20),c(3),cr(3) dimension ic(3),an(3,3),u(3),x(3) common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs *** initialize normal equation stuff nunk=3 call nitil2(an,u,eltpel,nunk) nc=3 ic(1)=1 ic(2)=2 ic(3)=3 p=1.d0 iobs=0 sum =0.d0 sum2=0.d0 *** loop over obs. equations rewind(lobs) 100 read(lobs,end=777) iisat,trec1,trec2,r110,r210,r11,r21,rdd1 if( then continue *** evaluate with latest coordinates -- sr,s geometric range *** goal: scale direction cosines by w1 for l1 phase data else *** debug stuff if(.not.getrs(iirfsv,trec1)) then write(lst,*) iisat,trec1,trec2 stop 45397 endif call comdtr(iirfsv,coord,orbits,trec1,trec2,r110,r210,dtr1,dtr2) call comrng(iirfsv,coord,orbits,trec1,trec2,r110,r210,dtr1,dtr2, * sr1,sr2,cr) call comrng(iisat ,coord,orbits,trec1,trec2,r11,r21,dtr1,dtr2, * s1,s2,c) sdd1=((s2-s1)-(sr2-sr1)) *** sdd1=((s2-s1)-(sr2-sr1))/w1 do 10 i=1,3 10 c(i)=(c(i)-cr(i)) ***10 c(i)=(c(i)-cr(i))/w1 cmo=sdd1-rdd1 *** write(lst,'(i3,f9.1,f14.3)') invprn(iisat),trec1,cmo if(dabs(cmo).le.rejlvl) then iobs=iobs+1 sum =sum +cmo sum2=sum2+cmo*cmo call nrmal2(an,u,c,cmo,p,eltpel,ic,nc,nunk) endif endif go to 100 *** end of file encountered -- invert and update coordinates 777 rewind(lobs) call fill(an,nunk) call invert(an,nunk) call ab(an,u,x,nunk,nunk,1) xmax=dmax1(dabs(x(1)),dabs(x(2)),dabs(x(3))) *** compute rms from "basement window" (v'pv=l'pl-x'x) (ok for p=1.d0) call innerp(x,nunk,val) rms=dsqrt((eltpel-val)/dble(iobs)) write(lst,'(a,f14.6,a,i7,a,f9.4,a)') * 'max shift = ',xmax,' m. n =',iobs,' rms =',rms,' m.' *** update coordinates for point no 2 coord( 7)=coord( 7)-x(1) coord( 8)=coord( 8)-x(2) coord( 9)=coord( 9)-x(3) coord(10)=coord(10)-x(1) coord(11)=coord(11)-x(2) coord(12)=coord(12)-x(3) return end ************************************************************************ *** form observation equation units ************************************ ************************************************************************ subroutine formob(orbits,coord,nsat,tstrt,tstop,delt, * icols1,ndat1,icols2,ndat2,rms) *** form observation equations for the first time (apply corrn.) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*80 card character*4 scrnam external invprn,scrnam logical oget,dget,getrs,xyzgeo parameter(dnull=1.d31) parameter(maxprn=32) dimension ibuf1(maxprn) ,ibuf2(maxprn) dimension dbuf1(maxprn*4),dbuf2(maxprn*4) dimension cs2(3),cs20(3),csdd(3),dummy(11) dimension orbits(*),coord(20),icols1(0:4),icols2(0:4) dimension ic(3),an(3,3),u(3),x(3) common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs logical l2lin1,l2lin2,li1,li2 save /flags/ common/flags/l2lin1,l2lin2 if(.not.xyzgeo(coord( 4),coord( 5),coord( 6),gla1,glo1,eht1)) * stop 25551 if(.not.xyzgeo(coord(10),coord(11),coord(12),gla2,glo2,eht2)) * stop 25552 *** use scatter/gather technique to order data into time series *** open a file for each satellite, use logical units (11 -> 10+nsat) do 10 lio=11,10+nsat 10 open(lio,file=scrnam(lio-10),form='unformatted',status='unknown') write(lst,*) 'opened', nsat,' scatter/gather files' *** scan past headers of the rinex obs files rewind(lrin1) 20 read(lrin1,'(a80)') card if(card(61:73).ne.'END OF HEADER') go to 20 rewind(lrin2) 30 read(lrin2,'(a80)') card if(card(61:73).ne.'END OF HEADER') go to 30 *** begin scatter of data to satellite-based files *** repeat/until loop over rinex obs files *** synchronization (+/- 0.2 sec) obtained using largest obs. interval write(*,*) ' begin scatter & formobs' tiny=0.2d0 tmas=tstrt iflag1=0 iflag2=0 *** trec1=tmas-tiny-tiny !*** comment prevents t=0 epoch *** trec2=tmas-tiny-tiny !*** comment prevents t=0 epoch lu1=lrin1 lu2=lrin2 li1=l2lin1 li2=l2lin2 90 continue if(oget(lu1,li1,nsat,icols1,ndat1,tmas,trec1,ibuf1,dbuf1,iflag1) * .and. * oget(lu2,li2,nsat,icols2,ndat2,tmas,trec2,ibuf2,dbuf2,iflag2)) * then *** only use epoch if reference satellite available *** identification order {l1, p1/c1, l2, p2} (2nd index) *** p11 1st point, L1 phase *** r11 1st point, L1 range *** p12 1st point, L2 phase *** p21 2nd point, L1 phase *** r21 2nd point, L1 range *** p22 2nd point, L2 phase if(getrs(iirfsv,tmas)) then *** reference sat if(dget(iirfsv,ibuf1,ibuf2,dbuf1,dbuf2,nsat, * p110,r110,p120,p210,r210,p220)) then call comdtr(iirfsv,coord,orbits,trec1,trec2,r110,r210, * dtr1,dtr2) call comrg0(iirfsv,coord,orbits,trec1,trec2,r110,r210, * dtr1,dtr2,s10,s20,cs20,gla1,glo1,eht1, * gla2,glo2,eht2,tdly10,tdly20) *** correct observed range (measured too long due to tropo) r110=r110-tdly10 r210=r210-tdly20 *** single difference (between stations) observed range rsd10=r210-r110 ssd0=s20-s10 *** if valid data in both buffers, scatter based on internal sat id *** bypass the reference satellite *** goal: scale direction cosines by w1 for l1 phase data do 91 iisat=1,nsat if( then if(dget(iisat,ibuf1,ibuf2,dbuf1,dbuf2,nsat, * p11,r11,p12,p21,r21,p22)) then call comrg0(iisat,coord,orbits,trec1,trec2,r11,r21, * dtr1,dtr2,s1,s2,cs2,gla1,glo1,eht1, * gla2,glo2,eht2,tdly1,tdly2) *** correct observed range (measured too long due to tropo) r11 =r11 -tdly1 r21 =r21 -tdly2 *** double difference (now, between sats) observed range rdd1=(r21-r11)-rsd10 sdd1=((s2-s1)-ssd0) do 92 i=1,3 92 csdd(i)=(cs2(i)-cs20(i)) write(10+iisat) trec1,trec2,r110,r210,r11,r21, * rdd1,sdd1,csdd endif endif 91 continue endif endif *** iflag=2 -> end of file, iflag=1 -> data is future elseif(iflag1.eq.2.or.iflag2.eq.2) then write(lst,*) 'eof =',iflag1,iflag2 go to 97 endif tmas=tmas+delt *** *** repeat/until loop until master time passes stop time *** if((tmas-tstop).le.tiny) go to 90 *** end of file raised -- proceed -- rewind scatter files 97 continue do 98 lio=11,10+nsat end file(lio) 98 rewind (lio) *** scatter completed -- gather data into observation equations *** write header, data for a given satellite, and trailer *** code should be robust if a single reference satellite *** initialize normal equation stuff nunk=3 call nitil2(an,u,eltpel,nunk) nc=3 ic(1)=1 ic(2)=2 ic(3)=3 p=1.d0 iobs=0 sum =0.d0 sum2=0.d0 *** now write obs. equations and accumulate normal equations write(*,*) ' begin gather' do 100 iisat=1,nsat ihead=0 write(lobs) ihead,dummy 101 read (10+iisat,end=102) trec1,trec2,r110,r210,r11,r21, * rdd1,sdd1,csdd write(lobs ) iisat,trec1,trec2,r110,r210,r11,r21, * rdd1 cmo=sdd1-rdd1 iobs=iobs+1 sum =sum +cmo sum2=sum2+cmo*cmo call nrmal2(an,u,csdd,cmo,p,eltpel,ic,nc,nunk) go to 101 102 continue ihead=99 write(lobs) ihead,dummy 100 continue *** gather completed -- close the scatter/gather files do 200 lio=11,10+nsat 200 close(lio,status='delete') *** invert normal equations if(iobs.le.0) then write(lst,*) 'no observation equations -- fatal termination' write( * ,*) 'no observation equations -- fatal termination' stop 87854 endif call fill(an,nunk) call invert(an,nunk) call ab(an,u,x,nunk,nunk,1) xmax=dmax1(dabs(x(1)),dabs(x(2)),dabs(x(3))) *** compute rms from "basement window" (v'pv=l'pl-x'x) (ok for p=1.d0) call innerp(x,nunk,val) rms=dsqrt((eltpel-val)/dble(iobs)) write(lst,'(a,f14.6,a,i7,a,f9.4,a)') * 'max shift = ',xmax,' m. n =',iobs,' rms =',rms,' m.' *** update coordinates for point no 2 coord( 7)=coord( 7)-x(1) coord( 8)=coord( 8)-x(2) coord( 9)=coord( 9)-x(3) coord(10)=coord(10)-x(1) coord(11)=coord(11)-x(2) coord(12)=coord(12)-x(3) return end character*4 function scrnam(i) *** name for scratch file (MS fortran powerstation has dumb template) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*4 scrf if( stop 98786 *** A to Z, then 0 to 9 if(i.le.26) then scrf = 'ZZ-'//char(i+64) else scrf = 'ZZ-'//char((i-27)+48) endif scrnam=scrf return end ************************************************************************ *** forward model stuff ********************************************** ************************************************************************ subroutine comdtr(iiprn,coord,orbits,t1,t2,r1,r2,dtr1,dtr2) *** compute receiver clock offsets at points 1 and 2 *** input times -- biased rcvr. clocks at receipt time implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical oterp external invprn dimension