program cmc2rin *** convert cmc log file into rinex implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*6 verdat logical lhdr dimension nmess(0:255) byte b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,buff(255+4) *** version date verdat='060120' lin=1 lrnx=2 open(lin, file='z.log',form='binary',status='old') open(lrnx,file='z.obs',form='formatted',status='unknown') 1 write(*,'(a$)') ' GPS week = ' read(*,*,err=1) igwk if(igwk.le.0) go to 1 pgpstx=0.d0 call croini call rinhdr(lrnx,verdat,lhdr) do 2 i=1,255 2 nmess(i)=0 *** *** loop over messages until eof *** *** read message block header, message, and checksum 100 read(lin,end=777) b1,b2,b3 200 read(lin,end=777) b4 if( then b1=b2 b2=b3 b3=b4 go to 200 endif messid=mybyte(b2) meslen=mybyte(b4) if( then !*** no read payload if 0 length nmess(messid)=nmess(messid)+1 if(messid.eq.23.or.messid.eq.151) then !*** if MSB set 1 call do23(lin,lrnx,igwk,lhdr,pgpstx) else read(lin,end=777) (buff(i),i=1+4,meslen+4) endif endif read(lin,end=777) b5,b6 go to 100 *** end of file encountered 777 continue do 3 i=0,255 if(nmess(i).gt.0) write(*,*) 'id=',i,' count=',nmess(i) 3 continue if(nmess(23).eq.0) write(*,*) 'No Type 23 messages found.' end subroutine do23(lin,lrnx,igwk,lhdr,pgpstx) *** process message 23 (measurement data block) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(cr=1023000*2048.d0,sol=299792458.d0,maxsat=12,iepflg=0) dimension iprns(maxsat),phases(maxsat),ll1s(maxsat), * isnrs(maxsat),prs(maxsat) logical lhdr byte b1,b2,b3 logical dec5,lstlok,oppsgn *** 2 reserved bytes, then number of satellites read(lin) b1,b2,b3 nsv=mybyte(b3) *** predicted gps time in seconds of week read(lin) pgpst if( return if(mod(idnint(pgpst),5).eq.0) then dec5=.true. else dec5=.false. endif *** gps week rollover if pred. gps time decreases if( igwk=igwk+1 pgpstx=pgpst call sowciv(igwk,pgpst,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) *** loop over satellite blocks do 100 isv = 1,nsv ***** read and parse read(lin) b1,b2,icode,icarr,b3 iprn =iand(b1,2#00111111)+1 isnr =mybyte(b2) icflag=iand(icarr,2#00000000000000000000000000000011) icfrac=iand(icarr,2#00000000000000000000111111111100) icfrac=ishc(icfrac,-2) iccycl=iand(icarr,2#11111111111111111111000000000000) iccycl=ishc(iccycl,-12) nslip =mybyte(b3) ***** interpret iprns(isv)=iprn oppsgn=.false. if(icflag.eq.0) then lstlok=.false. else lstlok=.true. endif ll1s(isv)=ll1phs(lstlok,oppsgn) isnrs(isv)=mapsnr(isnr) phases(isv)=dble(iccycl)+icfrac/1024.d0 call crofix(iprn,phases(isv)) prsec=dmod(pgpst,1.d0) - (icode/cr) if( prsec=prsec+1.d0 prs(isv)=prsec*sol 100 continue ***** output loop -- adjust output time for display ***** -- prevent 60.0 sec displays if(dec5) then igwkn=igwk pgpstn=pgpst if( pgpstn=pgpstn+0.0000000499d0 if( then pgpstn=pgpstn-604800.d0 igwkn=igwkn+1 endif call sowciv(igwkn,pgpstn,iyrn,imon,idyn,ihrn,imnn,secn) if(lhdr) call rinhd2(lrnx,iyrn,imon,idyn,ihrn,imnn,secn,lhdr) write(lrnx,'(5i3,f11.7,i3,i3,12(''G'',i2))') * mod(iyrn,100),imon,idyn,ihrn,imnn,secn,iepflg,nsv, * (iprns(i),i=1,nsv) do 200 isv = 1,nsv write(lrnx,'(f14.3,2i1,f14.3)') * phases(isv),ll1s(isv),isnrs(isv),prs(isv) 200 continue endif return end subroutine rinhdr(lrn,verdat,lhdr) *** rinex header implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*6 verdat logical lhdr integer*2 iyr2,imo2,idy2,ihr2,imn2,isc2,ish2 call getdat(iyr2,imo2,idy2) call gettim(ihr2,imn2,isc2,ish2) write(lrn,'(a,a)') * ' 2.10 OBSERVATION DATA G (GPS) ', * 'RINEX VERSION / TYPE' write(lrn,'(a,a,a,i4,2i2.2,i3.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2 ,a,a)') * 'cmc2rin ',verdat,' your name here ', * iyr2,imo2,idy2,ihr2,':',imn2,':',isc2,'ET ', * 'PGM / RUN BY / DATE' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * 'XXXX ', * 'MARKER NAME' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * '0001 ', * 'MARKER NUMBER' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * 'your name here ', * 'OBSERVER / AGENCY' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * 'nnnnn CMC SUPERSTAR OEM 100-600266-opt14 ', * 'REC # / TYPE / VERS' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * 'AT575-70CMCW AeroAntenna Tech. ', * 'ANT # / TYPE' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * ' 1095790.2358 -4831326.5883 4003934.2615 ', * 'APPROX POSITION XYZ' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * ' 