orbits(*),coord(20) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we *** derive clock offsets from pseudorange/slant range discrepencies *** r1, r2 -- input pseudoranges (also signal propagation delay, spd) *** storage scheme for coord() *** *** 1 2 3 X Y Z point 1 marker *** 4 5 6 X Y Z point 1 antenna, L1 *** 7 8 9 X Y Z point 2 marker (may be approx) *** 10 11 12 X Y Z point 2 antenna, L1 (may be approx) *** 13 14 15 16 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 1 offsets *** 17 18 19 20 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 2 offsets *** ranges with respect to l1 phase center *** translate biased receiver time to gps time at transmit *** signal prop. delay since we interpolate orbit at transmit time dtr1=0.d0 s1 =r1 do 100 i=1,2 spd=s1/sol t=(t1-spd)-dtr1 if(.not.oterp(invprn(iiprn),t,orbits,x,y,z,dts,ierr)) then write(lst,*) 'oterp error in comdtr--',ierr,invprn(iiprn) stop 34553 endif *** maybe add sagnac one day -- need a good dt *** sag=we*dt *** dx=x+sag*y-coord( 4) *** dy=y-sag*x-coord( 5) dx=x-coord( 4) dy=y-coord( 5) dz=z-coord( 6) s1=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) dtr1=(r1-s1)/sol + dts 100 continue *** second receiver dtr2=0.d0 s2 =r2 do 200 i=1,2 spd=s2/sol t=(t2-spd)-dtr2 if(.not.oterp(invprn(iiprn),t,orbits,x,y,z,dts,ierr)) then write(lst,*) 'oterp error in comdtr--',ierr,invprn(iiprn) stop 34554 endif *** maybe add sagnac one day dx=x-coord(10) dy=y-coord(11) dz=z-coord(12) s2=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) dtr2=(r2-s2)/sol + dts 200 continue return end subroutine comrng(iiprn,coord,orbits,t1,t2,r1,r2,dtr1,dtr2, * s1,s2,cs2) *** compute ranges to satellite from points 1 and 2 (s1,s2) *** ITERATION VERSION *** also compute direction cosines for point 2 to sat (pt. 1 fixed) *** input times -- biased rcvr. clocks at receipt time implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical oterp external invprn dimension orbits(*),coord(20),cs2(3) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we *** r1, r2 -- input pseudoranges for signal propagation delay, spd *** dtr1,2 -- input receiver time delays (gps = rcvr - dtr) *** note to me: can initialize loop using pseudoranges !! dummy=r1 dummy=r2 *** storage scheme for coord() *** *** 1 2 3 X Y Z point 1 marker *** 4 5 6 X Y Z point 1 antenna, L1 *** 7 8 9 X Y Z point 2 marker (may be approx) *** 10 11 12 X Y Z point 2 antenna, L1 (may be approx) *** 13 14 15 16 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 1 offsets *** 17 18 19 20 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 2 offsets *** ranges with respect to l1 phase center *** direction cosines computed using geometric (slant) range *** iterate the light loop a fixed number of times dt=0.075d0 do 1 i=1,3 *** get satellite position -- correct for receiver bias tt=(t1-dtr1)-dt if(.not.oterp(invprn(iiprn),tt,orbits,x,y,z,dts,ierr)) then write(lst,*) 'oterp error in comrng--',ierr,invprn(iiprn) stop 34551 endif dx=x-coord( 4) dy=y-coord( 5) dz=z-coord( 6) s1=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) dt=s1/sol 1 continue *** now apply sagnac effect for the range sag=we*dt dx=x+sag*y-coord( 4) dy=y-sag*x-coord( 5) dz=z -coord( 6) s1=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) *** now do point 2 -- including direction cosines *** iterate the light loop a fixed number of times dt=0.075d0 do 2 i=1,3 *** get satellite position -- correct for receiver bias tt=(t2-dtr2)-dt if(.not.oterp(invprn(iiprn),tt,orbits,x,y,z,dts,ierr)) then write(lst,*) 'oterp error in comrng--',ierr,invprn(iiprn) stop 34552 endif dx=x-coord(10) dy=y-coord(11) dz=z-coord(12) s2=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) dt=s2/sol 2 continue *** now apply sagnac effect for the range sag=we*dt dx=x+sag*y-coord(10) dy=y-sag*x-coord(11) dz=z -coord(12) s2=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) *** direction cosines for station 2 (only) cs2(1)=-dx/s2 cs2(2)=-dy/s2 cs2(3)=-dz/s2 return end subroutine comrg0(iiprn,coord,orbits,t1,t2,r1,r2,dtr1,dtr2, * s1,s2,cs2,gla1,glo1,eht1,gla2,glo2,eht2, * tdly1,tdly2) *** compute ranges to satellite from points 1 and 2 (s1,s2) *** this version computes tropo corrections, tdly1/2 *** also compute direction cosines for point 2 to sat (pt. 1 fixed) *** input times -- biased rcvr. clocks at receipt time implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical oterp external invprn dimension orbits(*),coord(20),cs2(3) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we *** r1, r2 -- input pseudoranges for signal propagation delay, spd *** dtr1,2 -- input receiver time delays (gps = rcvr - dtr) *** note to me: can initialize loop using pseudoranges !! dummy=r1 dummy=r2 *** storage scheme for coord() *** *** 1 2 3 X Y Z point 1 marker *** 4 5 6 X Y Z point 1 antenna, L1 *** 7 8 9 X Y Z point 2 marker (may be approx) *** 10 11 12 X Y Z point 2 antenna, L1 (may be approx) *** 13 14 15 16 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 1 offsets *** 17 18 19 20 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 2 offsets *** ranges with respect to l1 phase center *** direction cosines computed using geometric (slant) range *** iterate the light loop a fixed number of times dt=0.075d0 do 1 i=1,3 *** get satellite position -- correct for receiver bias tt=(t1-dtr1)-dt if(.not.oterp(invprn(iiprn),tt,orbits,x,y,z,dts,ierr)) then write(lst,*) 'oterp error in comrng--',ierr,invprn(iiprn) stop 34551 endif dx=x-coord( 4) dy=y-coord( 5) dz=z-coord( 6) s1=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) dt=s1/sol 1 continue *** now apply sagnac effect for the range sag=we*dt dx=x+sag*y-coord( 4) dy=y-sag*x-coord( 5) dz=z -coord( 6) s1=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) *** compute vertical angle from point 1 antenna center to satellite *** debug -- something wrong here call rge(gla1,glo1,dn,de,du,dx,dy,dz) ds=dsqrt(dn*dn+de*de) va1=datan(du/ds) *** compute tropo delay -- treat ortho ht. as ellipsoid ht. oht=eht1 *** call gettdl(gla1,oht,va1,tdly1) *** debug -- something wrong here tdly1=0.d0 *** now do point 2 -- including direction cosines *** iterate the light loop a fixed number of times dt=0.075d0 do 2 i=1,3 *** get satellite position -- correct for receiver bias tt=(t2-dtr2)-dt if(.not.oterp(invprn(iiprn),tt,orbits,x,y,z,dts,ierr)) then write(lst,*) 'oterp error in comrng--',ierr,invprn(iiprn) stop 34552 endif dx=x-coord(10) dy=y-coord(11) dz=z-coord(12) s2=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) dt=s2/sol 2 continue *** now apply sagnac effect for the range sag=we*dt dx=x+sag*y-coord(10) dy=y-sag*x-coord(11) dz=z -coord(12) s2=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) *** direction cosines for station 2 (only) cs2(1)=-dx/s2 cs2(2)=-dy/s2 cs2(3)=-dz/s2 *** compute vertical angle from point 2 antenna center to satellite *** debug -- something wrong here call rge(gla2,glo2,dn,de,du,dx,dy,dz) ds=dsqrt(dn*dn+de*de) va2=datan(du/ds) *** compute tropo delay -- treat ortho ht. as ellipsoid ht. oht=eht2 *** call gettdl(gla2,oht,va2,tdly2) *** debug -- something wrong here tdly2=0.d0 return end subroutine comrg2(iiprn,coord,orbits,t1,t2,r1,r2,dtr1,dtr2, * s1,s2,gla,glo,vad) *** compute ranges to satellite from points 1 and 2 (s1,s2) *** ITERATION VERSION *** also compute direction cosines for point 2 to sat (pt. 1 fixed) *** input times -- biased rcvr. clocks at receipt time implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical oterp external invprn dimension orbits(*),coord(20) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we *** r1, r2 -- input pseudoranges for signal propagation delay, spd *** dtr1,2 -- input receiver time delays (gps = rcvr - dtr) *** note to me: can initialize loop using pseudoranges !! dummy=r1 dummy=r2 *** storage scheme for coord() *** *** 1 2 3 X Y Z point 1 marker *** 4 5 6 X Y Z point 1 antenna, L1 *** 7 8 9 X Y Z point 2 marker (may be approx) *** 10 11 12 X Y Z point 2 antenna, L1 (may be approx) *** 13 14 15 16 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 1 offsets *** 17 18 19 20 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 2 offsets *** ranges with respect to l1 phase center *** direction cosines computed using geometric (slant) range *** iterate the light loop a fixed number of times dt=0.075d0 do 1 i=1,3 *** get satellite position -- correct for receiver bias tt=(t1-dtr1)-dt if(.not.oterp(invprn(iiprn),tt,orbits,x,y,z,dts,ierr)) then write(lst,*) 'oterp error in comrng--',ierr,invprn(iiprn) stop 34551 endif dx=x-coord( 4) dy=y-coord( 5) dz=z-coord( 6) s1=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) dt=s1/sol 1 continue *** now apply sagnac effect for the range sag=we*dt dx=x+sag*y-coord( 4) dy=y-sag*x-coord( 5) dz=z -coord( 6) s1=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) *** now do point 2 -- including direction cosines *** iterate the light loop a fixed number of times dt=0.075d0 do 2 i=1,3 *** get satellite position -- correct for receiver bias tt=(t2-dtr2)-dt if(.not.oterp(invprn(iiprn),tt,orbits,x,y,z,dts,ierr)) then write(lst,*) 'oterp error in comrng--',ierr,invprn(iiprn) stop 34552 endif dx=x-coord(10) dy=y-coord(11) dz=z-coord(12) s2=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) dt=s2/sol 2 continue *** now apply sagnac effect for the range sag=we*dt dx=x+sag*y-coord(10) dy=y-sag*x-coord(11) dz=z -coord(12) s2=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) *** compute vertical angle from point 2 antenna center to (non-ref) satellite call rge(gla,glo,dn,de,du,dx,dy,dz) ds=dsqrt(dn*dn+de*de) va=datan(du/ds) vad=va*rad return end ************************************************************************ *** utility work routines ********************************************** ************************************************************************ logical function oget(lrin,l2line,nsat,icols,ndat,tmas,trec,ibuf, * dbuf,iflag) *** load epochs of data from a rinex obs file until match master time *** iflag=0 successful buffer load, synchronous with tmas *** iflag=1 not yet loaded, non-synchronous, (future time) *** iflag=2 unsuccessful, end of file encountered implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*80 card,card2 logical getprn,l2line parameter(dnull=1.d31) parameter(mxsat=12) dimension iprns(mxsat),buf(5),icols(0:4) dimension ibuf(nsat),dbuf(nsat,4) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs *********************************************************************** *** contols how much synchroniztion is needed ************************ *********************************************************************** **** tiny=5.d-2 tiny=3.d-1 *** if buffers already loaded, and time is in future of master time, *** its because of an earlier (multi-epoch) dropout *** action: retain iflag=1 and kick out (wait for master to catch up) if(iflag.eq.1.and.(trec-tmas).ge.tiny) then oget=.false. return endif *** if time matches on input, its because of prior invocation *** (an iflag=1 situation) buffers already loaded if(dabs(trec-tmas).le.tiny) then **** if( stop 34591 if(iflag.eq.2) stop 34591 iflag=0 oget=.true. return endif *** read data until time match or future data bundle loaded *** note: code assumes no more than 12 satellites per epoch *** iprns() is the buffer to hold one record of prn numbers *** assume no more than 5 columns of data per record, in buf() *** lli (loss of lock indicator) not used *** iss (signal strength value ) not used 100 read(lrin,1,end=777) iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec, * iepflg,nprn,iprns,roff 1 format(5i3,f11.7,i3,i3,12(1x,i2),f12.9) if( then do 108 i=1,nprn 108 read(lrin,'(a80)') card go to 100 endif if( then iyr=iyr+2000 elseif(iyr.le.99) then iyr=iyr+1900 endif if( stop 24303 call civjts(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,trec) *** header too old -- bypass data and read another epoch header if( then do 110 i=1,nprn read(lrin,'(a80)') card if(l2line) read(lrin,'(a80)') card2 110 continue *** data in synch or header in the future -- process data records elseif(dabs(trec-tmas).le.tiny.or. * ) then if( then endif *** initialize buffer flags and load the buffer *** check empty and 0.0 fields and store null (dnull) instead *** warning: code assumes data in first card only !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ndatx=ndat if( ndatx=5 do 120 i=1,nsat 120 ibuf(i)=0 do 130 i=1,nprn if(iprns(i).gt.0) then read(lrin,'(a80)') card if(l2line) read(lrin,'(a80)') card2 read(card,2) (buf(ic),lli,iss,ic=1,ndatx) 2 format(5(f14.3,i1,i1)) do 131 ic=1,ndatx if(dabs(buf(ic)).le.0.001d0) buf(ic)=dnull 131 continue *** if prn lookup fails -- assume due to missing satellite orbit *** debug -- review this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if(.not.getprn(iprns(i),iisat)) go to 130 *** anal-retentive assertion check -- delete in beta version !!!!!!!!! *** if( then *** write(lst,*) 'prn index range check fail in oget' *** stop 32645 *** endif *** transfer to buffer -- order l1, p1/c1, l2, p2 (j index) *** -- insert null if data not gathered ibuf(iisat) =1 do 132 j=1,4 if(icols(j).gt.0) then dbuf(iisat,j)=buf(icols(j)) *** exception logic for p1/c1 if(j.eq.2.and.dbuf(iisat,2).ge.dnull) then if(icols(0).gt.0) then dbuf(iisat,2)=buf(icols(0)) else dbuf(iisat,2)=dnull endif endif *** no p1/c1 at all else dbuf(iisat,j)=dnull endif 132 continue else write(lst,*) 'zero prn number was not expected' stop 32646 endif 130 continue *** was that header in synch? if(dabs(trec-tmas).le.tiny) then iflag=0 oget=.true. return *** no, the header was in the future (due to if test in this clause) else iflag=1 oget=.false. return endif *** should never get here --- some kinda logic bug else write(lst,*) 'time synch logic bug in oget()' stop 36649 endif *** read another epoch header go to 100 *** end of file encountered 777 iflag=2 oget=.false. return end logical function dget(iisat,ibuf1,ibuf2,dbuf1,dbuf2,nsat, * p11,r11,p12,p21,r21,p22) *** see if valid phase data in both buffers for iisat-th satellite implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(dnull=1.d31) dimension ibuf1(nsat),dbuf1(nsat,4) dimension ibuf2(nsat),dbuf2(nsat,4) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs *** also return l1 pseudoranges for transmission time if( stop 87473 *** assume the worst dget=.false. if(ibuf1(iisat).eq.0) return if(ibuf2(iisat).eq.0) return *** order {l1, p1/c1, l2, p2} (2nd index) *** p11 1st point, l1 phase *** r11 1st point, l1 range *** p12 1st point, l2 phase *** p21 2nd point, l1 phase *** r21 2nd point, l1 range *** p22 2nd point, l2 phase p11=dbuf1(iisat,1) r11=dbuf1(iisat,2) p12=dbuf1(iisat,3) p21=dbuf2(iisat,1) r21=dbuf2(iisat,2) p22=dbuf2(iisat,3) if( return if( return *** things are all right after all dget=.true. return end ************************************************************************ *** initial scan routines ********************************************** ************************************************************************ subroutine recon(nsat,nepoch,tstrt,tstop,start,stop,delt, * icols1,ndat1,aid1,icols2,ndat2,aid2,coord) *** preliminary scan of files for critical information implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*14 osource character*4 aid1,aid2 dimension icols1(0:4),icols2(0:4),coord(20) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs logical l2lin1,l2lin2 save /flags/ common/flags/l2lin1,l2lin2 *** initialize coordinates and offsets do 3 i=1,20 3 coord(i)=0.d0 *** scan orbit for start/stop times and epoch interval (sp3 format) read(leph,1) iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,nepoch,osource 1 format(3x,i4,4i3,f12.8,i8,7x,a14) read(leph,2) deltat 2 format(23x,f15.8) write(lst,*) 'orbit ref sys/source -- ',osource *** set initial epoch for all subsequent time computations call setjd0(iyr,imo,idy) call civjts(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,ostrt) ostop=ostrt+deltat*(nepoch-1) write(lst,'(a,2f10.2,f7.2,i6)') 'orbit strt/stop,delt,neph ', * ostrt,ostop,deltat,nepoch ***** call jtsciv(ostop,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) *** scan obs files, get start/stop times, obs interval, sat. list, pos. call