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ', * 'ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * ' 2 0 ', * 'WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * ' 2 L1 C1 ', * '# / TYPES OF OBSERV' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * ' 5.0000 ', * 'INTERVAL' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * 'Forced Modulo Decimation to 5 seconds ', * 'COMMENT' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * ' SNR is mapped to RINEX snr flag value [1-9] ', * 'COMMENT' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * ' L1: 0 dBHz = 1; 32 dBHz = 5; 64 dBHz = 9 ', * 'COMMENT' *** enable header writing second part lhdr=.true. return end subroutine rinhd2(lrn,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,lhdr) *** rinex header implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical lhdr write(lrn,'(5i6.2,f13.7,a,a)') * iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec,' GPS ', * 'TIME OF FIRST OBS' write(lrn,'(a,a)') * ' ', * 'END OF HEADER' *** disable any more header writing lhdr=.false. return end integer function ll1phs(lstlok,oppsgn) *** ll1 rinex code for phase data (assume A/S is always on) ********************************************************* *** Loss of lock indicator (LLI). Range: 0-7 *** 0 or blank: OK or not known *** Bit 0 set : Lost lock between previous and *** current observation: cycle slip *** possible *** Bit 1 set : Opposite wavelength factor to the *** one defined for the satellite by a *** previous WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2 line. *** Valid for the current epoch only. *** Bit 2 set : Observation under Antispoofing *** (may suffer from increased noise) *** *** Bits 0 and 1 for phase only. ********************************************************* implicit integer(a-z) logical lstlok,oppsgn ll1phs=0 if(lstlok) ll1phs=ll1phs+1 if(oppsgn) ll1phs=ll1phs+2 *** assume A/S is always on ll1phs=ll1phs+4 return end integer function mapsnr(isnr) *** map snr to rinex interval *** 0 dBHz = 1; 32 dBHz = 5; 64 dBHz = 9 *** CMC snr is range 0..255 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) mapsnr = idnint(isnr/32.d0)+1 return end integer function mybyte(b) *** convert byte to integer byte b if( then mybyte=b+256 else mybyte=b endif return end *********************************************************************** *** *** carrier phase rollover handlers *** subroutine croini *** initialize carrier phase rollover handler implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(maxprn=32) save /crotab/ common/crotab/phsx(maxprn),nros(maxprn) do 1 i=1,maxprn nros(i)=0 phsx(i)=0.d0 1 continue return end subroutine crofix(iprn,phs) *** update carrier phase for rollover slips implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(idelc=1048576) parameter(tol=dble(idelc*0.9d0)) parameter(maxprn=32) save /crotab/ common/crotab/phsx(maxprn),nros(maxprn) if( stop 98463 *** detect new phase rollover if((phs-phsx(iprn)).gt. tol) nros(iprn) = nros(iprn)-1 if((phs-phsx(iprn)).lt.-tol) nros(iprn) = nros(iprn)+1 *** store orig. phase and correct for rollover history phsx(iprn)=phs if(nros(iprn).ne.0) phs = phs + nros(iprn)*idelc return end *********************************************************************** subroutine sowciv(igwk,sow,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) *** convert gps week/seconds of week to civil implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(mjd6jan80=44244) *** fmjdg computation preserves digits mjd = igwk*7 + sow/86400.d0 + mjd6jan80 fmjd = dmod(sow,86400.d0)/86400.d0 call mjdciv(mjd,fmjd,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) return end subroutine mjdciv(mjd,fmjd,iyr,imo,idy,ihr,imn,sec) *** convert modified julian date to civil date *** imo in range 1-12, idy in range 1-31 *** only valid in range mar-1900 thru feb-2100 *** ref: hofmann-wellenhof, 2nd ed., pg 34-35 *** operation confirmed for leap years (incl. year 2000) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) rjd=mjd+fmjd+2400000.5d0 ia=(rjd+0.5d0) ib=ia+1537 ic=(ib-122.1d0)/365.25d0 id=365.25d0*ic ie=(ib-id)/30.6001d0 *** the fractional part of a julian day is fractional mjd + 0.5 *** therefore, fractional part of julian day + 0.5 is fractional mjd it1=ie*30.6001d0 idy=ib-id-it1+fmjd it2=ie/14.d0 imo=ie-1-12*it2 it3=(7+imo)/10.d0 iyr=ic-4715-it3 tmp=fmjd*24.d0 ihr=tmp tmp=(tmp-ihr)*60.d0 imn=tmp sec=(tmp-imn)*60.d0 return end