newprn lrin=lrin1 call oscan(lrin,aid1,tstrt1,tstop1,delt1,icols1,ndat1,x1,y1,z1, * l2lin1) write(lst,'(a,3f10.2)') 'file1 start/stop, intrvl', * tstrt1,tstop1,delt1 coord(1)=x1 coord(2)=y1 coord(3)=z1 rewind(lrin1) lrin=lrin2 call oscan(lrin,aid2,tstrt2,tstop2,delt2,icols2,ndat2,x2,y2,z2, * l2lin2) write(lst,'(a,3f10.2)') 'file2 start/stop, intrvl', * tstrt2,tstop2,delt2 coord(7)=x2 coord(8)=y2 coord(9)=z2 rewind(lrin2) *** find common data interval and overlap with orbit interval *** find common obs. interval (max of all obs. intervals) *** insure data intervals are compatible with the obs interval start=dmax1(tstrt1,tstrt2) stop =dmin1(tstop1,tstop2) delt =dmax1(delt1,delt2) delt=dble(idnint(delt)) start=delt*idnint(start/delt) stop =delt*idnint(stop /delt) write(lst,'(a,3f10.0)') 'common start/stop, intrvl', * start,stop,delt if(stop.le.start) then write(lst,*) 'receiver data do not overlap -- fatal' stop 43587 endif tiny=0.2d0 if( then write(lst,*) 'orbit interval too short -- fatal' write(lst,'(a,2f10.0)') 'orbit start/stop ',ostrt,ostop stop 43588 endif *** identify interval and epoch number for ephemeris load *** the ephemeris interval is reset based on received data tstrt=(idnint(start/deltat)-9)*deltat tstop=(idnint(stop /deltat)+9)*deltat if( tstrt=ostrt if( tstop=ostop *** force these times to orbit interval granularity tstrt=(idnint((tstrt-ostrt)/deltat))*deltat+ostrt tstop=(idnint((tstop-ostrt)/deltat))*deltat+ostrt write(lst,'(a,2f10.2)') 'lodorb start/stop',tstrt,tstop nepoch=idnint((tstop-tstrt)/deltat)+1 call numprn(nsat) write(lst,*) 'satellites and epochs',nsat,nepoch return end subroutine oscan(lrin,aid,tstrt,tstop,delt,icols,ndat,x,y,z, * l2line) *** scan rinex obs file, accumulate start/stop times, obs. interval, *** and satellite list *** 4-mar-96: force multiple of 5 seconds if interval greater than 5 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical putprn,l2line character*80 card character*4 aid character*2 as(9) dimension icols(0:4) parameter(mxsat=12) dimension iprns(mxsat) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs *** initialize approximate marker position x=0.d0 y=0.d0 z=0.d0 *** scan header for observation type description record 10 read(lrin,1) card 1 format(a80) *** extract marker name if(card(61:71).eq.'MARKER NAME') then aid=card(1:4) write(lst,*) 'station id -- ',aid *** get approx xyz elseif(card(61:79).eq.'APPROX POSITION XYZ') then read(card,'(3f14.4)') x,y,z *** get antenna dh,de,dn (this is useless due to definition problems elseif(card(61:80).eq.'ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N') then go to 10 *** determine which data are in which columns *** look in order l1, p1/c1, l2, p2 *** (design restriction, do not allow more than 5 types) elseif(card(61:79).eq.'# / TYPES OF OBSERV') then read(card,'(i6)') ndat if(ndat.le.0) stop 34989 if( then l2line=.true. ***** write(lst,*) '2 line rinex format detected' else l2line=.false. ***** write(lst,*) '1 line rinex format detected' endif read(card,3) (as(i),i=1,ndat) 3 format(6x,9(4x,a2)) call alook('L1',as,ndat,i) icols(1)=i *** dual logic, some sats show P1, others show C1 call alook('P1',as,ndat,i) if(i.eq.0) then call alook('C1',as,ndat,i) icols(2)=i icols(0)=0 *** found P1 (still check for C1) else icols(2)=i call alook('C1',as,ndat,i) icols(0)=i endif call alook('L2',as,ndat,i) icols(3)=i call alook('P2',as,ndat,i) icols(4)=i *** end of header elseif(card(61:73).eq.'END OF HEADER') then go to 900 endif go to 10 *** end of header encountered -- proceed with processing 900 continue *** read the first epoch (and get start time) *** note: code assumes no more than mxsat(12) satellites per epoch *** iprns() is the buffer to hold one record of prn numbers 100 read(lrin,2) iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,iepflg,nprn,iprns,roff 2 format(5i3,f11.7,i3,i3,12(1x,i2),f12.9) if( then do 108 i=1,nprn 108 read(lrin,1) card go to 100 endif if( then iyr=iyr+2000 elseif(iyr.le.99) then iyr=iyr+1900 endif if( stop 24307 call civjts(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,tstrt) tsecx=tstrt do 104 i=1,nprn if(iprns(i).gt.0) then if(.not.putprn(iprns(i),idup)) then if(idup.eq.0) then write(lst,*) 'prn table overflow' stop 32898 endif endif endif 104 continue *** bypass the data records for now do 105 i=1,nprn read(lrin,1) card if(l2line) read(lrin,1) card 105 continue *** read subsequent epoch, update the end time, accumulate delt's *** note: code assumes no more than mxsat(12) satellites per epoch *** iprns() is the buffer to hold one record of prn numbers n=0 delt=0.d0 101 read(lrin,2,end=777,err=666) iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec, * iepflg,nprn,iprns,roff if( then do 109 i=1,nprn 109 read(lrin,1) card go to 101 endif if( then iyr=iyr+2000 elseif(iyr.le.99) then iyr=iyr+1900 endif if( stop 24308 call civjts(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,tstop) n=n+1 delt=delt+(tstop-tsecx) tsecx=tstop do 102 i=1,nprn if(iprns(i).gt.0) then if(.not.putprn(iprns(i),idup)) then if(idup.eq.0) then write(lst,*) 'prn table overflow' stop 32899 endif endif endif 102 continue *** bypass the data records for now do 103 i=1,nprn read(lrin,1) card if(l2line) read(lrin,1) card 103 continue go to 101 *** end of file encountered -- get average obs interval *** note: force multiple of 5 seconds if interval greater than 5 777 delt=delt/dble(n) if( then idelt=idnint(delt/5.d0) delt=5.d0*idelt endif return *** *** error handler ********************************************** *** 666 write(*,*) 'read error encountered -- see .lst' write(lst,*) 'last valid data header was:' write(lst,'(5i3,f9.3,a)') iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,' was OK' stop 66663 return end subroutine alook(a,as,ndat,ival) *** search array of character codes for observation types character*2 a,as(ndat) do 1 i=1,ndat if( then ival=i return endif 1 continue *** fell thru loop -- code not present ival=0 return end ************************************************************************ *** compute satellite reference table ********************************** ************************************************************************ subroutine makrst(dstrt,dstop,delt,coord,orbits,nsat) *** compute satellite reference table *** build table based on satellites with highest vertical angle *** this version uses original data spacing (can be changed) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(tiny=1.d-1) logical oterp,putrs,xyzgeo external invprn dimension coord(20) parameter(mxsat=12) dimension orbits(*) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs *** initialize the reference satellite table call openrs *** use l1 phase center for point 1 (rx -- receiver) *** lat/lon used to rotate ant/sat. vector into l.h.s. for vert.ang. xrx=coord(4) yrx=coord(5) zrx=coord(6) if(.not.xyzgeo(xrx,yrx,zrx,gla,glo,eht)) stop 93278 *** master loop over all data epochs -- inner loop over prn table *** use coarse increment for this table, target delt = targdt targdt=5.d0*60.d0 ifac=idnint(targdt/delt) if(ifac.le.1) then delt2=delt else delt2=ifac*delt endif tsec=dstrt 100 if(tsec.le.dstop+tiny) then vadmx=0.d0 iiprn=0 do 10 i=1,nsat if(.not.oterp(invprn(i),tsec,orbits,x,y,z,dt,ierr)) then write(lst,*) 'oterp error in makrst--',ierr,invprn(i),tsec stop 34958 endif call comvad(gla,glo,xrx,yrx,zrx,x,y,z,vad) if( then vadmx=vad iiprn=i endif 10 continue if(iiprn.eq.0) stop 32875 *** store internal prn into table if(.not.putrs(iiprn,tsec,nsvrt)) then write(lst,*) 'ref sat table overflow at ',tsec stop 87435 endif tsec=tsec+delt2 go to 100 endif *** store last internal prn to force stop time (delt vs. delt2) if(.not.putrs(iiprn,dstop,nsvrt)) stop 87436 write(lst,*) nsvrt,' entries in reference satellite table' call dumprs *** condense the table (not implemented) return end subroutine comvad(gla,glo,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,vad) *** compute vertical angle from point 1 to point 2 *** input in meters (lat/lon in radians), output in degrees implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we dx=x2-x1 dy=y2-y1 dz=z2-z1 call rge(gla,glo,dn,de,du,dx,dy,dz) ds=dsqrt(dn*dn+de*de) va=datan(du/ds) vad=va*rad return end ************************************************************************ *** troposphere handlers *********************************************** ************************************************************************ subroutine inimet(lyesno) *** initialize met stuff implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical lyesno save /metstf/ logical ltropo common/metstf/bpxx,rhxx,tcxx,ltropo *** default met -- barom. press. 1013 mbar *** -- rel. humidity 0.5 *** -- surf. temp(c) 20 deg. celsius bpxx=1013.d0 rhxx=0.5d0 tcxx=20.d0 *** do we compute met? (yes/no) ltropo=lyesno return end subroutine gettdl(gla,oht,v,tdelay) *** compute tropo delay in meters *** note: just use default met values implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) save /metstf/ logical ltropo common/metstf/bpxx,rhxx,tcxx,ltropo if(.not.ltropo) then tdelay=0.d0 return endif *** use default met values -- read rinex someday bp=bpxx rh=rhxx tc=tcxx *** do the work and get tdelay in meters call tropo(bp,rh,tc,gla,oht,v,tdelay) return end subroutine tropo(bp,rh,ts,gla,oht,v,tdelay) *** compute troposphere delay (saastamoinen with herring mapping) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) double precision lhz,lwz,mh,mw *** v -- vertical angle (radians) *** gla -- geodetic latitude (radians) *** oht -- orthometric height of rcvr. (meters) *** ts -- surface temperature (centigrade) *** sanity checks if(bp .lt. 900.d0 .or. bp .gt. 1100.d0) stop 80001 if(rh .lt. 0.d0 .or. rh .gt. 1.d0) stop 80002 if(ts .lt. -50.d0 .or. ts .gt. 50.d0) stop 80003 if( -1.572d0 .or. 1.572d0) stop 80004 if( -150.d0 .or. 5000.d0) stop 80005 if(v .lt. -0.5d0 .or. v .gt. 1.572d0)then write(*,*) 'v=',v stop 80006 endif *** *** zenith delay section -- saastamoinen *** call saast(bp,rh,ts,gla,oht,lhz,lwz) *** *** mapping function section *** herring: 1992, refraction of transatmospheric signals in geodesy *** note: mapping fcns derived: lat 27N-65N, and ht. 0-1.6 km *** *** hs -- orthometric height of rcvr. (kilometers) hs=oht/1000.d0 sine=dsin(v) cgla=dcos(gla) ts10=ts-10.d0 *** hydrostatic mapping fcn (herring eq. 8) (RMS ~ 3-10 mm) ah=(1.2330d0+0.0139d0*cgla-0.0209d0*hs+0.00215d0*ts10)*1.d-3 bh=(3.1612d0-0.1600d0*cgla-0.0331d0*hs+0.00206d0*ts10)*1.d-3 ch=(71.244d0-4.2930d0*cgla-0.1490d0*hs-0.00210d0*ts10)*1.d-3 mh=(1.d0+ah/(1.d0+bh/(1.d0+ch)))/ * (sine+ah/(sine+bh/(sine+ch))) *** wet mapping fcn (herring eq. 9) aw=(0.583d0-0.011d0*cgla-0.052d0*hs+0.0014d0*ts10)*1.d-3 bw=(1.402d0-0.102d0*cgla-0.101d0*hs+0.0020d0*ts10)*1.d-3 cw=(45.85d0-1.910d0*cgla-1.290d0*hs+0.0150d0*ts10)*1.d-3 mw=(1.d0+aw/(1.d0+bw/(1.d0+cw)))/ * (sine+aw/(sine+bw/(sine+cw))) *** *** total atmospheric delay (herring eq 3) *** tdelay=lhz*mh+lwz*mw return end subroutine saast(bp,rh,tc,gla,oht,dryzen,wetzen) *** compute wet and dry zenith delay using the saastamoinen formula ************************************************************************ * input * bp barometric pressure [millibars] * rh relative humidity [0.0 --> 1.0] * tc temperature [centigrade] * gla site latitude [radians] * oht orthometric height [m] * * output * dryzen dry atmosphere zenith path delay [m] * wetzen wet zenith delay [m] * * 87-02-15, written by: j. l. davis * 91-01-09, mss, standard header. remove vlbi specific code * 96-04-11, dgm, combined wet and dry, and deleted derivative stuff ************************************************************************ implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) *** saastamoinen's function for gravity fgrav=1.d0-0.00266d0*dcos(2.d0*gla)-0.00028d-03*oht *** water vapor partial pressure in mbars (proportional to rh) tk=tc+273.15d0 pp=rh*6.11d0*(tk/273.15d0)**(-5.3d0)*dexp(25.2d0*tc/tk) *** zenith delays wetzen=0.0022768d0*(1255.d0/tk+0.05d0)*pp/fgrav dryzen=0.0022768d0* bp/fgrav return end ************************************************************************ *** marker and antenna position **************************************** ************************************************************************ subroutine lodpos(coord,aid1,aid2) *** get precise coordinates from the lpos file *** precise coordinates may not be available for point2 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*4 aid1,aid2 logical pscan dimension coord(20) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs save /xyz2o/ common/xyz2o/x2o,y2o,z2o *** storage scheme for coord() *** *** 1 2 3 X Y Z point 1 marker *** 4 5 6 X Y Z point 1 antenna, L1 *** 7 8 9 X Y Z point 2 marker (may be approx) *** 10 11 12 X Y Z point 2 antenna, L1 (may be approx) *** 13 14 15 16 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 1 offsets *** 17 18 19 20 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 2 offsets rewind(lpos) if(.not.pscan(aid1,x,y,z)) then write(lst,*) 'warning --',aid1,' -- id not found in pos file' write(lst,*) 'this is not good -- point 2 unreliable' else coord(1)=x coord(2)=y coord(3)=z endif *** point2 rewind(lpos) if(.not.pscan(aid2,x,y,z)) then write(lst,*) 'info --',aid2,' -- id not found in pos file' else coord(7)=x coord(8)=y coord(9)=z endif *** point2 -- save marker in common /xyz2o/ for pos. shifts x2o=coord(7) y2o=coord(8) z2o=coord(9) return end logical function pscan(aid,x,y,z) *** scan the pos file for 4 char id and get x,y,z implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*80 card1,card2 character*4 aid character*7 asla,aslo,aeht character*1 adla,adlo common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs common/stugg/pi,rad,sol,f1,f2,w1,w2,we *** loop until end of file -- cards must be pairwise 100 read(lpos,1,end=777) card1 read(lpos,1) card2 1 format(a80) if(card1(7:10).ne.'*80*') stop 43588 if(card2(7:10).ne.'*86*') stop 43589 if(aid.eq.card1(1:4)) then if(card1(45:55).eq.' ' .or. * card1(57:68).eq.' '.or. * card2(46:52).eq.' ' ) then x=0.d0 y=0.d0 z=0.d0 else read(card1,51) idla,imla,asla,adla,idlo,imlo,aslo,adlo 51 format(44x,2i2,a7,a1,i3,i2,a7,a1) read(card2,52) aeht 52 format(45x,a7) call nblank(asla,5,iblk) call nblank(aslo,5,iblk) read(asla,54) isla read(aslo,54) islo 54 format(i7) call nblank(aeht,3,iblk) read(aeht,55) eht 55 format(f7.3) *** latitudes are positive north in decimal degrees *** longitudes are positive east in decimal degrees [0 -> 360] dla=dble(idla)+imla/60.d0+isla/3600.d5 if(adla.eq.'s'.or.adla.eq.'S') dla= -dla ***** if(adla.eq.'s'.or.adla.eq.'S') dla=90.d0-dla !*** awful bug dlo=dble(idlo)+imlo/60.d0+islo/3600.d5 if(adlo.eq.'w'.or.adlo.eq.'W') dlo=360.d0-dlo *** convert to radians and get x,y,z gla=dla/rad glo=dlo/rad call geoxyz(gla,glo,eht,x,y,z) write(lst,*) 'precise position found for ',aid endif pscan=.true. return endif go to 100 *** end of file encountered -- marker id not found 777 pscan=.false. return end subroutine getoff(coord,aid1,aid2) *** get antenna offsets, establish antenna coordinates *** offset file may contain 2 records in either order *** warning -- this version defaults to no l1-l2 if offset file absent implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*4 aid1,aid2,aid logical lexist dimension coord(20) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs *** storage scheme for coord() *** *** 1 2 3 X Y Z point 1 marker *** 4 5 6 X Y Z point 1 antenna, L1 *** 7 8 9 X Y Z point 2 marker (may be approx) *** 10 11 12 X Y Z point 2 antenna, L1 (may be approx) *** 13 14 15 16 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 1 offsets *** 17 18 19 20 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 2 offsets *** default values -- marker is l1 phase center -- no l1-l2 data do 10 i=13,20 10 coord(i)=0.d0 *** see if offset file exists -- if so, borrow the lpos unit inquire(file='off',exist=lexist) if(lexist) then close(lpos) open(lpos,file='off',form='formatted',status='old') *** scan for first id -- if found, override defaults 100 read(lpos,1,end=199) aid,dl1,dl2,dn,de 1 format(a4,4f10.4) if(aid.eq.aid1) then coord(13)=dl1 coord(14)=dl2 coord(15)=dn coord(16)=de go to 199 endif go to 100 199 continue *** now scan for second id rewind(lpos) 200 read(lpos,1,end=299) aid,dl1,dl2,dn,de if(aid.eq.aid2) then coord(17)=dl1 coord(18)=dl2 coord(19)=dn coord(20)=de go to 299 endif go to 200 299 continue *** return the logical unit back to coordinate file close(lpos) open(lpos,file='pos',form='formatted',status='old') endif *** sanity check on marker coordinates -- just being extra sure x=coord(1) y=coord(2) z=coord(3) r2=x*x+y*y+z*z if( then write(lst,*) 'invalid point 1 xyz',x,y,z stop 23674 endif x=coord(7) y=coord(8) z=coord(9) r2=x*x+y*y+z*z if( then write(lst,*) 'invalid point 2 xyz -- set to point 1' coord(7)=coord(1) coord(8)=coord(2) coord(9)=coord(3) endif *** compute the l1 centers call mktol1(coord) return end subroutine mktol1(coord) *** compute l1 phase centers using marker coordinates implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical xyzgeo dimension coord(20) *** storage scheme for coord() *** *** 1 2 3 X Y Z point 1 marker *** 4 5 6 X Y Z point 1 antenna, L1 *** 7 8 9 X Y Z point 2 marker (may be approx) *** 10 11 12 X Y Z point 2 antenna, L1 (may be approx) *** 13 14 15 16 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 1 offsets *** 17 18 19 20 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 2 offsets *** point 1 -- rotate offsets into ECF and add to marker coordinates. x=coord(1) y=coord(2) z=coord(3) dn=coord(15) de=coord(16) du=coord(13) if(.not.xyzgeo(x,y,z,gla,glo,eht)) stop 43588 call reg(gla,glo,dx,dy,dz,dn,de,du) coord( 4)=coord( 1)+dx coord( 5)=coord( 2)+dy coord( 6)=coord( 3)+dz *** point 2 -- rotate offsets into ECF and add to marker coordinates. x=coord(7) y=coord(8) z=coord(9) dn=coord(19) de=coord(20) du=coord(17) if(.not.xyzgeo(x,y,z,gla,glo,eht)) stop 43589 call reg(gla,glo,dx,dy,dz,dn,de,du) coord(10)=coord( 7)+dx coord(11)=coord( 8)+dy coord(12)=coord( 9)+dz return end subroutine l1tomk(coord) *** compute point 2 marker coordinate from l1 phase center *** note: inverse function of mktol1(), but only for point 2 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical xyzgeo dimension coord(20) *** storage scheme for coord() *** *** 1 2 3 X Y Z point 1 marker *** 4 5 6 X Y Z point 1 antenna, L1 *** 7 8 9 X Y Z point 2 marker (should be good) *** 10 11 12 X Y Z point 2 antenna, L1 (should be good) *** 13 14 15 16 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 1 offsets *** 17 18 19 20 dl1,dl2,dn,de point 2 offsets *** point 2 -- rotate offsets into ECF and subtract from l1 center x=coord(10) y=coord(11) z=coord(12) dn=coord(19) de=coord(20) du=coord(17) if(.not.xyzgeo(x,y,z,gla,glo,eht)) stop 43587 call reg(gla,glo,dx,dy,dz,dn,de,du) coord( 7)=coord(10)-dx coord( 8)=coord(11)-dy coord( 9)=coord(12)-dz return end ***********************************************************************t *** core geodetic routines ********************************************* ************************************************************************ subroutine rge(gla,glo,u,v,w,x,y,z) *** given a rectangular cartesian system (x,y,z) *** compute a geodetic h cartesian sys (u,v,w) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) sb=dsin(gla) cb=dcos(gla) sl=dsin(glo) cl=dcos(glo) u=-sb*cl*x-sb*sl*y+cb*z v=- sl*x+ cl*y w= cb*cl*x+cb*sl*y+sb*z return end subroutine reg(gla,glo,x,y,z,u,v,w) *** given geodetic cartesian coordinates (u,v,w) (lhs) *** compute rectangular cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) (rhs) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) sb=dsin(gla) cb=dcos(gla) sl=dsin(glo) cl=dcos(glo) x=-sb*cl*u-sl*v+cb*cl*w y=-sb*sl*u+cl*v+cb*sl*w z= cb *u +sb *w return end subroutine geoxyz(gla,glo,eht,x,y,z) *** convert geodetic lat, long, ellip ht. to x,y,z *** input units of radians, output in meters ******NOTE: e2 is from wgs84 ***********CHECK THIS implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(a=6378137.d0,e2=0.00669437999013d0) sla=dsin(gla) cla=dcos(gla) w2=1.d0-e2*sla*sla w=dsqrt(w2) en=a/w x=(en+eht)*cla*dcos(glo) y=(en+eht)*cla*dsin(glo) z=(en*(1.d0-e2)+eht)*sla return end logical function xyzgeo(x,y,z,glat,glon,eht) *** convert x,y,z into geodetic lat, lon, and ellip. ht *** input units of meters, output in radians ******NOTE: e2 is from wgs84 ***********CHECK THIS *** ref: eq a.4b, p. 132, appendix a, osu #370 *** ref: geom geod notes gs 658, rapp implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(maxint=10,tol=5.d-15) parameter(a=6378137.d0,e2=0.00669437999013d0) ae2=a*e2 *** compute initial estimate of reduced latitude (eht=0) p=dsqrt(x*x+y*y) icount=0 tgla=z/p/(1.d0-e2) *** iterate to convergence, or to max # iterations 1 if(icount.le.maxint) then tglax=tgla tgla=z/(p-(ae2/dsqrt(1.d0+(1.d0-e2)*tgla*tgla))) icount=icount+1 if(dabs((tgla-tglax)/tgla).gt.tol) go to 1 *** convergence achieved xyzgeo=.true. glat=datan(tgla) slat=dsin(glat) clat=dcos(glat) glon=datan2(y,x) w=dsqrt(1.d0-e2*slat*slat) en=a/w if(dabs(glat).le.0.7854d0) then eht=p/clat-en else eht=z/slat-en+e2*en endif glon=datan2(y,x) *** too many iterations else xyzgeo=.false. glat=0.d0 glon=0.d0 eht=0.d0 endif return end subroutine nblank(a,inum,iblk) *** return precision of number and zero fill character*(*) a logical count leng=len(a) l1=leng-inum+1 iblk=0 count=.true. do 1 i=leng,l1,-1 if(a(i:i).eq.' ') then if(count) iblk=iblk+1 a(i:i)='0' else count=.false. endif 1 continue return end ************************************************************************ *** orbit load and interpolation *************************************** ************************************************************************ subroutine lodorb(orbits,lorbit,nsat,nepoch,tstrt,tstop) *** load ephmeris in sp3 ascii format *** load only interval and satellites required implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(tiny=1.d-6) character*60 card logical getprn,delprn,scanbf parameter(ltab=32) dimension itlate(ltab),iprbuf(34) dimension orbits(lorbit) save /satstf/ common/satstf/tstr,tstp,dlt,t0mx,imx,npt,n2,nst,nep,it,ix,iy,iz,id common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs *** skip over the sp3 format header *** nloop is the number of satellites for each epoch, prns saved in ibuf read(leph,'(a60)') card read(leph,'(a60)') card read(leph,4) nloop,iprbuf 4 format(4x,i2,3x,17i3/9x,17i3) do 1 i=5,22 1 read(leph,'(a60)') card *** if prn in prn table but not in orbit iprbuf(), delete prn from table *** (situations where satellite not in orbit due to maneuver) *** ltab is the maximum value for a prn (32 possible sv prns) do 6 i=1,ltab if(getprn(i,iiprn).and..not.scanbf(i,iprbuf,nloop)) then if(.not.delprn(i,nsat)) stop 78439 write(lst,5) nsat 5 format('lodorb reset number of sats ==> ',i3) endif 6 continue *** now safe to build translation table for fast lookups do 2 i=1,ltab if(.not.getprn(i,iiprn)) then itlate(i)=0 else itlate(i)=iiprn endif 2 continue *** compute indicies for the orbit data block and load common it =1 ix =it+ nepoch iy =ix+nsat*nepoch iz =iy+nsat*nepoch id =iz+nsat*nepoch itotal=id+nsat*nepoch-1 nst=nsat nep=nepoch *** initialize the orbit data block to 0 (for safety) do 3 i=1,itotal 3 orbits(i)=0.d0 *** master loop over ephemeris file *** read the epoch headers, then find position records *** exit the loop after loading 'nepoch' epochs (counted by nt) nt=0 tstr=+1.d38 tstp=-1.d38 100 read(leph,'(a60)',end=777) card if(card(1:1).eq.'*') then read(card,103) iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec 103 format(3x,i4,4i3,f12.8) call civjts(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,tsec) *** check if within obs data common interval (tiny for safety) *** gps time stored in initial part of orbit data block (locations 1 --> nepoch) *** module assumes orbits in monotonically ascending time order if( then continue else nt=nt+1 orbits(nt)=tsec if( tstr=tsec if( tstp=tsec *** bypass satellites not observed (indicated by 0 entry in table) *** immediately make ephemeris data into meters and seconds do 10 i=1,nloop 101 read(leph,'(a60)') card if(card(1:1).eq.'*') stop 89756 if(card(1:1).ne.'P'.and.card(1:1).ne.'p') go to 101 read(card,102) is,x,y,z,dt 102 format(1x,i3,4f14.6) x=x*1000.d0 y=y*1000.d0 z=z*1000.d0 dt=dt/1.d6 iis=itlate(is) if( stop 89757 if( then call lodor2(nt,iis,x,y,z,dt, * orbits(ix),orbits(iy),orbits(iz),orbits(id)) endif 10 continue if(nt.eq.nepoch) go to 777 endif endif go to 100 *** end of file encountered 777 continue *** set remaining constants for index work dlt=dble( idnint((tstp-tstr)/(nep-1)) ) npt=9 n2=(npt-1)/2 imx=nep-npt+1 t0mx=(imx-1)*dlt+tstr *** initialize interpolation coefficients (hard coded for 9) call itrini return end subroutine lodor2(nt,iis,x,y,z,dt,xs,ys,zs,ds) *** place data into storage locations in orbit data block implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension xs(nep,nst),ys(nep,nst),zs(nep,nst),ds(nep,nst) save /satstf/ common/satstf/tstr,tstp,dlt,t0mx,imx,npt,n2,nst,nep,it,ix,iy,iz,id *** sanity checks on indicies in lodorb() xs(nt,iis)=x ys(nt,iis)=y zs(nt,iis)=z ds(nt,iis)=dt return end logical function scanbf(iprn,iprbuf,n) *** scan buffer of orbit header prn numbers for iprn implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension iprbuf(n) do 1 i=1,n if(iprn.eq.iprbuf(i)) then scanbf=.true. return endif 1 continue *** fell thru loop -- iprn not found scanbf=.false. return end logical function oterp(iprn,tsec,orbits,x,y,z,dt,ierr) *** interpolation of orbit *** iprn is prn identifier for a satellite *** input time, tsec, is gps time (maintained by usaf) w.r.t. mjd0 *** output (xyz) units of m in orbit reference system *** output (dt) units of sec *** data in /satstf/ loaded by lodsat() implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical getprn,oterp2 dimension orbits(*) save /satstf/ common/satstf/tstr,tstp,dlt,t0mx,imx,npt,n2,nst,nep,it,ix,iy,iz,id *** get internal sequence number of a satellite prn if(.not.getprn(iprn,iiprn)) then ierr=1 oterp=.false. return endif *** continue with interpolation if(.not.oterp2(iiprn,tsec, * orbits(it),orbits(ix),orbits(iy),orbits(iz),orbits(id), * x,y,z,dt,ierr)) then oterp=.false. else oterp=.true. endif return end logical function oterp2(is,tsec,ts,xs,ys,zs,ds,x,y,z,dt,ierr) *** orbit interpolation subroutine (called by oterp) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(tiny=1.d-2) dimension ts(nep),xs(nep,nst),ys(nep,nst),zs(nep,nst),ds(nep,nst) save /satstf/ common/satstf/tstr,tstp,dlt,t0mx,imx,npt,n2,nst,nep,it,ix,iy,iz,id common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs *** is -- internal sequence number for a satellite (1 <= is <= nst) *** nst -- number of satellite prns that were loaded *** nep -- number of orbit epochs that were loaded *** this line if bogus ****************** ts(1)=ts(1) *** satellite prn number not loaded from the sp3 file (1st epoch) r=xs(1,is)*xs(1,is)+ys(1,is)*ys(1,is)+zs(1,is)*zs(1,is) if(r.le.tiny) then ierr=2 oterp2=.false. return endif *** prevent extrapolation if( then ierr=3 oterp2=.false. return endif *** routine for finding index into table *** produces normalized time [0,1,...,8] --> should be 3.5 < tnorm < 4.5 i=(idnint((tsec-tstr)/dlt)+1)-n2 t0=(i-1)*dlt+tstr *** boundary conditions if( then i=1 t0=tstr elseif( then i=imx t0=t0mx endif t=(tsec-t0)/dlt call iterp9(t,xs(i,is),x) call iterp9(t,ys(i,is),y) call iterp9(t,zs(i,is),z) call iterp9(t,ds(i,is),dt) ierr=0 oterp2=.true. return end *********************************************************************** subroutine iterp9(t,xs,x) *** 9-th order interpolator -- equally-spaced points *** time normalized 0,1,...,8 -- should be 3.5 < t < 4.5 *** coefficents, c(), initialized by itrini -- see Ben Remondi dissertation *** patched 19-jan-96 for t exactly equal to 4.0 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(eps=1.d-13) dimension xs(9) save /coeff9/ common/coeff9/c(9) *** return stored value if t is exact integer time (avoid division by 0) intt=idnint(t) tint=dble(intt) if(dabs(t-tint).le.eps) then if( then x=xs(intt+1) return else stop 88998 endif endif *** normal interpolation powr=1.d0 x=0.d0 do 100 i=1,9 dt=(t-dble(i-1)) powr=dt*powr x=x+xs(i)/(c(i)*dt) 100 continue x=x*powr/24.d0 return end *********************************************************************** * subroutine iterp9(t,xs,x) *** 9-th order interpolator -- equally-spaced points *** time normalized 0,1,...,8 -- should be 3.5 < t < 4.5 *** coefficents, c(), initialized by itrini -- see Ben Remondi dissertation * implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) * dimension xs(9) * save /coeff9/ * common/coeff9/c(9) * powr=1.d0 * x=0.d0 * do 100 i=1,9 * dt=(t-dble(i-1)) * powr=dt*powr * x=x+xs(i)/(c(i)*dt) * 100 continue * x=x*powr/24.d0 * return * end *********************************************************************** subroutine itrini *** initialize coefficients for 9-th order "lagrangean" interpolator *** follows theory of Ben Remondi (c.f. his dissertation) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) save /coeff9/ common/coeff9/c(9) c(1)=40320.d0 /24.d0 c(2)=-5040.d0 /24.d0 c(3)= 1440.d0 /24.d0 c(4)= -720.d0 /24.d0 c(5)= 576.d0 /24.d0 c(6)= -720.d0 /24.d0 c(7)= 1440.d0 /24.d0 c(8)=-5040.d0 /24.d0 c(9)=40320.d0 /24.d0 return end ************************************************************************ *** time conversion **************************************************** ************************************************************************ subroutine setjd0(iyr,imo,idy) *** set the integer part of a modified julian date as epoch, mjd0 *** the modified julian day is derived from civil time as in civmjd() *** allows single number expression of time in seconds w.r.t. mjd0 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) integer y save /mjdoff/ common/mjdoff/mjd0 if( stop 34587 if(imo.le.2) then y=iyr-1 m=imo+12 else y=iyr m=imo endif it1=365.25d0*y it2=30.6001d0*(m+1) mjd=it1+it2+idy-679019 *** now set the epoch for future time computations mjd0=mjd return end subroutine civjts(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,tsec) *** convert civil date to time in seconds past mjd epoch, mjd0 *** requires initialization of mjd0 by setjd0() *** imo in range 1-12, idy in range 1-31 *** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 (leap year protocols) *** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 *** adapted from civmjd() implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) integer y save /mjdoff/ common/mjdoff/mjd0 if( stop 34589 if(imo.le.2) then y=iyr-1 m=imo+12 else y=iyr m=imo endif it1=365.25d0*y it2=30.6001d0*(m+1) mjd=it1+it2+idy-679019 tsec=(mjd-mjd0)*86400.d0+3600*ihr+60*imn+sec return end subroutine jtsciv(tsec,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) *** convert time in seconds past mjd0 epoch into civil date *** requires initialization of mjd0 by setjd0() *** imo in range 1-12, idy in range 1-31 *** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 *** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 *** adapted from mjdciv() implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) save /mjdoff/ common/mjdoff/mjd0 mjd=mjd0+tsec/86400.d0 *** the following equation preserves significant digits fmjd=dmod(tsec,86400.d0)/86400.d0 rjd=mjd+fmjd+2400000.5d0 ia=(rjd+0.5d0) ib=ia+1537 ic=(ib-122.1d0)/365.25d0 id=365.25d0*ic ie=(ib-id)/30.6001d0 *** the fractional part of a julian day is (fractional mjd + 0.5) *** therefore, fractional part of julian day + 0.5 is (fractional mjd) it1=ie*30.6001d0 idy=ib-id-it1+fmjd it2=ie/14.d0 imo=ie-1-12*it2 it3=(7+imo)/10.d0 iyr=ic-4715-it3 tmp=fmjd*24.d0 ihr=tmp tmp=(tmp-ihr)*60.d0 imn=tmp sec=(tmp-imn)*60.d0 return end ********************************************************************8 subroutine civmjd(iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,mjd,fmjd) *** convert civil date to modified julian date *** imo in range 1-12, idy in range 1-31 *** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-210 (leap year protocols) *** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 *** operation confirmed against table 3.3 values on pg.34 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) integer y if( stop 34588 if(imo.le.2) then y=iyr-1 m=imo+12 else y=iyr m=imo endif it1=365.25d0*y it2=30.6001d0*(m+1) mjd=it1+it2+idy-679019 fmjd=(3600*ihr+60*imn+sec)/86400.d0 return end subroutine mjdciv(mjd,fmjd,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) *** convert modified julian date to civil date *** imo in range 1-12, idy in range 1-31 *** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 *** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 *** operation confirmed for leap years (incl. year 2000) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) rjd=mjd+fmjd+2400000.5d0 ia=(rjd+0.5d0) ib=ia+1537 ic=(ib-122.1d0)/365.25d0 id=365.25d0*ic ie=(ib-id)/30.6001d0 *** the fractional part of a julian day is fractional mjd + 0.5 *** therefore, fractional part of julian day + 0.5 is fractional mjd it1=ie*30.6001d0 idy=ib-id-it1+fmjd it2=ie/14.d0 imo=ie-1-12*it2 it3=(7+imo)/10.d0 iyr=ic-4715-it3 tmp=fmjd*24.d0 ihr=tmp tmp=(tmp-ihr)*60.d0 imn=tmp sec=(tmp-imn)*60.d0 return end ************************************************************************ *** prn table handlers ************************************************* ************************************************************************ subroutine newprn *** initialize the table to zero length parameter(maxprn=32) save /prntab/ integer prns common/prntab/nprns,prns(maxprn) nprns=0 return end subroutine numprn(isize) *** return current size of table parameter(maxprn=32) save /prntab/ integer prns common/prntab/nprns,prns(maxprn) isize=nprns return end logical function getprn(prn,iprn) *** table lookup parameter(maxprn=32) integer prns,prn save /prntab/ common/prntab/nprns,prns(maxprn) iprn=1 100 if(iprn.le.nprns) then if(prn.eq.prns(iprn)) then getprn=.true. return else iprn=iprn+1 endif goto 100 endif *** fell thru table getprn=.false. return end logical function putprn(prn,idup) *** add entry to table *** idup is location of duplicate entry in list *** idup=0 indicates exceeded maximum length of list parameter(maxprn=32) integer prns,prn logical getprn save /prntab/ common/prntab/nprns,prns(maxprn) if(getprn(prn,iprn)) then idup=iprn putprn=.false. return else idup=0 if( then putprn=.false. return else nprns=iprn prns(nprns)=prn putprn=.true. endif endif return end logical function delprn(prn,isize) *** delete entry in table, return new size of table parameter(maxprn=32) integer prns,prn logical getprn save /prntab/ common/prntab/nprns,prns(maxprn) if(getprn(prn,iprn)) then do 1 i=iprn+1,nprns 1 prns(i-1)=prns(i) nprns=nprns-1 delprn=.true. isize=nprns return *** entry not in table -- no action else delprn=.false. isize=nprns endif return end integer function invprn(iprn) *** inverse table lookup parameter(maxprn=32) integer prns save /prntab/ common/prntab/nprns,prns(maxprn) *** given the index, return the prn number if( stop 74358 invprn=prns(iprn) return end ************************************************************************ *** reference satellite table handlers ********************************* ************************************************************************ subroutine openrs *** initialize reference satellite table implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(maxrst=100) save /rstab/ common/rstab/nrs,irs,tsvrfs(maxrst),isvrfs(maxrst) nrs=0 irs=0 return end subroutine sizers(n) *** report size of reference satellite table implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(maxrst=100) save /rstab/ common/rstab/nrs,irs,tsvrfs(maxrst),isvrfs(maxrst) n=nrs return end subroutine dumprs *** dump reference satellite table to output implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(maxrst=100) save /rstab/ common/rstab/nrs,irs,tsvrfs(maxrst),isvrfs(maxrst) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs ***** THIS IS DEBUG STUFF -- debug ***** write(lst,*) 'WARNING!! REF. SAT. RESET!!! -- 1' ***** isvrfs(1)=1 ***** THIS IS DEBUG STUFF -- debug *** report external sat numbers -- not internal write(lst,*) 'dump ref. sat. table nrs =',nrs write(lst,'(f9.2,i6)') tsvrfs(1),invprn(isvrfs(1)) do 1 i=2,nrs 1 write(lst,'(f9.2,i6,f12.2)') tsvrfs(i),invprn(isvrfs(i)), * tsvrfs(i)-tsvrfs(i-1) return end logical function putrs(isv,tsv,n) *** add reference satellite to end of list implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(maxrst=100) save /rstab/ common/rstab/nrs,irs,tsvrfs(maxrst),isvrfs(maxrst) *** first entry if(nrs.le.0) then nrs=1 irs=1 tsvrfs(nrs)=tsv isvrfs(nrs)=isv *** subsequent entry -- test if new sv elseif( then if( then putrs=.false. endif nrs=nrs+1 isvrfs(nrs)=isv tsvrfs(nrs)=tsv *** same sv, so just update the time else tsvrfs(nrs)=tsv endif *** return current size of table n=nrs putrs=.true. return end logical function getrs(isv,tsv) *** get reference satellite based on time *** 'irs' is current index -- used to optimize sequential search *** note: receivers should be synchronized to within "tiny" implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(tiny=0.2d0) parameter(maxrst=100) save /rstab/ common/rstab/nrs,irs,tsvrfs(maxrst),isvrfs(maxrst) if(nrs.le.0) stop 13598 if(nrs.eq.1) then isv=isvrfs(nrs) getrs=.true. return endif *** check for index reset -- look at prior time if( then if( irs=1 endif *** search current location 100 if(tsv.le.tsvrfs(irs)+tiny) then isv=isvrfs(irs) getrs=.true. return *** increment the index --- retry elseif( then irs=irs+1 go to 100 endif *** table exhausted getrs=.false. return end ************************************************************************ *** matrix mashers ***************************************************** ************************************************************************ subroutine writev(a,m) *** routine to write a vector implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension a(m) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs do 10 i=1,m 10 write(lst,1) a(i) 1 format(' ',1pd30.20) return end subroutine writem(a,m,n) *** routine to write a matrix implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension a(m,n) common/lus/lst,lpos,lrin1,lrin2,leph,lobs do 10 i=1,m 10 write(lst,1) (a(i,j),j=1,n) 1 format(' ',1p4d18.10) return end subroutine innerp(x,n,val) *** compute inner product of vector implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension x(n) val=0.d0 do 1 i=1,n 1 val=val+x(n)*x(n) return end subroutine ab(a,b,r,l,m,n) *** form the matrix product r=ab *** the matrices a and b are returned unchanged implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension a(l,m),b(m,n),r(l,n) do 5 i=1,l do 5 j=1,n r(i,j)=0.d0 do 5 k=1,m 5 r(i,j)=r(i,j)+a(i,k)*b(k,j) return end subroutine invert(a,n) *** routine to invert a matrix in place implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension a(n,n) do 2 i=1,n aii=1.d0/a(i,i) a(i,i)=aii do 2 j=1,n if(i.eq.j) go to 2 aji=a(j,i)*aii a(j,i)=aji do 1 k=1,n if(i.eq.k) go to 1 a(j,k)=a(j,k)-aji*a(i,k) if( go to 1 a(i,k)=-aii*a(i,k) 1 continue 2 continue ann=-a(n,n) k=n-1 do 3 j=1,k 3 a(n,j)=ann*a(n,j) return end subroutine nrmal2(an,u,d,f,p,bw,lc,nd,n) *** form normals for observation equations one observation at a time *** *****(nx + u = 0)***** *** n=a'pa (n matrix stored in an) *** u=a'pl (l stored in f) *** calling sequence *** 1) call nitial (one time to clear normals) *** 2) call normal (once for each observation) *** 3) call fill (one time to fill in lower triangular) *** *** d = non-zero elements of a row of the a matrix *** lc= column numbers of non-zero elements in d. elements *** of lc must be in ascending order and correspond to *** d, i.e., d(j) is the non-zero element in column lc(j) *** nd= number of elements in d and lc *** n = order of the system (number of unknowns) *** bw= l'pl accumulated (basement window) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension an(n,n),u(n),d(nd),lc(nd) pf=p*f bw=bw+f*pf do 5 i=1,nd li=lc(i) u(li)=u(li)+d(i)*pf do 5 j=i,nd lj=lc(j) 5 an(li,lj)=an(li,lj) + d(i)*d(j)*p return *** clear normals entry nitil2(an,u,bw,n) do 10 i=1,n u(i)=0.d0 do 10 j=i,n 10 an(i,j)=0.d0 bw=0.d0 return *** fill in the lower triangular portion of an entry fill(an,n) do 15 i=1,n do 15 j=i,n 15 an(j,i)=an(i,j) return end